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In the first part of this article, we talked about the roots of the Zionist movements, focusing on the most important ones in the United States. Here, we continue what we started there.

Zionism in Europe

The relationship between the Zionist movement in its various forms, branches, and activities on one hand, and the major Western powers in Europe on the other hand, is an organic and close relationship that has never weakened or severed its ties, from the early days of the Zionist movement until today. It was from the womb of these powers that the main Zionist movement was born; it arose on their lands and grew up in their embrace until it reached maturity. The annual Zionist conference held by the organization each year in various countries around the world has almost exclusively taken place in European countries, starting from the first founding conference where the organization was established in the Swiss city of Basel in 1897, up to the establishment of their criminal entity on the beloved land of Palestine in 1984.

Accordingly, we do not need to say that all global Zionist organizations have a prominent and active presence in these countries, including the Zionist organizations that emerged outside of Europe in later stages, such as those formed in the United States, as well as the illegitimate Zionist entity, which we highlighted as the most important in the previous article.

Russian Zionism.

Although the Western powers in Europe in general are the primary stronghold of Zionism, as mentioned earlier, we will focus on Russian Zionism in some detail for the reasons that will be mentioned next.

To begin with, I remind you that the presence of Jews in Russia is ancient, dating back to the 9th century AD. Jews participated in the dialectical dialogue or debate that took place between representatives of the three monotheistic Abrahamic faiths in the presence of the ruler of Kyiv in the year 986 AD. As a result of this, the Prince of Kyiv converted to Orthodox Christianity and made it the official religion of his country.

The relations between the Jews and their surrounding Russian environment were not always harmonious for several reasons, including the differences in the two religions, the support of the Tatars for the Jews after their invasion of Russia at a later stage, and thus the Russians' fear of the Jews, especially since they congregated in isolated areas of their own, as was their custom in various countries around the world (the ghetto).

The fears of the Russians regarding the infiltration of Jews and their suspicious activities in their country gradually increased, to the extent that Ivan the Terrible decided to expel them from the country. The situation of the Jews and their relationship with the Russians under the Tsarist regime fluctuated up and down until the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, when the Bolsheviks granted the Jews all the political rights available to others, treating them equally with others in various fields.

Given the long history of Jews in Russia and their large numbers on its territory throughout this history, as well as the fact that their presence in Russian lands has witnessed significant and numerous events that had wide repercussions, due to all of this and more, Zionism has had a strong presence in Russia during most periods since the establishment of the Zionist movement up to the present day.

However, "Russian Zionism" occupied a prominent position in the main Zionist organization shortly after its formation. There is no clearer evidence of this than the presence of more than 200 Russian Zionist delegates at the fourth conference of the organization held in London in 1900. All major global Zionist organizations made a strong effort to be present and active on Russian land.

The main Zionist organizations within the illegitimate entity.

Since the establishment of what is called "Israel" was one of the most important goals of global Zionism, and not the only goal, its founding was not an end in itself. Instead, its implantation in the heart of our region was fundamentally aimed at achieving major criminal objectives. This means that this satanic entity is one of the most important branches of the Zionist movement. Zionism has taken its influential institutions as its arms, among the most significant of which are the army of the Zionist entity, its intelligence agency (Mossad), and the General Federation of Labor Unions within the usurped entity (Histadrut).

Third: The goals of Zionist organizations and their role in supporting the usurping entity:

Since the establishment of the first Zionist organization and the subsequent organizations that branched out from it, the declared goal has been to create a homeland for the Jews, then to protect it and provide various forms of support after its establishment, which has indeed happened and is still happening. They then took it upon themselves to care for all Jews around the world.

These are their declared goals, and this is how they presented themselves to the world through their literature.(1) This is also echoed in Western literature.(2) Although the declared goal of forcibly seizing the Palestinian state and displacing its people, while committing the most heinous human crimes against them, is horrific, the leaked information about them, along with their movements and atrocities on the ground globally and particularly in the Arab and Islamic arenas, has definitively revealed other hidden objectives. Most importantly, it also exposes the connection of their diabolical hidden goals to broader networks, chief among them being global Freemasonry.

