Role of Zionist Organizations in Destroying Morality

By Osama Al-Hatimi January 27, 2025 134

One would be astonished to learn, for example, that the number of pornographic websites on the internet has reached millions, constituting 12% of the total number of websites, with each of these sites recording around 91 billion visits in 2018. Meanwhile, the number of pornographic channels has exceeded 13,000.

Naturally, this degrading and immoral situation has awakened global collective awareness to the fact that the assault on values and ethics is a well-organized conspiracy aimed at undermining and destroying morality to achieve other objectives.

It did not take long for the world to realize that Zionism and its organizations are behind this deplorable reality. Zionism is a racist political movement that seeks to establish a state for Jews in Palestine and subsequently rule the entire world through this state, employing all means at its disposal, whether legitimate or illegitimate, with complete disregard for any moral instructions or directives.

From the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Destroying Morality and Recruiting Agents

This belief rooted in global consciousness is not mere fabrication but rather a closer look at the behavior of Zionist organizations. Immorality has been their norm, characterized by a racist outlook towards others, deeming them "goyim" (non-Jews), thereby permitting the violation of every moral value in dealings with them. Killing, stealing, and inciting corruption are acceptable as long as they achieve the intended goal, as evident in numerous actions of these organizations since their inception.

Perhaps what was stated in the ninth protocol of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion reflects their plan to destroy morality, recruit agents, and continuously propagate the notion that the traditions of the Christian Church, Islamic teachings, and any ethical values are obstacles to progress.

The protocol states: "You must direct special attention in applying our principles to the morals of the nation in which you are surrounded and where you work. Do not expect to succeed in applying our principles in full until the nation has been re-educated to accept our opinions. However, if you act wisely in applying our principles, you will find that within a decade the strongest morals will have changed, and another nation will have joined the ranks of those previously subjugated to us."

The protocol further refers to the deceptive intellectual theories imposed on the "goyim" (non-Jews): "We have corrupted the young generation of non-Jews and made them morally rotten through the principles and theories whose falsity we fully understand."

Regardless of the authenticity of these protocols, the practical behavior of Zionists has been a literal application of their contents. For instance, the Jewish film producer Al Goldstein, when asked about the reason behind Jewish dominance in the pornography industry, candidly stated: "The only reason for Jewish involvement in the pornography industry is our hatred of Jesus Christ."

Announced Plans

The role of Zionists in destroying morality has not gone unnoticed by researchers, leading many to document evidence of this influence. Zionists were pioneers in the pornography industry and have maintained dominance over it since Jewish innovator Gloria Leonard introduced phone-based sexual interactions and became editor-in-chief of the pornographic magazine High Society. Zionist Ruben Sturman emerged as the most renowned producer in the U.S., owning an empire of around 200 pornographic magazine stores.

Dr. Al-Messiri: The Zionist Society is Morally Decadent, and "Tel Aviv" is a City of Perversion

As still images transitioned to motion pictures, Zionists were at the forefront. According to Zionist filmmaker Mike Kulich, they were the first to introduce video technology to the industry and established companies for producing DVDs. Many pornographic actors were also Zionists.

When the internet emerged, Zionists quickly utilized it to market pornography. Zionist Seth Warshavsky founded the largest pornographic company, while Zionist Seymour Butts led the promotion of violent pornographic films.

The American magazine Forbes highlighted this role, noting that the Vivid company, owned by Steven Hirsch, produces 30% of pornographic content, with its only competitor being a company owned by Zionist Steve Orenstein. Additionally, Zionists have near-total control over Hollywood's production sector, pouring hundreds of low-quality films into the market.

Regarding prostitution and homosexuality, Zionists have been active in spreading them within societies. They have been behind every global network exposed, which not only exploited women but also included children. Zionist Magnus Hirschfeld led the first global homosexual organization, while Zionist Kurt Hiller was the first to advocate for legal protections for homosexuals.

Behind the Scenes

While some Zionist organizations have openly promoted immorality, others have operated behind the scenes under banners of supporting humanitarian values, such as Freemasonry. Using the symbolism of Solomon's Temple, Freemasonry seeks Jewish dominance by spreading atheism, immorality, and corruption under the guise of "freedom, fraternity, equality, and humanity."

This was exposed at the 1922 Grand Masonic Convention: "We will strengthen individual freedom of conscience with all our might, and we will declare relentless war on the true enemy of humanity, which is religion."
This was reiterated by some Freemasons: "We will not merely defeat the religious and their temples; our ultimate goal is their eradication from existence."

A Zionist Researcher and Politician: The Zionist Society Has Become One of the Most Degenerate Societies in the World

The relationship between Freemasonry and Judaism is extremely strong. Rabbi Lekuis explained: "Freemasonry is Jewish in its history, degrees, teachings, passwords, and interpretations—from beginning to end."
This connection with Zionism was emphasized in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: "Until the time comes when we attain power, we will strive to establish and multiply cells of free masons worldwide."

In light of the above, it is not surprising that the Zionist occupation state has become a hub for moral corruption. Dr. Abdelwahab Elmessiri stated:
"The Zionist society is morally permissive, and Tel Aviv has become a city similar to Amsterdam in some respects, with its prevalence of drugs and homosexuality. An annual parade for homosexuals is held there."

This observation was echoed by Zionist researcher and politician Amnon Rubinstein in his book Return to the Zionist Dream, noting that the Zionist society has become one of the most morally corrupt societies in the world. Every type of sexual deviation is practiced there. In 1988, the Knesset passed a law decriminalizing homosexuality. In 1991, the entity hosted the third international conference for homosexuals. Furthermore, prostitution in the entity has become a source of national income, generating annual revenues of $4 billion to boost the central bank's reserves!


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Last modified on Wednesday, 29 January 2025 09:03