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Zionist-American Scheme for the New Middle East Featured

By Dr. Abdulwahab Al-Messiri December 05, 2024 3244

Recently, the term "the New Middle East" has been frequent, which is a descendant of a group of other terms such as "New World Order" and "Greater Middle East."

We thought that such terms had been buried forever, but after the "Israeli" attack on Lebanon in the recent war, the US Secretary of State announced that the New Middle East would be born from the womb of this war. What is this New Middle East? Is it really new?!

It can be said with great certainty: Western strategy towards the Islamic world since the mid-nineteenth century is based on the belief in the necessity of dividing the Arab and Islamic world into different ethnic and religious entities for easier control.

"Israel" has been planted in the heart of this region to achieve this goal. An Arab world characterized by a level of cohesion and forms of unity means that it will constitute a strategic, economic, and military weight, and will be an obstacle to Western colonial ambitions.

In the context of unity and cohesion, "Israel" becomes a foreign body that the region rejects, hindering it from fulfilling its functional role as a base for Western interests. In the context of an Arab world divided into ethnic and religious entities, where the region reverts to pre-Islamic conquest times, with a Pharaonic state in Egypt, an Assyrian-Babylonian state in Iraq, an Aramaic state in Syria, and a Phoenician state in Lebanon, with a cohesive Hebrew state supported militarily by the United States in Palestine.

In the context of division, the Zionist settler state, planted in the Arab body, becomes a natural and even leading state. The division is essentially a process of normalization for the Zionist state, which suffers from its structural anomaly, as a foreign body implanted in the Arab region.

As Shimon Peres said: "The Arabs have experienced fifty years of Egyptian leadership in the region, so let them experience Israeli leadership, and this is the vision proposed by Bernard Lewis from the seventies, adopted by the new conservatives, and within which US policy revolves."

It seems that the United States, after experiencing the bitterness of failure in Iraq and Afghanistan, has decided to entrust "Israel" with implementing its colonial plan, by destroying Lebanon and its government to turn it into a democratic country in the Iraqi style, meaning it revolves around American interests.

The Arab domino pieces are falling one after the other, as predicted by Bernard Lewis, and William Kristol (from the new conservatives) confirms that this is an opportunity for the United States to take the initiative in the region once again.

In an article titled "The United States Conspiring with Israel to Smash Lebanon," American commentator Paul Craig Roberts (on July 25, 2006) says that what we are seeing in the Middle East is the implementation of the new conservative plan to crush any trace of Arab Islamic independence, and to eliminate any opposition to the "Israeli" agenda.

This view of the Middle East is based on the belief that history is completely stopped in this region, and that the Arab people will remain just a tool in the hands of most of their rulers who blindly follow the United States.

This Arab East is just a space or region without a history or common heritage, inhabited by religious and ethnic groups with no connection or historical memory or sense of dignity, as the Arab is a materialistic creature driven by economic motives.

This is the framework in which Ralph Peters operates, a retired officer with the rank of colonel, who has outlined a plan to redraw the map of the Middle East. The significance of the article lies not in its depth or feasibility, but in revealing what promoters of the New Middle East have in mind, especially since it was written by a person who was working in the US military intelligence.
Peter starts by referring to what he calls the great injustice that befell minorities when the Middle East was divided in the early twentieth century (referring to the Sykes-Picot Agreement), pointing out that these minorities are the groups or peoples who were deceived when the first division took place. He mentions the most important ones: the Kurds, Arab Shiites, Christians in the Middle East, Baha'is, Ismailis, and Nusayris. Peter sees a strong hatred between religious and ethnic groups in the region towards each other, and therefore believes that the Middle East should be re-divided based on its heterogeneous population structure based on religions, sects, nationalities, and minorities, in order to restore peace to the region. The hidden model here is the Zionist state based on religion, nationalism, and their fusion.

Peter then presents his map for the new Middle East, speaking about dividing Iraq into three parts: a Kurdish state in the north, a Shiite state in the south, and a Sunni state in the middle that will eventually join Syria over time.

He describes Saudi Arabia as an unnatural state, and suggests that Mecca and Medina be carved out of it to establish a "Sacred Islamic State" with a council led by representatives of major Islamic movements and schools alternating at the helm. The council would be a kind of "Supreme Islamic Vatican".

He also suggests adding the land taken from northern Saudi Arabia to Jordan, and taking land from the south of the country to be added to Yemen, and the eastern part of the country will not be spared either, as oil fields will be taken from them for the benefit of an Arab Shiite state.

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan will retain its territories and add land from northern Saudi Arabia to it, and the future of the West Bank will be linked to it.

As for the Emirates, Peter calls them the "City State" (resembling ancient Greek cities), some of which may be integrated into the Arab Shiite state that surrounds the Persian Gulf and will become a balancing force against the Persian state without becoming its ally.

Dubai, on the other hand, will be allowed to remain a playground for the wealthy (as mentioned), while Oman and Kuwait will each retain their territories. Iran is expected, according to this hellish project, to lose a lot of its land in favor of Unified Azerbaijan, Free Kurdistan, the Arab Shiite state, and Free Baluchistan, but it will gain land from Afghanistan around Herat. Ralph Peters suggests that Iran will eventually become ethnically Persian once again.

Peter concludes by saying that modifying borders based on people's desires may be impossible, but new borders may emerge over time. Adjusting the borders of the greater Middle East based on natural blood ties and religious beliefs is an urgent necessity to stop bloodshed. And that is why the United States and its allies bear responsibility.

He ends his plan by saying: Our soldiers, men and women, will continue the war for security and peace against terrorism, for the opportunity to spread democracy, and for the freedom to access oil resources in an area destined to fight itself.