In this context, we must not forget the unholy alliance between the Zionists and their entity, and the major Western powers, which is based on a collusion against our nation. This is an undeniable truth recognized by many, including Dr. Abdel Wahab El-Messiri, who states in this context: "What remains of the comprehensive basic Zionist framework is a functional state supported by the West, which ensures its survival, and it serves the West and mobilizes the Jews of the world for its cause." He further states in another instance: "Zionism was and continues to be a part of economic, political, and civilizational history, and Western imperialism is the primary mechanism for transforming Zionism from merely an idea into a settlement state. (3)

It is worth noting that in addition to the main Zionist organizations mentioned in this article in its two parts, there are quite a few other Zionist organizations, among the most important of which are, for example and not limited to: the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), B'nai B'rith, Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, the Jewish National Fund, and others, keeping in mind that the majority of these organizations are spread throughout various parts of the world.

Finally, Jews are not the only component of Zionist organizations. There are Zionists from various religions and ideologies around the world, starting with a broad sector of atheists, passing through "Christian Zionism," and ending, with all sorrow and regret, with Arab and Muslim Zionists. This is a matter that cannot be addressed with hasty and superficial treatment, and perhaps we will dedicate an independent discussion to it in the coming days, God willing and with His strength.


  • For example: The Hebrew Encyclopedia, published by the Encyclopedia Publishing Company, Volume 28, entry "Zionism."
  • For example, see: Stearns, Peter N.: The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World, Oxford University Press 2008, “Zionism”.

Also see: Mattar, Philip: Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa, Macmillan Reference USA, 2nd edition 2004, 'Zionism'

  • Abdel Wahab El-Messiri: Encyclopedia of Jews, Judaism, and Zionism, Dar al-Shorouk - Egypt, first edition in 1999, volume six, pages 17, 25.


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We can perhaps say that no one in our country is free of suspicion and feelings of intense negativity towards the term "Zionism" and everything related to it. Nevertheless, there remains a need for more light to be shed on the roots of the Zionist movement, its branches, its objectives, its alliances, and its main centers of activity, etc.

First: The Roots of the Zionist Movement and Its Beginnings:

To begin with, the term "Zionism" is derived from the name "Zion," which is one of the names given to Mount Zion, considered to be the closest location to the alleged "Temple" in Jerusalem. In this context, the word "Zion" refers to the "Promised Land," emphasizing the necessity for all Jews from different corners of the world to return to it.

The derivation of the term with its meanings and political dimensions goes back to the Jewish thinker Nathan Birnbaum, who was the first to use it in this modern concept in an article he published in German in 1890, titled "Selbstmanzipation" (Self-Emancipation). He coined this term to distinguish the Zionist movement, which was merely an idea or call at that time, from another movement that emerged at the same stage with the same orientation, which was then known as the "Lovers of Zion.

The extended, complex, and entrenched Zionist movement was founded by a group of Jews led by Theodor Herzl, an Austrian Jewish journalist, during a conference they held in the Swiss city of Basel in 1897. Their most important declared goal was to establish a national homeland for the Jews in the land of Palestine and to return the Jews of the world to live under its protection!

It must be known that this movement, which has continued to this day, is the latest, most sustainable, intricate, and dangerous link in the series of attempts, movements, and coalitions throughout Jewish history. Among these are the attempts made by influential Jews in the West in modern times at earlier stages to establish the current movement. The most important of these movements include the following:

The "Shabtaist Levi" group appeared in the mid-18th century and was an extremely zealous Zionist movement, to the extent that its founder, Levi, claimed to be the awaited Messiah. However, it did not last long and did not achieve any of its goals.

There was a Zionist movement that emerged in Russia in the nineteenth century as well, but it did not gain much notoriety. This movement primarily focused on purchasing land in Palestine and establishing Jewish settlement communities on it, with the aim of relocating groups of Jews from Russia to live there, after the Jews faced massacres at the hands of the Russians.

In the second half of the 19th century, the famous Jewish Rothschild family established a movement called the "Jewish Money Men Movement," which was founded with the participation of some wealthy and influential Jews in Europe, most notably the well-known Jewish financier and businessman Montefiore. The movement created strong momentum for the situation of Jews in Europe and gave a tremendous boost to their aspirations in general, and their ambitions to seize Palestine to establish a national homeland for the Jews there in particular. The movement spent enormous amounts of money, even more than its predecessor, to purchase lands in Palestine and build Jewish settlements on them, aided by their deep-seated influence within European governments and decision-makers.

