Islam has prohibited homosexuality, known as the act of the people of Lot, as it disrupts the institution of marriage, prevents procreation, and leads to significant corruption. It goes against Allah's purpose for humanity, which is to populate and cultivate the earth. The preservation of lineage is one of the five essential objectives of Islamic law. Allah has decreed that men are for women and women are for men, not that one gender should seek relations with the same gender.
Islam also forbids homosexuality due to its impurity and the psychological and physical harms it entails, including numerous medical conditions like AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, and others. For this reason, Islam disapproves of any sexual relationship that is not based on a legitimate marriage: “And they who guard their private parts – except from their wives or those their right hands possess, for indeed, they will not be blamed. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors.” [Surah Al-Mu’minun: 5-7]
Allah has created humans on a pure and sound nature, and any deviation from this is a result of one’s environment, actions, desires, and the whispers of Satan: “Do you approach males among the worlds and leave what your Lord has created for you as mates? But you are a people transgressing.” [Surah Ash-Shu’ara: 165-166] “Do you commit immorality while you are seeing? Do you indeed approach men with desire instead of women? Rather, you are a people behaving ignorantly.” [Surah An-Naml: 54-55], the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did, kill the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.” [Sunan Abu Dawood]
Deliberate Moral Decay
Throughout history, Jews have been known to undermine religions, spread atheism, and promote immorality. The Quran mentions their envy of Muslims and their betrayal: “Many of the People of the Scripture wish they could turn you back to disbelief after you have believed, out of envy from themselves [even] after the truth has become clear to them.” [Surah Al-Baqarah: 109]
Generation after generation, they have worked to misguide others, pulling them away from divine guidance into the abyss of immorality. This strategy ensures their control over societies by stripping people of their pure nature and making them slaves to their desires. This leads to the abandonment of religious values and social traditions, the elimination of marriage, and the destruction of family structures, which are the foundation of society. Such moral decay also devastates communities physically, mentally, and economically.
The advent of globalization highlighted this destructive role, as voices advocating for homosexual rights grew louder, supported by social media platforms. These efforts falsely linked homosexuality to the principles of freedom and human rights, posing a grave danger to youth and even children who frequent these platforms.
Promoting Immorality
Under the directives of the "Global Freemasonry," a secret Zionist organization aiming to ensure Jewish domination of the world, plans are consistently executed to promote vice in all its forms, glorify sexual freedom, and normalize illicit relationships outside of marriage. This includes the advocacy of homosexuality and the rejection of modesty by establishing “nudist clubs.”
Today, a powerful LGBTQ lobby exists in the West, comprising approximately 15% of its population, including politicians, ministers, and celebrities. For instance, the American demographer Gary Gates noted in 2005: “Thirty years ago, if I were gay and living in the Midwest, I would think of moving to San Francisco or New York. Today, one can go to Kansas and find an open and active LGBTQ community.”
Many Western governments have legalized same-sex marriage, with some ceremonies even taking place in churches and being officiated by priests and bishops.
For decades, there has been an attempt to export this moral decay to Muslim societies. Unfortunately, they have achieved significant progress through official channels, employing both incentives and coercion. Some individuals from within Muslim communities align themselves with the global agenda by adopting such ideas to demonstrate loyalty to so-called "international law" and declarations on human rights. Others succumb to external pressures, accepting foreign funding for deviant organizations or participating in international conferences that endorse homosexuality. Additionally, some collaborate with media and entertainment industries that incorporate forbidden sexual relationships into their content.
Who Promotes This Immorality?
Jewish history is rife with evidence of their role in spreading immorality and homosexuality. They are the founders, supporters, and beneficiaries of these corrupt practices—economically, politically, and religiously. The first film defending homosexuality (Germany, 1919) was produced and directed by the Jewish filmmaker Richard Oswald. Similarly, the first Hollywood film depicting lesbianism (1922) was directed by the Jewish Cecil B. DeMille.
During the 1960s and 1970s, the rise of adult film production saw Jewish dominance in the industry, led by figures like Doris Wishman. Jewish Freemasons were also at the forefront of promoting homosexuality, pedophilia, incest, and the erosion of traditional values in education and media. Notable Jewish thinkers like Thomas Jolly, Erich Fromm, Jürgen Habermas, and Max Horkheimer played key roles in advancing these destructive ideas.
American Rabbi Daniel Lapin even acknowledged that many of the most vocal advocates for radical LGBTQ agendas and expanded abortion rights are Jewish.
Jewish Corruption
It is no coincidence that the head of the first global homosexual organization was the Jewish figure Magnus Hirschfeld, who in the 1930s was the first to advocate for enacting laws to protect homosexuals. He saw the promotion of this crime as the best plan to corrupt morals and destroy the values and ideals of societies. Similarly, it is no coincidence that Jews dominate the pornography industry globally, with major figures in this field being Zionists. Among them are those who openly call for dismantling the family institution and altering the traditional structure of marriage. For instance, the Jewish figure Masha Gessen stated, "The institution of marriage will change, and it should change, and once again, I do not believe it should exist." Similarly, the Jewish figure Allen Young said, "In a free society, everyone would be homosexual."
In 1957, the homosexual Jewish figure Frank Kameny was expelled from the U.S. military for the same reason. Astonishingly, he advocated for bestiality and pressured the American Psychological Association to classify homosexuality as a natural sexual activity. Even more surprising is that he was one of the founders of the first organization defending homosexuals in America, the Mattachine Society, which also—coincidentally—promotes destructive ideologies like Marxism and Anarchism. This society has since established branches in most countries worldwide.
Homosexuality as a Tool to Whitewash the Zionist Regime
If we accept that Jews use homosexuality as a cover for their plan to corrupt the world and destroy others, why do they allow this immorality to spread among them, considering that the Zionist entity has become a haven for homosexuals and their primary meeting point in Asia?
This question is answered by the Jewish professor Eyal Gross, a law professor at Tel Aviv University, who says: "LGBT rights have become a public relations tool for Israel." This statement is accurate and is supported by reality. Jews, who have always exploited the religion of Allah, believing in part of the Book while disbelieving in others, and exchanging Allah's revelations for a trivial gain—betraying their prophets for fleeting worldly benefits—are willing to do anything to whitewash the image of their usurping entity. They aim to present the state of "Israel" to the world as a beacon of freedom and a haven for democracy, countering accusations regarding its use of violence against Palestinians as mere fabrications.
From another perspective, the official acceptance of homosexuality and the legalization of its practice is primarily aimed at boosting tourism. This goal was established nearly two decades ago, beginning with an annual event known as the "Pride Parade," held in Tel Aviv, which attracts tens of thousands of foreign tourists.
In the view of many, the Zionist state's support for homosexuality is a temporary objective masking a larger goal. Just as they previously supported communism and other ideologies to dismantle systems and spread chaos, they now support homosexuals to achieve the Jewish dream of establishing the myth of "Greater Israel," or what they call the "Kingdom of David and Solomon." Among these homosexuals are groups calling for the construction of their own temples specifically in Jerusalem, as a precursor to even greater demands concerning Al-Aqsa and the holy city. This comes after they have deceived the masses under the guise of homosexuality, a concept that millions worldwide will have embraced and championed.