Homosexuality... Zionism's gateway to moral corruption Featured

By Amer Shemakh December 05, 2024 2663


Islam prohibits homosexuality, or the actions of the people of Lot, because it prevents marriage and interrupts reproduction, which is a great corruption and goes against Allah's intent. Allah created human beings and commanded them to cultivate the universe, and the preservation of lineage is considered one of the five essential needs in Islam. Allah Almighty has also commanded that a man is for a woman and a woman is for a man, and not for the same gender to connect with each other.

Islam has also prohibited homosexuality due to its filth and impurity, and because of the psychological harms and physical ailments it causes, which doctors have identified by the dozens, with AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, and others at the forefront. For this reason, Islam denies any sexual relationship that is not based on a lawful marriage; ( And those who guard their private parts. Except from their wives and their right hand possessions, for then, they are free from blame. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors.) [Al-Mu’minun: 5-7]. Allah - the Exalted - created people with an upright nature, so if anyone experiences a deviation of any kind, it is the result of their actions, their environment, their devils, and their commanding self; (Why do you ˹men˺ lust after fellow men, leaving the wives that your Lord has created for you? In fact, you are a transgressing people.) [Ash-Shu’ara: 165-166], (And ˹remember˺ Lot, when he rebuked ˹the men of˺ his people, Do you commit that shameful deed while you can see ˹one another˺? Do you really lust after men instead of women? In fact, you are ˹only˺ a people acting ignorantly.) [An-Naml: 54-55]. The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever you find committing the act of the people of Lot, kill the one who does it and the one to whom it is done” [Abu Dawood].

Deliberate Moral Destruction

The Jews have consistently sought, in every era and place, to undermine religions, promote atheism, and spread immorality and sins. This is what the Holy Quran has alluded to in several places in the context of their jealousy towards Muslims, their treachery, and their disbelief: "Many among the People of the Book wish they could turn you ˹believers˺ back to disbelief because of their envy, after the truth has been made clear to them. Pardon and bear with them until Allah delivers His decision. Surely Allah is Most Capable of everything." [Al-Baqarah: 109]. They have pledged from generation to generation to mislead others, to distance them from the blessing of guidance, and to entangle them in moral crimes and the mire of debauchery; thus, ensuring their control over them by leading them away from their natural instincts and making them slaves to their sexual desires. Consequently, they abandon their religious values and social customs, which leads to the abolition of marriage and the destruction of the family— the pillar of society— not to mention the health, psychological, and economic devastation that this moral destruction causes to communities.

The destructive role of Zionism became particularly clear with the advent of globalization, as the voices advocating for the rights of homosexuals grew louder, supported by social media. This represents a relentless effort to spread this phenomenon by linking it to standards of freedom and human rights, posing a significant danger to youth and even children who frequent these platforms.

 Decoration of Abominations

Under the orders and directives of the "Global Masonry," which is a secret Zionist organization aiming to ensure Jewish control over the world, plans and costs for its responsible and influential members around the world are piling up to spread immorality in all its forms, to sanctify sex, and to allow sexual relations between men and women without marriage contracts. They support the freedom to engage in homosexuality and promote the abandonment of shame concerning nudity by launching what is known as "nudist clubs." Consequently, there has emerged a "lobby" for homosexuality in the West, estimated at about 15% of its population, including rulers, ministers, and celebrities. According to American demographer (Garrett Gates, 2005): "Thirty years ago, if I lived in the Midwest and was gay, I would think about moving to San Francisco or New York. Today, anyone can go to Kansas and find an open and active gay community." Many of their governments have recognized the marriages of these abominations, and many of these weddings are held in their churches officiated by priests and bishops.

Exporting corruptions

For some time now, they have been trying to export these corruptions to our societies. We are not exaggerating if we say that they have achieved, through official channels, many of their goals in this scheme, sometimes through persuasion and other times through intimidation. Some of our own people flatter the global system by adopting some of these ideas to prove their allegiance to what is known as "international law" and international declarations related to human rights. Some yield under pressure and implement their agenda by accepting foreign funding for deviant associations or participating in international conferences that endorse this depravity and promote its terminology or engaging with artistic and dramatic works that incorporate forbidden sexuality into their productions.

