Zionist-American vision of the "New Middle East" ... Scenarios of Success and Failure Featured


The Zionist entity was nothing but a colony planted by American and European imperialism in the heart of the Arab and Islamic nation, especially after the Arabs failed to achieve their political and economic independence and to rid themselves of European and American subjugation and domination; This contributed to the success of the Jews in exploiting Arab weakness to plant the roots of their purported state in the Middle East region and on Arab land.
More than 75 years ago, specifically in 1948, the Jews were able to declare their state by military force and European and American support to become a strange settler entity that surrounded the Arab and Middle Eastern region.
But imperial colonization helped them to achieve their goals and strategies towards the Arab world, which is based on the belief in the necessity of dividing it into different ethnic and religious states, in order to make control easier; An Arab world divided, torn apart, and fragmented makes it easy to control politically, culturally, and mentally, and opens up a large space for American and Western intervention in all its issues, drawing its policies in line with American and Western interests, and enhancing the dominant Zionist presence militarily and economically to terrorize and tame the region.
Re-shaping the region
There is agreement among the components of Zionist-American thought on the necessity of reshaping the Middle East in line with their strategic interests, as evidenced today when talking about the so-called "Greater Zionist State" as the nucleus of this project by expanding its boundaries without declared limits, from the Philadelphia line through Egypt to the Litani River, and areas from East of the Jordan River in the Kingdom through Southwest Syria and perhaps more.
At the United Nations platform, just a few days ago, the Prime Minister of the Zionist entity, Benjamin Netanyahu, stood in a semi-empty hall from which most representatives of the world's countries had withdrawn, proud and triumphant as if he were the president of the whole world and the chief rabbi reciting texts from the Torah and the Talmud, outlining the region's maps and even the world he wants as the leader of "God's chosen people" and the forces of good in the world, disregarding all international decisions in the Security Council, and even those issued by the General Assembly of the United Nations from which he preaches, accusing the world of anti-Semitism and opposing the only victim in history, even opposing the foundations of global security and peace, which he sees himself as the only one keen on in facing the "forces of evil", and announcing that his ongoing war on various fronts aims to change the face of the Middle East in cooperation with his American and European allies, who have declared their full support for all Zionist decisions without even turning to their Arab allies in the region.
The New Middle East
The new Middle East that Netanyahu wants in his statements and speeches and that the United States and Western countries align with, has no place for a Palestinian state, or a state of disconnected cantons under Zionist security, military, and economic control, no place for resistance factions in the region, and no place for common Arab issues, an East Middle East that accepts the existence of the Zionist state as a strong natural state that imposes its dominance in the region without challenge or resistance, and drags Arab countries to normalize with it out of fear for their interests.
A new Middle East differs from what the Palestinians want, who see the Zionist state as a state of colonization and occupation, and see in the resistance that the legal and legitimate provisions ensure their only way to obtain their deprived rights and emancipate themselves from the oppression they have been subjected to since the Zionist state occupied their lands and confiscated their will and their right to live in dignity like other countries in the world.
A new Middle East differs from what Arab countries and peoples want, who see peace as a way to resolve conflicts based on initiatives and agreements that the Zionist state does not believe in, as it has built its policy on power and intimidation, armed with America and the Western world powers that support and back it amid Arab dispersion and preoccupation with other issues at the expense of their primary cause, which is the Palestinian issue.
Scenarios of success and failure
The concept of the New Middle East, which was put forward by the former President of the United States, George Bush Jr. in 2002, and adopted by the United States in 2004, and which was promoted by then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, was just a narrative with evolving ideas with every conflict and development in the region to improve the face of the wars that America engages in through its proxies in the region. It is understood that this vision cannot be achieved, no matter how much it is promoted and its image improved. It cannot deceive the people even if governments accept it, for many reasons:

- The ongoing tensions in the region, which lead to destabilizing stability politically, economically, and socially, making it difficult to implement any vision to shape the region without resolving the underlying issues, most notably the central issue of Palestine and ending the occupation, which is the main cause of tensions in the region.
- The prevailing belief among the peoples is that this term is a reproduction of previous colonial concepts and terms, whose goal was to divide the region among the colonial powers, revive Western alliances, and re-implement colonial efforts in the region, reshaping it within a new term that carries a shiny name with malicious goals.
- Implementing the idea of the New Middle East project requires implicit support and acceptance from the international community, which is not available at this stage, especially with the increasing criticism of the policies of the entity and American bias towards it in the region, particularly regarding the ongoing war today or the Palestinian issue, making it difficult for them at this stage.

On the other hand, the impact of the global economic system, capitalist domination, military hegemony, and Western despotism imposed a limited Arab reality in many fields, linking their interests to Western and American interests, widening the gap between the aspirations of the peoples and the rulers who align with the new view of the Middle East without realizing the malicious motives behind it, which could target their countries, security, and economy. They may be aware of this, but American pressure and European intimidation force them to avoid being targeted by American, Western, and Zionist anger.

American policy and its schemes
The continuous events today, from the wars in Gaza and Lebanon, and the major developments that followed, most notably facing the danger that threatens the Zionist entity allied with the Americans and Europeans, in addition to the greater challenge of confronting Iran and its major threats, freed American policy from effective constraints, allowing it the opportunity to secure its interests in the Middle East region through its supportive policies for the entity, under the guise of fighting terrorism, including legitimizing the Zionist entity in the region by forcing Arabs to accept its policies, even at the expense of their issues and Arab identity, achieving the global Zionist goals that serve their colonial settler project in the region and serve the Zionist-American plans, which aim to strike the Arabs and their developmental and civilizational liberation project, prevent any Arab unity, grant the entity the legitimacy of existence, establish political, normalization, and economic relations with the Arab countries, settle the Arab-Israeli conflict according to American and Zionist plans, and achieve political and security stability in the region to serve American policy in making the Middle East a safe area to protect its interests and those of its Zionist ally. These are central, essential gains and goals that they seek to achieve to ensure the hegemony and control of the Zionist entity over the entire region.


Last modified on Monday, 04 November 2024 05:09