It is worth mentioning that the Rothschild family is known for its immense wealth and deep influence in Europe and its governments. They are the most famous European banking dynasty that has had a significant impact on economic history and, indirectly, on the political history of Europe for about 200 years.(1)

Zionism in its current form encompasses several variations and branches that emerged after its establishment. These include "political Zionism" and "practical Zionism," followed by "conciliatory Zionism," which sought to reconcile the various Zionist currents. In later stages, cultural, religious, democratic, labor, corrective, and radical Zionism emerged, each with its own orientation and style. However, there are no fundamental differences among them; they all share the same ultimate goal, which was also confirmed by Dr. Abdel Wahab  El-Messiri, for example, in his encyclopedia.(2)



Secondly: The most important Zionist organizations around the world:

The Zionist organizations have multiplied and spread across various parts of the world, each with its specific role for which it was established. However, all of them come together and complement each other in a precise coordination to serve the "Israeli" entity and the Zionist goals in general. Since Zionism, due to its ambitions, seeks those who possess influence and power, it is natural for the most powerful and dangerous of these organizations to exist on the territory of the United States of America. Below are the most important and dangerous Zionist organizations in the world:

1- "The Zionist Organization" (the World Zionist Organization): is the first organizational structure that was established following the Basel Conference in 1897, chaired by Theodor Herzl, as we previously mentioned. It is essentially the effective practical translation of Zionist thought and the foundation upon which everything that followed was built. The organization continues to play an active role today, particularly in relation to supporting Zionist activities in Europe and coordinating between them, in addition to the significant role it plays with decision-making circles in major Western countries to serve the interests of the Zionist "Israeli" entity and Zionist activities in general.

2- "The Jewish Agency": In 1922, the Zionist Organization established the agency as an arm responsible for the practical tasks of Jewish settlement in the land of Palestine, including encouraging Jewish immigration to it, promoting, and organizing it, and providing the necessary facilities for its successive waves. This agency continues to carry out its activities, which have expanded in this context, through its offices scattered in several major countries.

3- "The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee" (AIPAC): It was established in the United States in 1959 and is considered one of the most important lobbying groups in the US in favor of the Zionist entity. This includes influencing American positions on the Palestinian issue in international forums, through their relationships with influential parties and key figures, especially members of Congress and candidates for the US presidency who always seek to win the votes of Jews and Zionists there. Additionally, the organization provides various forms of significant support to sway them and ensure their backing in return.

4- "Association of Reform Jews in America" (ARZA): One of the most important Zionist organizations operating in the United States since 1973, it is a gathering of what is known as "Reform Jews," and it exerts significant pressure on American decision-making circles to provide protection for the Zionist entity and defend its interests.

5- "The Zionist Women's Organization in America" (HADASSAH): The largest Zionist women's organization in the world, founded by prominent Zionist Henrietta Szold in 1912. Its primary activity focuses on spreading positive ideas about Jews to enhance their image in the eyes of Americans and others, in addition to many other activities dedicated to serving Zionists in general, especially their illegitimate entity.



  • The New Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 15th ed, Chicago 1985.
  • El-Messiri, Abdul Wahab: Encyclopedia of Jews, Judaism, and Zionism, Dar Al-Shorouk - Egypt, First Edition 1999, Volume Six, p. 15 and onwards.


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One would be astonished to learn, for example, that the number of pornographic websites on the internet has reached millions, constituting 12% of the total number of websites, with each of these sites recording around 91 billion visits in 2018. Meanwhile, the number of pornographic channels has exceeded 13,000.

Naturally, this degrading and immoral situation has awakened global collective awareness to the fact that the assault on values and ethics is a well-organized conspiracy aimed at undermining and destroying morality to achieve other objectives.

It did not take long for the world to realize that Zionism and its organizations are behind this deplorable reality. Zionism is a racist political movement that seeks to establish a state for Jews in Palestine and subsequently rule the entire world through this state, employing all means at its disposal, whether legitimate or illegitimate, with complete disregard for any moral instructions or directives.

From the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Destroying Morality and Recruiting Agents

This belief rooted in global consciousness is not mere fabrication but rather a closer look at the behavior of Zionist organizations. Immorality has been their norm, characterized by a racist outlook towards others, deeming them "goyim" (non-Jews), thereby permitting the violation of every moral value in dealings with them. Killing, stealing, and inciting corruption are acceptable as long as they achieve the intended goal, as evident in numerous actions of these organizations since their inception.

