Türkiye is trying 9 Mossad Agents

By Gamal Khattab February 06, 2024 1254


  The Turkish authorities have accused 9 people of working with the Mossad, which is the Israeli intelligence agency. Let's find out more!

The Arrest and Transfer

Last Friday, the Turkish authorities announced that they had arrested the people they believed were collaborating with the Mossad. These suspects were then taken to the Palace of Justice in Istanbul's Çağlayan district. After being questioned, the public prosecutor decided to send 7 of them to jail and release the other two under certain conditions.

How the Mossad Operated

According to security sources, the Turkish intelligence service discovered that the Mossad was keeping an eye on its targets in Turkey using private investigators. These investigators were involved in activities like gathering personal information, doing surveillance, taking photos and videos, and even placing tracking devices on the targets.

The Suspected Collaboration

The Public Prosecution in Istanbul conducted investigations and found evidence that the nine suspects had sold information to the Mossad through these private investigators. This is why they are now facing trial.

The Arrest Operation

Last Friday, the Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism Branches of the Istanbul Security Directorate carried out a security operation in Istanbul and Izmir. This operation resulted in the arrest of 7 suspects. It was later discovered that the other two individuals had already been detained as part of the same investigations.

Previous Operation

In December 2022, the Turkish intelligence service had already taken action against private investigators linked to the Mossad. During that operation, they arrested 68 people. 

Source: Anadolu Agency