Prominent Zionist Organizations Supporting the Occupying entity



The history of Zionist political and military organizations forms the cornerstone of the establishment of the Zionist entity. Through its political and economic institutions, it strengthened migration and settlement, while its military formations worked on imposing the Zionist project by force, contributing to the consolidation of occupation and achieving the goals of the Zionist movement.

This article highlights the most prominent organizations and institutions that played a pivotal role in solidifying Jewish migration and settlement in Palestine, alongside the military formations that paved the way for the establishment of the occupying entity through armed operations against the Palestinians.

First: Political Formations

Lovers of Zion

The "Lovers of Zion" associations were established in 1881 in Russia after the May Laws that targeted Jews there, and sought to promote Jewish migration to Palestine and purchase land there. This movement served as a link between the "Vanguards of Zionism" and political Zionism led by Herzl. It adopted the slogan "To Palestine" and established several colonies such as "Rishon LeZion" and "Zichron Yaakov." It greatly contributed to shaping the intellectual foundation of Zionism by advocating for cultural and economic separation from surrounding societies.

World Zionist Organization

Established after the First Zionist Congress (Basel, 1897) led by Herzl with the aim of establishing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine. It established financial institutions such as the "Jewish National Fund" (1901) and the "Jewish Colonial Trust Fund," which contributed to funding migration and settlement. The organization succeeded in increasing the number of Jews in Palestine from 80,000 in 1922 to 650,000 in 1948, thanks to the support of Western powers.

Jewish Colonial Association

Founded in 1891 by Baron Maurice de Hirsch to settle poor Jews from Europe in agricultural colonies. It began its activities in Palestine in 1896 and established new colonies, in coordination with the Jewish Agency after 1929. It contributed to the development of agricultural colonies and the promotion of settlement even after the establishment of the occupying state.


A movement of Jewish immigrants during the Second Aliyah (1904-1914) focused on agricultural work and the revival of Hebrew culture. The Halutzim played a role in shaping kibbutz farms and military organizations like "Hashomer" and "Haganah," which became the nucleus of the Israeli army.

Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemeth)

Established in 1903 to purchase and develop land for the benefit of Jews. Its activities focused on land reclamation, afforestation, and funding settlement projects. By 1947, the fund owned approximately 933,000 dunams of land in Palestine, and continued its activities in promoting settlement after the establishment of the occupying state.

Foundation Fund (Keren Hayesod)

Established in 1920 to fund migration and settlement after the Balfour Declaration. It contributed to the establishment of colonies, economic companies, and infrastructure such as the port of Tel Aviv and the water company "Mekorot."

Jewish National Council

Established in 1920 to represent the Jews in front of the British Mandatory authorities and international investigation committees. It worked in coordination with the Jewish Agency in organizing the affairs of the settlers and preparing for the establishment of the Zionist state.

The Jewish Agency

The Jewish Agency was founded in Palestine in 1922, based on Article IV of the British Mandate Charter, which was based on the Balfour Declaration. The article stipulated the establishment of a "suitable Jewish agency" to act as an advisory body to the British administration and cooperate in economic and social issues that serve the establishment of a national homeland for the Jews and protect their interests.

The Sixteenth Zionist Congress defined the goals of the Agency as:

1. Promoting Jewish immigration to Palestine.

2. Purchasing land as Jewish property.

3. Encouraging agricultural settlement based on Jewish work.

4. Promoting the Hebrew language and heritage.

During the British Mandate, the Agency played the role of a government for the Jewish settlers and contributed to the establishment of the national homeland under British protection.

After the establishment of the Zionist entity in 1948, most of the Agency's tasks were transferred to the occupation government. In 1952, the Knesset passed a law separating the tasks of the Agency from the Zionist organization, while maintaining its role in absorbing and developing immigrants in cooperation with Jewish institutions.

Secondly: Military formations

Hashomer (The Guard)

Established in 1909 as the first Zionist organization specialized in defense and guarding settlements. It was founded by members of the Bar-Giora Association under the leadership of Yitzhak Ben Zvi and Alexander Zaid. It evolved from a guard to an organized armed force defending settlements in the Galilee and other areas.

In the early 1920s, the organization was dissolved to establish the "Haganah," while some of its extremist members joined the "Irgun."

Haganah (Defense)

Established in 1921 in Jerusalem, and led the establishment of the Zionist entity until 1948. During World War II, it supported Jewish resistance in Europe and the migration of Jews to Palestine.

With the declaration of the occupation state, Ben Gurion issued a decision to merge the Haganah with other military organizations to form the Israeli Defense Forces.


Founded in 1931, under the leadership of Vladimir Jabotinsky, then Menachem Begin. It was known for terrorist operations such as the bombing of the King David Hotel and the Deir Yassin massacre. In 1948, it merged into the occupation army, and its leaders were later honored.

Lehi (Stern)

Broke away from Irgun in 1940 under the leadership of Abraham Stern. It carried out terrorist operations, most notably the bombing of the Jaffa headquarters. Its forces joined the Zionist army in 1948, and its members later received government privileges.

Jewish Brigade

Established by Britain during World War II based on the efforts of the Jewish Agency, and included Jewish units that fought in Europe. After the war, its members joined Zionist organizations and became part of the Zionist army.


Source: Palestine News and Information Agency