Perhaps what was stated in the ninth protocol of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion reflects their plan to destroy morality, recruit agents, and continuously propagate the notion that the traditions of the Christian Church, Islamic teachings, and any ethical values are obstacles to progress.

The protocol states: "You must direct special attention in applying our principles to the morals of the nation in which you are surrounded and where you work. Do not expect to succeed in applying our principles in full until the nation has been re-educated to accept our opinions. However, if you act wisely in applying our principles, you will find that within a decade the strongest morals will have changed, and another nation will have joined the ranks of those previously subjugated to us."

The protocol further refers to the deceptive intellectual theories imposed on the "goyim" (non-Jews): "We have corrupted the young generation of non-Jews and made them morally rotten through the principles and theories whose falsity we fully understand."

Regardless of the authenticity of these protocols, the practical behavior of Zionists has been a literal application of their contents. For instance, the Jewish film producer Al Goldstein, when asked about the reason behind Jewish dominance in the pornography industry, candidly stated: "The only reason for Jewish involvement in the pornography industry is our hatred of Jesus Christ."

Announced Plans

The role of Zionists in destroying morality has not gone unnoticed by researchers, leading many to document evidence of this influence. Zionists were pioneers in the pornography industry and have maintained dominance over it since Jewish innovator Gloria Leonard introduced phone-based sexual interactions and became editor-in-chief of the pornographic magazine High Society. Zionist Ruben Sturman emerged as the most renowned producer in the U.S., owning an empire of around 200 pornographic magazine stores.

Dr. Al-Messiri: The Zionist Society is Morally Decadent, and "Tel Aviv" is a City of Perversion

As still images transitioned to motion pictures, Zionists were at the forefront. According to Zionist filmmaker Mike Kulich, they were the first to introduce video technology to the industry and established companies for producing DVDs. Many pornographic actors were also Zionists.

When the internet emerged, Zionists quickly utilized it to market pornography. Zionist Seth Warshavsky founded the largest pornographic company, while Zionist Seymour Butts led the promotion of violent pornographic films.

The American magazine Forbes highlighted this role, noting that the Vivid company, owned by Steven Hirsch, produces 30% of pornographic content, with its only competitor being a company owned by Zionist Steve Orenstein. Additionally, Zionists have near-total control over Hollywood's production sector, pouring hundreds of low-quality films into the market.

Regarding prostitution and homosexuality, Zionists have been active in spreading them within societies. They have been behind every global network exposed, which not only exploited women but also included children. Zionist Magnus Hirschfeld led the first global homosexual organization, while Zionist Kurt Hiller was the first to advocate for legal protections for homosexuals.

Behind the Scenes

While some Zionist organizations have openly promoted immorality, others have operated behind the scenes under banners of supporting humanitarian values, such as Freemasonry. Using the symbolism of Solomon's Temple, Freemasonry seeks Jewish dominance by spreading atheism, immorality, and corruption under the guise of "freedom, fraternity, equality, and humanity."

This was exposed at the 1922 Grand Masonic Convention: "We will strengthen individual freedom of conscience with all our might, and we will declare relentless war on the true enemy of humanity, which is religion."
This was reiterated by some Freemasons: "We will not merely defeat the religious and their temples; our ultimate goal is their eradication from existence."

A Zionist Researcher and Politician: The Zionist Society Has Become One of the Most Degenerate Societies in the World

The relationship between Freemasonry and Judaism is extremely strong. Rabbi Lekuis explained: "Freemasonry is Jewish in its history, degrees, teachings, passwords, and interpretations—from beginning to end."
This connection with Zionism was emphasized in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: "Until the time comes when we attain power, we will strive to establish and multiply cells of free masons worldwide."

In light of the above, it is not surprising that the Zionist occupation state has become a hub for moral corruption. Dr. Abdelwahab Elmessiri stated:
"The Zionist society is morally permissive, and Tel Aviv has become a city similar to Amsterdam in some respects, with its prevalence of drugs and homosexuality. An annual parade for homosexuals is held there."

