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5 Paths for Individual Reform Featured

By Fatima Abdulraouf April 15, 2024 2152


Individual reform is the gateway to the great renaissance of societies. Since the individual is the smallest unit of societal construction, their reform, advancement, and transformation into a highly valued human being ranks at the top of the priorities for progress.

While individual reform holds this vital position in the making of the renaissance, working on it becomes much easier when sincere intentions and genuine energy are present.

In this regard, we can outline 5 fundamental paths around which the axes of individual reform revolve.

1- Relationship with Allah (God):

The relationship with Allah, the Almighty, comes at the top of priorities. It's the first path that individuals should strive to reform and prioritize. There can be no true renaissance without placing the relationship with Allah, the Almighty, as the cornerstone. No matter how much success one achieves in other aspects, a deep part of their soul will remain in a state of anxiety, confusion, and fear if this relationship is neglected.

Life by its nature is not stable; there's the inevitability of death and loss. These are matters that can be ignored for a while, but inevitably one will collide with them, and life will seem harsh, or as some describe it, unjust if the true relationship with the Creator is absent. All acts of worship were legislated to open pathways to a strong bond between human and their Creator, granting satisfaction and tranquillity in times of joy and sorrow, prosperity and adversity; “And glorify the praises of your Lord before sunrise and before sunset, and glorify Him in the hours of the night and at both ends of the day, so that you may be pleased (with the reward).’’ (Quran, 20:130).

This path is often overlooked by Western individuals who may have progressed in other paths of reform but stumbled in their relationship with Allah, the Almighty. Because the soul cannot bear this material neglect, there's often oscillation between embracing ancient Eastern spiritual philosophies that gained significant popularity and indulging in mesmerizing, and perhaps deviant, material pleasures to cover up this sense of deep emptiness.

2- Relationship with the Self:

Self-awareness and introspection constitute the second path of self-renaissance. This knowledge is among the most important ways to attain knowledge of the Lord; “as there are within yourselves. Can you not see?” (Quran, 51:21).

There exists a dialectical relationship between introspection and the relationship with the Creator. Just as true and deep introspection leads to faith, faith in Allah, the Almighty, repairs the fractures within the soul and provides it with the opportunity for healing and recovery. Within every individual lie dark caves of old, miserable experiences, fears that haunt their spirit, sorrowful melancholy, or anxiety threatening their peace, suppressed desires, shattered dreams, feelings of jealousy and envy, or a sense of abandonment and lack of support, or even genuine or imagined feelings of victimization. All these emotions, fears, and psychological fractures are mended by a genuine relationship with Allah.

But how does one introspect? After seeking help from Allah, individuals can allocate sufficient time for sincere contemplation of their feelings and thoughts, engaging in inner dialogue. This has been the practice of the righteous through what is known as "Muraqabah," observation, and self-accountability.

One doesn't need to undergo a psychoanalytic session to understand the deep dimensions of their suffering. It suffices to introspect, recognize, and then begin changing their thoughts about them. They should create new neural connections to replace the old ones, displacing emotions with others. Of course, this is not an easy task but rather a struggle; As for those who struggle in Our cause, We will surely guide them along Our Way.” (Quran, 29:69).

Old feelings and thoughts won't easily be discarded; they are closer to a system of "persistent whispers" that attack us in moments of weakness and heedlessness, laden with memories, armed with the time spent in their midst, and the behaviours we have become accustomed to with them. However, the solution lies in summoning a state of consciousness and awareness; “Indeed, when Satan whispers to those mindful (of Allah), they remember (their Lord) then they start to see (things) clearly.” (Quran, 7:201).

3- Knowledge and Action:

This path of renaissance is connected to the previous path of "self-awareness and understanding of one's capabilities, recognizing weaknesses and strengths." In light of this revelation, individuals can progress towards self-realization by enhancing their skills. This is closely tied to effective time management, decision-making skills, training to improve thinking, acquiring beneficial new habits, and investing in the present moment while envisioning a future perspective. In summary, this is the path of seeking knowledge, learning, and working towards achieving the best possible version of oneself capable of contributing to the world and deserving stewardship.

4- With the Family:

If the relationship with Allah provides an individual with satisfaction, tranquillity, and self-awareness, in light of this vision, it grants them psychological peace and transforms them into a valuable individual. Their pursuit of learning and work achieves the best possible realistic version of themselves. This directly reflects on the fourth path, "the relationship with the family." Humans are social beings who cannot live solitary lives; they constantly need companionship and shelter; “He is the One Who created you from a single soul, then from it made its spouse so he may find comfort in her” (Quran, 7:189).

Hence, the need for a family is natural; “And Allah has made for you spouses of your own kind, and given you through your spouses children and grandchildren” (Quran, 16:72).

The family is the largest support network for individuals, and every valuable individual is a wonderful addition to their family. We cannot discuss individual renaissance in isolation from the family. One of the most important criteria for renaissance success is for individuals to invest in their families, building strong and warm relationships with them. They should also possess the ability to withstand psychological pressures that may arise from the family, no matter how challenging; “But if they pressure you to associate with Me what you have no knowledge of, do not obey them. Still keep their company in this world courteously” (Quran, 31:15).

5- Community Reform:

As for the fifth path in the journey of self-improvement, it is the broad circle in which an individual lives, namely the community. An individual must play a role in reforming their community because personal reform alone is not sufficient; “and make us models for the righteous.” (Quran, 25:74).

The real challenge lies in the individual who has improved themselves as much as they can and has improved their family to the best of their ability to contribute to the reform of the society in which they live. I do not mean that one must reach an extreme level of self-improvement or family reform to be able to strive for the reform of their community. Often, things progress in an intersecting manner. However, it is certain that this path is the link between individual reform and the reform and renaissance of the nation.

Read the Article in Arabic.



Last modified on Wednesday, 16 October 2024 08:57

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