Understanding Identity

By Sayed Hamdy October 04, 2024 413

Every nation has its own identity, and each identity has unique characteristics that distinguish it. This identity is crucial for the advancement and development of nations; without it, they lose their meaning, stability, and sense of existence.

Identity is not a static concept determined beforehand. It is a continuous process shaped and altered by various influencing factors, primarily the prevailing culture, upbringing patterns, and accumulated experiences.

One might ask a seemingly obvious question: Why should I have a defined identity? Why do nations concern themselves with this matter?

To answer, we emphasize that the importance of identity lies in its role in guiding the behavior of individuals and groups towards construction and development. Without it, a person becomes empty, follower, and scattered, torn by contradictions and attracted by trivialities.

In the life of nations, identity is essential for these nations to have meaning, purpose, and goals.

Unified belief, language, history, and interconnected geographical location are indispensable components of identity.

Are there additional features to our Islamic identity?

Our Islamic identity surpasses all other identities because it belongs to Allah, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, and to His Prophet, peace be upon him, who has been revealed to by his Lord.

This identity belongs to the greatest religion and the most comprehensive message. It encompasses the entire life of a Muslim, defining their purpose and goal in life. It is also the source of their honor and dignity: “And to Allah belongs [all] honor, and to His Messenger, and to the believers, but the hypocrites do not know.” (Al-Munafiqun: 8)

Umar ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “We were the most humiliated people, and Allah honored us with Islam. If we seek honor through anything else, Allah will humiliate us.”

Today, amid the world's civilizational and cultural conflicts and the continuous attempts to obliterate the Islamic identity to prevent Islam from becoming strong again, and to prevent the Islamic spirit from awakening, the features of Islamic identity in Muslim societies have significantly faded, unlike individuals where many remain steadfast in their Islamic identity, defending and holding on to it.


Problems and Challenges

However, the manifestations of identity loss are strongly evident in many Muslim societies, including:

  • The impact of secularism, which separates religion from people's lives, resulting in the weakening of the Islamic identity.
  • The ongoing attack from proponents of enlightenment on the features of Islamic identity amidst the weakness of opposing discourse. This is something that no longer requires proof or evidence.
  • Many young Muslims gravitate towards Western culture in all aspects of life.

The major problem is that Muslim youth are clearly weak and scattered in the face of other cultures that clash with Islamic values and principles. The primary reason for this weakness is the overwhelming characteristics of these cultures, which are dazzling and possess elements of virtual dominance.

Additionally, these cultures receive strong support from many anti-Islam entities, and they are combined with impressive scientific and technological advancements linked closely to a consumer culture backed by enticing values, symbols, and methods within the global capitalist system.

  • Another problem facing our Islamic societies is that other cultures find fertile ground in Muslim societies to spread their ideas and values, which helps distort Islamic values to align with those transient cultures.

The most prominent of these ideas is the elevation of reason as the primary guide for behavior. Moreover, the institutions that promote globalization generously fund their agents in Muslim societies to spread destructive ideas that weaken the youth's connection to their identity. This is in contrast to cultural centers, some foreign schools, and charitable organizations that significantly impact the intellectual, educational, and cultural system.

  • The media, which adopts values opposing Islamic principles, has had the greatest impact on weakening the Islamic identity, especially amidst the significant decline of other nurturing factors such as family, school, friends, and places of worship.

The development of media means and their reach to every individual in the Muslim community, with their attractive and entertaining content, have influenced the value system that preserves identity.

Moreover, the absence of role models and leadership figures and the weakness of the educational system in Muslim societies have created a significant psychological and moral void among the youth.

The question remains: How do we make our youth proud of their Islamic identity?

I believe the starting point should be preserving the elements of identity, which begin with the Arabic language and extend to customs and traditions, along with enhancing the role of media in all its forms in promoting authentic values that elevate the Islamic identity. Continuous individual and institutional efforts are needed to preserve cultural heritage, without preventing adaptation to global changes.

Today, the responsibility is heavy on every Muslim who understands the reality of their existence on this earth. Given the evident facts, they must exert their utmost effort to affirm the Islamic identity and adhere to its manifestations, countering others with argument and evidence, and working to spread it, as it is derived from a sound religion from the Lord of the worlds.

If Western societies, which permit deviancy and oppose nature, are proud of their distorted identity that lacks any upright morals or noble values, then it is more fitting for Muslims to be proud of their identity based on divine principles, aligned with noble virtues, sound nature, and healthy minds.

If it is difficult to work on a project adopted by Arab and Islamic governments to preserve the Islamic identity, then the head of the family in their home, the teacher in their school, the intellectual, the preacher, the media person, and every individual in the community bear the responsibility before Allah and the community, each according to their ability, to preserve the Islamic identity. This starts with affirming that the Quran and the purified Sunnah are the primary sources of Islamic identity: “So hold fast to that which is revealed to you. Indeed, you are on a straight path. And indeed, it is a reminder for you and your people, and you will be questioned.” (Az-Zukhruf: 43-44) The Prophet, peace be upon him, said in a hadith reported by Abu Dawood: “He who copies any people is one of them.” This includes pride in the Arabic language, the use of Arabic and Islamic names for individuals and businesses, and opposing advocates of Westernization and those seeking to detach from the Islamic identity.



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Last modified on Friday, 04 October 2024 15:26