This observation was echoed by Zionist researcher and politician Amnon Rubinstein in his book Return to the Zionist Dream, noting that the Zionist society has become one of the most morally corrupt societies in the world. Every type of sexual deviation is practiced there. In 1988, the Knesset passed a law decriminalizing homosexuality. In 1991, the entity hosted the third international conference for homosexuals. Furthermore, prostitution in the entity has become a source of national income, generating annual revenues of $4 billion to boost the central bank's reserves!


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Dangerous Secret Zionist Organizations

Among the dangerous secret Zionist organizations that have been discovered are Freemasonry, Bahaism, the Society of Jehovah's Witnesses, the Cross Club, the Prosperous, and Rotary Clubs. We will focus on Freemasonry.


Freemasonry is one of the oldest Jewish organizations that Jews have spread wherever they settled around the world. These lodges serve as meeting places where they discuss and exchange opinions and information. The close connection between Freemasonry and Zionism is evident, as the Protocols of Zion—the Zionist constitution—were issued with the signatures of three hundred senior Freemasons holding the thirty-third degree of Freemasonry.

Origins of Freemasonry

The origin of Freemasonry remains shrouded in mystery, but its history, as circulated among Freemasons, indicates its religious roots in Judaism. They claim that King Solomon, peace be upon him, was the Grand Master of the Jerusalem Lodge. A manuscript dating back to the fifteenth century suggests that Freemasonry entered England through Jews in Egypt and Jerusalem.

Freemasonry Symbols

Freemasonry, or the Society of Free Builders, is a global social organization. Its visible activities are characterized by the motto: justice, brotherhood, and freedom. Its goal is human cooperation among its members to the widest extent. Many of its symbols and emblems are derived from the construction industry and its tools. The compass and square are the general symbols of Freemasonry. The Grand Master's emblem includes the compass, arc, and the image of a radiant eye within a triangle. The emblem of the First Grand Warden is the builder's scale, the emblem of the Grand Warden is the plumb line, and the emblem of the Grand Engineer is the compass.

The Great Architect of the Universe

God Almighty is referred to as the "Great Architect of the Universe." Each Masonic organization is called a lodge, where members gather. The Grand Lodge comprises a group of lodges, and lodges established in a group of countries follow a general lodge called the East. Freemasonry consists of three hierarchical levels:

  1. The First Level: Symbolic Freemasonry This level is open to all races and religions. Its members are divided into three categories: initiates or brothers, then masters, and then Grand Masters who head the lodges. The Masonic ranks in this symbolic level consist of 33 degrees, ascending to the rank of Grand Master.
  2. The Second Level: Royal Freemasonry Also known as the Royal Arch, members in this level are called companions, and the head of the lodge is known as the Grand Companion. Initially, all members were Jews, but later, Grand Masters of the symbolic lodges were allowed to join, provided they did not exceed the rank of companion, the lowest rank in this level.
  3. The Third Level: Universal Freemasonry This level consists of the heads of the Royal Arch lodges. It is a single lodge, all of whose members are Jews. Its headquarters and its head, known as the Grand Rabbi, are unknown. However, it is widely believed that Universal Freemasonry is managed by the American lodge, composed of Roman Zionist Jews.

Degrees and Symbols

Each degree of Freemasonry has its own symbols, emblems, specific greetings, and defined secrets that expand as the member ascends to a higher degree. These vary according to the levels of the lodges, and no degree is allowed to access the secrets and teachings of a higher degree.

Initiation and Tests

A new member is only accepted into the lowest degrees of Freemasonry after being recommended by two members and proving their worthiness through secret investigations that inspire confidence in them. They must also pass a rigorous psychological test conducted in a dark, terrifying room, where they spend a long time in a coffin among skulls and skeletons. They are then accepted in a dedication ceremony with strange rituals witnessed by all lodge members.

Ascending the Ranks

A Freemason does not ascend to a higher degree until they undergo severe tests and trials that prove their worthiness for promotion and receiving the secrets of the new degree. These tests vary in precision and severity according to the degree to which the member is dedicated, becoming more severe as the degree rises. The purpose is to ensure the member's ability to endure various forms of torture and harm to keep their secrets.

