A Year Post Al-Aqsa Flood... "Israel" in the Mirror of Its Press: Al-Aqsa Flood Nears Israel to Abyss Featured

By Dr. Mustafa Hassanein Nassar September 25, 2024 1953



The “Al-Aqsa Flood” continues to ravage the Zionist entity and shake its foundations at a steady, escalating pace, reaching a dangerous level in recent weeks, as the scope of contradictions between the poles of this criminal entity has expanded, divisions between its components have deepened, and the intensity of interactions between them has risen to a degree that warns of an imminent civil war in the entity’s territories, which was reflected by the “Israeli” press and electronic news websites, in their news articles. 

First: Widespread demonstrations and a call for civil disobedience:

We begin with the newspaper "Israel Hayom", which reported, on the pages of its issue published on September 1, calls issued by the families of the "Israeli" prisoners to the entire "Israeli" people to go out in large demonstrations, close companies, and offices, and stop various commercial and artistic activities, following the recovery of the remains of the six prisoners who were killed in the Gaza tunnels. The news also confirmed the wide response these calls received and the interaction with them from broad public sectors.

The hottest thing in this context is the call by former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak for a broad and continuous civil disobedience until Netanyahu is toppled because he does not want to stop the war, according to what the news website Srugim reported on September 1. In the same context, the website reported from officials in the Histadrut (the General Federation of Labor Unions in Israel) statements that they are considering carrying out a comprehensive economic strike, to pressure the Israeli government to sign a deal to exchange the kidnapped (prisoners).

Second:  Society division and internal strife

With the increasing heat of events and the speed of their succession, the situation has gone beyond the stage of demonstrations, strikes, and the like. It has reached the beginnings of a tangible division of society against itself. Ran Adlist, the famous writer and political analyst in the newspaper "Maariv", reads the dimensions of the terrifying reality, warning of its danger to the cohesion of "Israeli" society, in an article entitled "In the War on the Future: The Points of No Return We Have Passed and Those We Are on Our Way to". Among what he said: What was in place will never return, as the state is currently operating at the level of the second world, and in its direction towards the third world... so that each tribal leader rules the flock he tends, based on the current tribal division as part of the separation plan.

He then continues by saying: The most dangerous point of "no return" lies in striking internal cohesion during the war... The definitive matter in the internal "Israeli" conflict is that there are soldiers who kill and are killed against their will, and this represents at the same time a security and ideological interest for at least half of the country's citizens. (Maariv, 6/9/2024).

This means that their malicious souls have been taken over by congestion and that their fears of deepening societal division that could ultimately lead to civil war have reached a frightening level, such that they have begun to control their minds. There is no greater evidence of the seriousness of the situation and the intensity of these fears than that they have recalled to their national and religious memory two of the most dangerous and bitter catastrophic events in their history, namely the destruction of the First Temple and the destruction of the Second Temple, with their extremely tragic historical symbolism in the Jewish conscience.

These two catastrophes are linked in the Jewish mindset to the division of the Jewish community within itself, and the bloody conflicts between its components, in that they were among the most important factors that caused the occurrence of the two historical catastrophes that led to the religious and political collapse of the Jews each time, and the disappearance of their state and their dispersion in the corners of the world and their falling under the control of other peoples.

For example, the famous orientalist Dr. Yehuda Balanga, a professor at Bar-Ilan University, wrote in this context under the title “A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand,” saying: The Jewish people have suffered twice in their past from defeat and destruction, which caused them to lose their independence and be exiled. This happened both times because of weak, short-sighted leadership and failure. In the first, the leadership was unable to maintain the unity of the nation at the beginning of the First Temple period, due to its arrogance and isolation, which led to the division of the people into two kingdoms.

Then, Balanga continues, saying: The second time, from which we did not recover until nearly 2,000 years later, was with the destruction of the Second Temple. There is a famous saying from our rabbis that says: “The Second Temple was destroyed because of gratuitous hatred.” With these words, our rabbis summed up the entire shock, but this shock is composed of a set of details. The fall of the kingdoms of Judah and Jerusalem was a direct result of the collapse of leadership and the division that prevailed among the people at that time. (Israel Hayom, 9/3/2024).

Former “Israeli” Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was the first to speak about the possibility of a civil war breaking out in the Zionist entity, sparked by those known as the “hilltop youth,” who are groups of extremist Zionist settlers, most of whom inhabit scattered areas in the West Bank, isolated from official “Israeli” settlement activity, and carry out acts of violence and looting against Palestinians and their property.

Third: Public criticism of the army and resignation of a senior military leader:

The most dangerous factor in this context, which supports expectations that this entity will slide into civil war shortly, is the public and repeated blame and criticism directed at the army for the first time since the establishment of this entity, as the army has always enjoyed a special status from the beginning, reaching the level of sanctification, as the main claw of a criminal bastard entity based primarily on occupation, usurpation of lands and expulsion of their people from them.

On September 2, Channel 12 reported from opposition leader Yair Lapid, his message to members of the government, which stated: You are participating in the largest disaster that the country has experienced in its history, and you bear responsibility for all decisions... Prisoners are dying one after the other, and the army is going through its deepest crises.

It becomes even more tragic when such criticisms are made by some former army leaders themselves, including Reserve Major General Yitzhak Brick, who wrote a lengthy article on the subject on September 2 in Haaretz, in which he said, among other things: Some claim that leaving Gaza after signing an agreement with Hamas to return the kidnapped soldiers is tantamount to defeat and surrender. This claim is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of what is happening in Gaza and is fed by clichés spread by political officials and military leaders to justify their actions and gain popular support and legitimacy for the continuation of the failed fighting.

He then called on Israeli officials to stop the fighting in Gaza, concluding his remarks by saying: During the period of calm, we will restore the army, the economy, international relations, and the strength of Israeli society, and we will change the political and military level that caused the disastrous failure, and we will embark on a new path.

 Naturally, these repeated public criticisms will have negative repercussions on the military establishment. The most prominent of these was the resignation of the commander of the ground forces at the beginning of September, which was news that the "Israeli" press reported at the time with amazing speed and great interest mixed with concern, including, for example, the widely circulated "Srugim" news website, which reported the news immediately after it happened on the third of this month, as well as the "Israel Hayom" newspaper, which also published the news at the same time, and many others. What is striking, and what is also expected and customary in such difficult circumstances for the Zionist entity, is that the newspapers and news websites attributed the man's resignation from his position as commander of the ground forces to personal reasons! This completes the dimensions of the miserable picture and makes it even darker.

This news, analysis, and statements have deep and important implications in the context of the current situation within this criminal entity, in addition to their content, for several considerations: First: They are all issued by high-level public figures within this entity; From former heads of government, military leaders, writers and senior analysts... Second: This is the first time in the history of the entity that voices from within it have dared to criticize the army, publicly blame it, and accuse it of abject failure.

Third: It linked the current situation in the Zionist entity, and the destruction of the first and second houses, with their dark historical shadows, and the last is that it included news about the first resignation of a senior military commander in the Zionist army, the commander of the ground forces, which certainly came as a reflection of the state of military deterioration and an indicator of it.

If we put a small part of what we mentioned in previous follow-ups about the hatred burning within the entity that deepens with the continuation of the war, between the right and the left, and between the religious and the secular, the bleak picture would be complete in all its dimensions; A civil war is looming on the horizon, and while it is confirmed that it is the beginning of the end and that the eternal end of this entity will most likely not happen quickly, this end must be preceded by radical positive developments in our conditions, positions, and orientations as Arabs and Muslims.


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