Zionism's Role in Dismantling the Family Structure

By Ihsan Al -Faqih January 08, 2025 259


No doubt, the Zionist movement is founded on the dream of controlling the world, supported by its influence over international institutions, organizations, and the corridors of politics in major countries, in addition to its dominance in the global economy and media.

Since the family is the link between the individual and society and the nucleus of any community, the Jews have focused their efforts on destroying the family to weaken and ruin nations. A review of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion reveals their statement: “We shall destroy family life among the Gentiles and corrupt its educational significance.” (1)

Although some question the authenticity of these protocols, reality testifies to the realization of most of their content, which strengthens the argument for their attribution to the masterminds of Zionism.

There are many tools Zionism used to dismantle and destroy families, including:

  1. Corrupting Beliefs

One of the primary tools used by Zionism to destroy the family is corrupting beliefs. This effort has been ongoing for centuries. They are the ones who “produced Paul, who abrogated Christianity and transformed it from a monotheistic religion to a pagan one. They also planted Abdullah ibn Saba in the heart of the Muslim world, who founded esoteric sects within Islamic society, nearly erasing divine beliefs from the hearts of Muslims.” (2)

One of the most prominent tools used by Zionism to undermine the institution of family is corrupting beliefs.

Through theories like Marx’s economic materialism, Freud’s psychological theories, Darwin’s theory of evolution, and others, along with the promotion of secularism worldwide, Jews have corrupted the beliefs of nations and spread atheism.

These misguided and misleading ideas penetrate families directly through the imposition of educational curricula that include such concepts. For example, Darwin’s theory of evolution is presented as a significant scientific achievement, sowing doubt in the hearts of many young people.

Additionally, the film industry plays a role in embedding the idea of respecting all faiths, even those based on the worship of idols, cows, humans, or even Satan. It also promotes the notion that religion is purely a spiritual relationship between an individual and Allah, resulting in generations being raised with the idea of separating religion from daily life. Consequently, this has led to the disregard of the moral principles brought by Islam.


  1. Redefining the Family

A family, as commonly understood, is a social institution consisting of a man and a woman who meet the Sharia conditions for marriage, with each fulfilling their rights and responsibilities. This also includes their legitimate incoming offspring.

However, in United Nations literature—an organization influenced by Zionism—the concept of family is presented differently as a human right. It dismisses the traditional concept of family as something exclusive to “backward Islamic societies” and portrays it as an obstacle to modernity.

Based on this, the UN's concept of family includes relationships such as cohabitation without marriage, same-sex unions, or other forms of partnerships. Zionist-driven organizations push Arab and Islamic nations to accept these new definitions of family, often through global conferences on population and development held in Muslim countries. These conferences aim to redefine family structures beyond the boundaries set by divine legislation.

Zionism works to complicate the institution of marriage and promotes delaying the age of marriage for women.

Unfortunately, Muslims have been partially influenced by these destructive ideas, leading to a frightening prevalence of extramarital relationships in our reality.

To achieve this, Zionism has worked through its agents in our countries to complicate the concept of marriage and advocate for delaying the marriage age for women. Through media, they direct people towards a life of unrestricted enjoyment, and through television dramas, they normalize the idea of taking mistresses and lovers. Not to mention promoting contraceptives and justifying abortion, which has led to the widespread of moral decay in society.


  1. Inciting Women to Rebel

Zionism has planted ideas in women’s minds to make them tools for destroying the family. Some of these ideas include:

  • Denying the man’s guardianship in the family or reducing it under the guise of women’s liberation and equality.
  • Encouraging women to compete with men in the workforce under the pretext of proving themselves, resulting in many women neglecting their nurturing roles.
  • Promoting unrestricted freedom, which includes choosing immodest clothing, indulging in adornment and tabarruj, and engaging in prohibited relationships, leading to strained marital relationships and the disobedience of daughters toward their guardians in the name of independence and maturity.

Furthermore, some Arab governments, under Zionist influence, have enacted laws contrary to Islamic teachings that undermine the foundation of the family.

  1. Tampering with Family Laws

Zionism, through its agents, has influenced some Islamic and Arab governments to enact laws that contradict Islamic teachings and undermine the family structure. For example, restricting polygamy under the pretext of protecting women’s and children’s rights, creating unnecessary problems. This restriction has led some men to seek mistresses, destabilizing marital harmony. Media and drama further vilify polygamy, portraying it as a humiliating disaster for women. As a result, some women have come to tolerate their husbands’ infidelity as long as they don’t marry another wife.

Additionally, there are laws in some countries that criminalize disciplining children through physical punishment (which is permissible within Islamic guidelines for discipline), labeling it as violence and abuse. This has led to rebellious attitudes among children and even legal cases against parents.

Some may accuse us of falling into the trap of conspiracy theories or exaggerating Zionism’s role. However, reality reveals far more. The Zionist lobby in America, for instance, steers U.S. policies, especially regarding our region and the Palestinian cause. Numerous Western sources, including the memoirs of Western leaders and officials, highlight the overwhelming influence of Jews, their role in wars, coups, and the dismantling of nations. Hence, concerns about Zionism’s power are far from exaggerated.



  1. Protocols of the Elders of Zion, p. 163.
  2. The Role of Jews in Corrupting Divine Beliefs and Its Consequences, Hassan Muhammad Ibrahim, p. 8.

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