Humanitarian and Social Activities

Freemasonry has used its humanitarian and social activities as a cover for its true purposes—serving Zionism. It claims to work for charity and social cooperation and denies involvement in religious or political matters. A Freemason always receives various forms of assistance and support they may need, whether in their homeland or other countries. They are welcomed and served by their fellow Freemasons worldwide, who recognize them through agreed-upon signals and passwords. Promoters of Freemasonry even claim that a Masonic employee will receive special attention from Masonic superiors, making Freemasonry a valuable qualification for promotion and surpassing peers. If a Freemason commits a crime and is tried before a Masonic judge, acquittal is guaranteed as soon as they show the Masonic signal. This also applies to merchants and businessmen.

Oath and Allegiance

It is known that a Freemason swears upon joining the Masonic fraternity before the respected president—the successor of King Solomon—to take their fellow Masons as allies in all matters and to entrust them with their honor. They also pledge to adopt Masonic nationalism as their lifelong motto.

Role in Establishing a Global Jewish State

The third protocol of the Protocols of Zion revealed the serious role of Masonic lodges in establishing the global Jewish state to which the inhabitants of the world will submit and obey its authority. It states that Masonic lodges worldwide unknowingly serve as a mask that conceals our true goals. The way this power will be used in our plan, even in our headquarters, remains unknown to the world at large.

Allowing non-Jews to Join

The eleventh protocol detailed the goals of Zionism, including allowing non-Jews to join global Masonic lodges. It states: "What reason led us to invent our policy and establish it among non-Jews? We have ingrained it in their minds without letting them understand its hidden meaning. What is the secret that led us to take this path? It is that we are a scattered race, and we cannot achieve our goal by direct means but only by indirect means. This is the real reason for organizing 'Freemasonry,' which these non-Jewish swine have not delved into understanding or doubting its objectives. We lead them to our countless lodges, which appear to be Masonic only to throw dust in the eyes of their companions."

Role in Serving Zionism

The protocols contain many texts explaining the role of Masonic lodges in serving Zionism. For example, the Fifteenth Protocol states: "Non-Jews join Masonic lodges driven by mere curiosity or hoping to gain the benefits they provide. Some join to discuss their foolish ideas before an audience. Non-Jews crave the emotions that success and applause bring, and we distribute them generously. Therefore, we let them achieve their success and benefit from men who are filled with vanity and who accept our ideas, are confident in their infallibility, and believe they alone can think independently."

Supporters of the Zionist Movement

Thus, Freemasons have been the greatest supporters of the Zionist movement in various countries, working tirelessly to achieve its political and colonial goals. For example, Winston Churchill supported the British government's endorsement of Zionist ambitions in Palestine. Harry Truman, the President of the United States, was a Grand Freemason, as confirmed by the Chicago Avenger magazine in its issue dated July 13, 1955. He was the one who rushed to recognize the State of Israel at the moment of its ill-fated birth.

Revolutionary Movements and Seditions

The violent revolutionary movements and destructive seditions that erupted in various countries in modern times are attributed to subversive Masonic activity, such as the French Revolution in the late eighteenth century, the Ottoman coup in 1908, the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917, and others.


  1. "How to Establish the National Grand Lodge of Syria and Lebanon," by Hussein Al-Laz and Ahmed Mukhtar Najat, p. 28.
  2. "The Masonic Society: Its Facts and Secrets," by Dr. Ahmed Ghaloush, former president of the Grand Masonic Lodge in Alexandria, holder of the 32nd degree, p. 4.
  3. , p. 8.
  4. For more details, refer to the following books:
    • "Secrets of Freemasonry" by General Jawad Rifaat Atlakhan.
    • "Freemasonry in the Open" by Dr. Ali Al-Zoghbi.
    • The valuable book recently published: "Zionism Between Religion and Politics" by Professor Abdul Samie Al-Harawi, which we relied on for this research.

Source of the article: "Methods of Intellectual Invasion of the Islamic World."


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The infiltration of the Zionist movement into international decision-making circles is one of the most complex topics that reflects the influence of political and intellectual powers in the realm of international relations. The establishment of the Zionist movement as an ideological movement in the late 19th century was primarily aimed at this goal, in addition to establishing a national home for the Jews in Palestine. It sought, with all its strength, resources, and means of support, to exert a significant influence on international decision-making circles, which developed to reach high levels of influence that we witness today, both at the level of states and major international and global organizations.