Who promotes this abomination? 

The history of Jews in promoting pornography and perversion is filled with evidence confirming that they are the founders of this crime worldwide, its patrons, and those who profit from it, both materially, politically, and religiously. The first film defending homosexuals (in Germany, in 1919) was produced and directed by the Jewish (Richard Oswald), and the first film that referred to lesbianism (in Hollywood, in 1922) was directed by the Jewish (Cecil B. DeMille). In the 1960s, the Jewish (Doris Wishman) became a pioneer in directing nude films. 

In the 1960s and the following decade saw a wide spread of this type of film following the proliferation of projection devices, with Jews leading this spread. The Freemasons among them took the initiative in promoting homosexuality and sexual deviances, advocating for sexual contact with children and incest, and erasing traditional values in education and media. Among these were well-known Jewish thinkers such as (Thomas Golly, Erich Fromm, Jürgen Habermas, Max Horkheimer), and others. This prompted American Rabbi Daniel Lapin to acknowledge that the most important organizations advocating for homosexuality, lesbianism, and others calling for reproductive freedom are Jewish organizations. He stated: “Thus, many of those enthusiastic about the radical homosexual agenda, increasing moral corruption, and expanded abortion rights are Jews.” 

Jewish deliberate corruption

It is not a coincidence that the first leader of a global LGBTQ organization was the Jewish "Magnus Hirschfeld," who was the first to advocate in the 1930s for the enactment of laws that protect the rights of homosexuals. He found in promoting this agenda the best scheme for corrupting morals and destroying the values and ideals of societies. It is also not a coincidence that Jews dominate the pornography industry in the world, and that key figures in this field are Zionists, some of whom openly call for the dissolution of the family institution and the reformation of traditional marriage. The Jewish "Masha Gessen" states: "The institution of marriage will change, and it should change, and once again, I don’t think it should exist." The Jewish "Alan Yang" states: "In a free society, everyone will be queer."

In 1957, the homosexual Jewish "Frank Kamini" was expelled from the U.S. Army for the same reasons, as he was an advocate for bestiality. Interestingly, he pressured the "American Psychological Association" to classify homosexuality as a normal sexual activity. More surprisingly, he was one of the founders of the first organization defending homosexuals in America (the Mattachine Society), which also coincidentally advocates for destructive ideologies such as Marxism and anarchism and has branches in most countries around the world.

 Homosexuality as a Tool to Whitewash the Face of the Zionist Entity

Some may raise a question: If we assume that the Jews use homosexuality as a cover for their plan to corrupt the world and destroy others, then why do they allow this vice to spread among themselves, especially since the Zionist entity has become a destination for deviants and their main meeting point in Asia?

This question is answered by Jewish Professor "Eyal Gross," a law professor at "Tel Aviv University," who states: "The rights of homosexuals have become a public relations tool for Israel." This statement is accurate and is confirmed by reality; the Jews who always exploit the religion of Allah, who believe in part of the scripture and disbelieve in part, and who trade the verses of Allah for a small price, and who have betrayed their prophets for a small worldly gain, are willing to do anything to whitewash the image of their usurping entity and to present the state of "Israel" to the world as a beacon of freedom and a refuge for democracy. They want to show that what is said about their use of violence against the Palestinians is merely slander.

On one hand, the official acceptance of homosexuality and the enactment of laws permitting it is aimed at supporting tourism, a goal that has been established for approximately two decades. This support began with an annual celebration known as the "Pride Parade," held in "Tel Aviv," which attracts tens of thousands of foreign tourists.

Many believe that the support for deviation from the Zionist entity is a temporary goal that conceals a larger objective. Just as they previously supported communism and other movements to undermine regimes and spread chaos, they are now supporting deviants to fulfill the dream of Jews in inaugurating the myth of "Greater Israel," or what they call the "Kingdom of David and Solomon." There are groups among these deviants advocating for the construction of special temples for themselves specifically in the city of Jerusalem, paving the way for even larger demands concerning Al-Aqsa and the holy city, after they have deceived everyone under the guise of the idea of deviation that has been embraced and celebrated by millions around the world.


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Last modified on Thursday, 05 December 2024 08:40