Completing "Abraham" plan to modify religion, education, and media

By Hisham Tawfik October 23, 2024 290

A very dangerous book has recently been published, titled "Spring of the Sayanim" by its author Dr. Jacob Cohen, a Jewish anti-Zionist writer. The book talks about international Zionism, specifically about the apparatus created by the Mossad to employ "Israeli" energies present in Arab countries, to achieve the goals of global Zionism to destroy nations and penetrate Arab regimes, all in order to preserve the main project, which is the Zionist entity.

The author Jacob Cohen says: The head of the Mossad, Mayer Amit, in 1959, came up with the idea of using Jews living outside "Israel" as agents for influence, propaganda, support, intelligence, and cooperation in all its forms. They are referred to in Arabic as "Sayanim," meaning "those who collaborate." The Mossad will recruit them in various fields inspired by political, academic, cultural, media, academic, economic, financial, advertising, cinematic, artistic, and other aspects.

The "Abraham" plan and the reorganization of the region... what is the connection between them? This is cited from this book because the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in the "Deal of the Century" in 2017, presented the "Abraham" plan with Trump and Arab countries, a malicious project targeting the people, with the aim to reorganize the region and integrate the Zionist entity in it to utilize its military, political, security, intelligence, and youth energies to eliminate resistance. They wanted full normalization, as Trump called it, to push the Arab nations and regimes that normalize relations to marginalize the Palestinian issue and even defend the Zionist entity.

This is what is called the "reorganization of the region" plan, or as the American administration in 2021 called it the integration of "Israel" into the region, the goal is to eliminate, tear apart, and weaken the people and the region, and then easily move on to eliminate Gaza, Palestine, and the resistance without obstacles. The reorganization will only come through a project called the "Abraham" plan.

However, they failed in that, because the battle of "Sword of Jerusalem" was like a school that rewired the minds of Arab and Islamic peoples. As for the battle of " Al-Aqsa Flood," it was like a thousand schools that brought back the necessary awareness and planted and rooted it in the mind and heart. Therefore, there is no doubt that after his failure in hitting the "Flood of Al-Aqsa" after a year, Netanyahu will go back to search for the flaw in his defeat, thinking outside the box and outside Gaza, and once again believed that eliminating Gaza and the resistance starts from the outside, that is through reorganizing the region, because if the supporting people and fronts are hit, it will then be easier to isolate Gaza. Therefore, Netanyahu returned to re-introduce the idea of reorganizing the region.

So, the Zionist occupation since 2017, with the emergence of the "Abraham" plan, has been thinking of two approaches to eliminate the resistance:
1- Either the beginning by getting rid of the parties supporting Palestine and resistance, including the people, by restructuring the regional system; by reformulating it through penetration, normalization, and the "Abraham" plan to weaken its peoples and systems, then moving on to eliminate the resistance and Palestine.
2- Or directly dropping the resistance and Palestine, then moving on to restructuring the regional system and weakening its peoples after striking its sacred, which is Palestine.
The "Abraham" Plan and the Media
After the "Arab Spring" and the events of the coups, normalization escalated and corroded the body of the nation culminating in the "Deal of the Century" designed to institutionalize and officially normalize in most areas of Arab society and its governing system. The deal focused on the individual and on their identity and nature, which will only weaken and die with a malicious plan called "Abraham" that affects both mind and heart together. Art and drama became a gateway to change the identity of Arab and Islamic peoples and a tool to reshape the Arab mind that rejects normalization through dramatic series, trying to influence minds to accept that Jew who left the Gulf and the region for the Zionist entity only to return as an "Israeli Jew" to live in peace with his roots in Arab countries, knowing that in the awareness of the Arab and Muslim mind, he is a criminal Zionist who kills innocent people, occupies land, and achieves genocide.
The TV series "Haret Al-Yahoud" aired in 2015, leading to the famous Syrian series "Bab Al-Hara" which featured a story about the Jewish neighborhood. This continued to what some Arab screens are showing today in series like "Um Haroun" and "Makhraj 7"; aiming to strengthen a new idea in the Arab Muslim imagination that rejects what is called "Israel" through a dialogue between actors where one of them says: "Israel is human like you, Israel exists whether you like it or not"!
The "Abraham" Plan and the Use of Art
One of the most dangerous projects of the "Abraham" plan is achieving the mental genocide of our youth, yes there is a genocide in Gaza but its result is martyrs without the Zionists being able to weaken themselves, as for the mental and psychological genocide in our peoples, it comes on all fronts, penetrating minds and souls turning them into atheism, sexual deviations, drug lords, and prostitution. At that point, Zionism won't need aerial genocide to become a martyr in your country, but the genocide of your mind and soul with the poisons of the "Abraham" plan, so that after corrupting your nature and identity you become a soldier serving the satanic and Zionist agenda.
It's worth mentioning a sinister project in Arab, especially Gulf, countries, related to the project of frivolity, came to seduce the youth with ideas of freedom, art, and dance, only to inject poisons in these festivals and songs about distorting the words of the Quran or singing it with music, to lyrics and songs that glorify Satan and the Zionist entity and Freemasonry.
In addition, this week a ship from France carrying the "Abraham" project moved across its surface, consisting of singing and dancing groups of individuals with sexual deviancy. The dangerous fact is that the men singing have beards, but they dress in women's clothing, wearing traditional and ancient folk costumes to influence society in North Africa.

The "Abraham" plan and the level of religion and education

As for the level of religion and Islamic education, the "Abraham" plan started with a basic project targeting education and teaching since 2017, which are the pillars of every country and its people. Media and art infiltration is seasonal or based on events of entertainment and dilution, while education infiltration is the presence of the Zionist project and the "Abraham" plan at all times, whether in your child's school, university, mosque classes, or even in your home, it permeates and changes your lifestyle. They started by destroying two aspects of education and teaching:
- The curriculum of scholars and preachers through their arrest or threat, with the aim of repression and siege being to prevent any disturbances that reject the implementation of the "Abraham" plan and the dissemination of normalization ideas that promote projects of sexual deviancy, atheism, and drugs. After the arrest of scholars and the siege on speech, the arena was empty of any source to reveal the truth about those who carried out projects of trivialization and dilution, changing education curricula, deleting anything related to the Palestinian issue, jihad, and change.

Furthermore, the "Abraham" plan came with a project to form institutions of compliant scholars to replace the places of righteous scholars and reformers who are currently imprisoned.

Their goal with this "Abrahamic" plan is to change the all-encompassing Islamic religion for the nation, known for Zionism, which incites the hurricane in Gaza through the elite project of preservation and the Quran. Their goal is the "Abrahamic" religion, as they call it, a distorted and normalization-focused religion, accepting the killer and the Zionist occupation, even defending it through official agreements and Arab-Israeli military intelligence NATO.

- Study and education curriculum: The "Abraham" plan came with a project to purify education by changing its curriculum, not just infiltrating it with false information, but mandates from the US Congress to a Gulf country to change its Islamic studies curriculum in universities, under the pretext that the current curriculum of those countries promotes religious extremism, terrorism, and opposes the Zionist entity and coexistence.