 Zionist Organizations Role in International Politics

Since its establishment, Zionist organizations began in the early 20th century to form a network of relations with major powers, particularly Britain and France, successfully infiltrating and influencing decision-making circles. One of the most prominent phases of this was during World War I, when the Zionist movement sought British support to establish a "national home for the Jews" in Palestine, culminating in the "Balfour Declaration" in 1917, which was considered direct British support for the Zionist goal. The movement continued to leverage its political and media influence, which helped strengthen its position in many states and international forums.

Although the Zionist lobby in Europe does not hold the same power as it does in the United States, the Zionist movement has succeeded in shaping European policies in its favor. For instance, in Britain, some Zionist organizations, such as the "Zionist Federation of Britain," enjoy significant influence within major political parties.

In the United States, the Zionist movement managed to build a network of relations with politicians and intellectuals, establishing the "AIPAC" (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), known as the major Zionist lobby, to influence American politics and American decision-makers in line with its Zionist interests, whether concerning military support or policies related to security strategy or influencing American policies in its favor.

This includes influencing elections, enhancing military and economic relations between the two countries, supporting American political decisions that align with Zionist interests, and crafting a media discourse that bolsters its image; this has contributed to securing strong support from successive American governments, especially after World War II and the recognition of Israel in 1948, at the expense of the Palestinian people and their rights. The movement has also worked on building relationships with major economic sectors and financial institutions, enabling it to influence major economic decisions. As a result of the pressure it exerted, American financial and investment support for the entity became part of the policy of the American government.

 Zionist Organizations’ Influence on International Organizations   

At the level of international organizations, Zionist organizations have succeeded in influencing the positions of the United Nations, playing a prominent role in paving the way for the decision to partition Palestine in 1947, which led to the establishment of the so-called state. The influence and pressure on the UN continued to ensure sustained political support. Regarding the Palestinian-Zionist conflict, they managed to manipulate international public opinion through extensive research centers and media relations. These organizations sought to whitewash the image of their state and promote the Zionist narrative in UN forums, while ignoring Palestinian rights and marginalizing the Palestinian issue in international reports.

Despite the fact that the United Nations adopts an official discourse focused on human rights, Zionist organizations work to influence decisions related to the Palestinian-Zionist conflict. These organizations often succeed in pressuring certain member states to change their positions in favor of Israel. Numerous UN resolutions supporting Palestine, such as Security Council resolutions condemning settlement activities and violations against Palestinians, have faced significant resistance from the United States through repeated American vetoes, as well as from some Western countries that have strong relations with it. This influence is believed to be part of the extensive efforts made by these organizations to undermine UN decisions that criticize their state.

One important aspect that has helped enhance the influence of Zionist organizations is their ability to build impactful economic networks within international financial organizations, such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, through investments in these institutions. They have successfully ensured a flow of foreign investments into their state and incentivized major countries to provide economic assistance in times of crisis, as is currently happening in war on various fronts in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen.

Influencing global media is considered one of the key methods used by Zionist organizations to promote their interests in decision-making circles. They do this through media companies, research institutions, and think tanks, shaping the international media narrative in their favor and promoting their version of events. This includes providing selective information that emphasizes the security threats they face and asserting their right to defend themselves against attacks while downplaying the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

Criticism and Future Challenges

It is certain that the influence of Zionist organizations in decision-making circles at the international level and within international organizations goes beyond legitimate democratic frameworks and disproportionately affects governmental policies. This influence and infiltration restrict freedom of expression regarding Arab issues, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause, diminishes international accountability regarding the practices of the Zionist state in the occupied territories, and leads to the distortion of the policies of states and international organizations to align with Zionist interests, regardless of justice or international law.

The Zionist influence in decision-making circles is likely to face significant challenges as awareness of human rights issues grows in the Arab homeland and as policies in some major countries change. The international dynamics related to the Palestinian-Zionist conflict may shift, and as these Zionist organizations continue to strengthen their influence amid increasing international demands for greater justice and equality in dealing with Palestinians—alongside global calls for boycott to pressure governments to halt their support—they may find it difficult to maintain this influence in the future.

In conclusion, the penetration of the Zionist movement into international decision-making circles has deeply impacted the shaping of global policy, especially in the Middle East. It has significantly affected the outcomes of regional conflicts and created a state of constant tension between the entity and the Arab world. Although the Zionist movement has managed to achieve its objectives by influencing international politics, the repercussions of this on humanitarian and political levels remain a subject of debate and ongoing challenges.

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