The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:
“By God, it’s not poverty? I fear for you, but I fear for you that the world will be extended to you as it was extended to those before you, so you compete for it as they competed for it and perish.” How much did it destroy them?
Sahih Al-Bukhari
All countries and nations in our world today compete for this mortal world, and for its sake they strive with all their might to impose control over their resources and control their capabilities.
Global and regional conflicts are only a natural result of this immoral and inhumane competition.
I wish this deadly scourge woul… The aforementioned examples of these afflictions exist in all countries and nations to varying degrees, but in the end they exist and only the ignorant can deny them.
This is not a call for despair and despair of the existence of hope.
Rather, it is an invitation to contemplation, contemplation, and self-reflection, and the ordeal of Gaza has shown that the people of the world in general, and the Islamic and Arab peoples in particular, still distinguish between truth and falsehood, between the oppressor and the oppressed, between the aggressor and the afflicted, between good and evil, between the aggressor and the oppressed. The victim, it still reacts and seeks to support the oppressed over the oppressor, each according to his ability and strength, and the human feeling is still widespread among the free people of the world by the command of God Almighty and His generosity and grace.
It behooves us, as Muslims, to take advantage of the calamity that befell our people in Gaza, which in reality is a gift wrapped in a heavy, painful ordeal, so that God Almighty sees from us what pleases Him and what makes Him happy, proving that through our actions and our stance that we deserve to be Muslims.
And let us remember that on the Day of Resurrection we will stand in the hands of God Almighty, and “God Almighty will say on the Day of Resurrection: O son of Adam, I fell ill and you did not visit Me. He will say: O Lord, how can I visit You when You are the Lord of the worlds?! He said: Did you not know that my servant So-and-so fell ill and you did not visit him Did you not know that if you had gone back to him, you would have found me with him? O son of Adam, I asked you for food but you did not feed me. He said: O Lord, and how can I feed you when you are the Lord of the worlds?! He said: Did you not know that he My servant so-and-so asked you to feed him!!! you did not feed him? Did you not know that had you fed him, you would have found him with me? O son of Adam, I asked you for water and you did not water me, he said: O Lord, how do you protect you and you are the Lord of the two worlds?!
Narrator: Abu Hurairah | Source: Sahih Muslim.
I am certain that God Almighty will take our hand and help us with His power and strength. He will decree salvation for us on the Day of Resurrection because He wants that for us, and He will treat us as He deserves it and not as we deserve it. These two hadiths are rays of hope that emerge from the womb of pain that the Islamic world is experiencing. And the Arabs in general, and our people in Gaza in particular, the following was narrated on the authority of our master, our leader, our role model, and our Messenger Muhammad, may the best prayers and peace be upon him:
It was narrated on the authority of eight of the Companions, namely Abu Tha’labah Al-Khushni, Abdullah bin Masoud, Abu Umamah, Utbah bin Ghazwan, Anas bin Malik, Abdullah bin Omar, and Muadh bin Jabal. The wording is from the hadith of Abu Tha’labah according to Al-Tirmidhi (3058) that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Indeed, There are days behind you, patience in which is like clutching hot coals, and whoever is patient and works in these times will be rewarded like the reward of fifty men who work like you.
Abdullah bin Al-Mubarak said: And it added to me more than Utbah:
“It was said, ‘O Messenger of God, the reward of fifty of us or of them?’ He said: ‘Rather, the reward of fifty of you.’”
Likewise, it was narrated on the authority of Anas that he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: (The example of my nation is that of rain, and it is not known whether it will be good at the beginning or at the end). [Good in its ways] - [Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi]
There is no doubt that these hadiths are one of the places and indications of the mercy of God Almighty, which encompasses everything, and they are motivations for seriousness and diligence as much as possible. As Muslims, we are reassured that God Almighty rewards us for striving and not for achieving the goal and results!!!!
I have become particularly convinced that our people in Gaza have their own special situation that is completely different from the rest of the people of the world. They are a unique case, and what applies to the rest of the people of the world and the region does not apply to them, and the events of October 7, 2023, “the Al-Aqsa Flood” have revealed to us. The strength and solidity of this people is what really makes me believe and be convinced that they are “God’s chosen people” and the tip of the spear with which Jerusalem will be liberated and the occupation of Al-Aqsa mosque will end and return to the hands of the Muslims, with God’s Almighty willing. He is the guardian of that and the one who is capable of it, but how is that? Here are some reasons, but not limited to them.
Al-Hakim mentioned in Al-Mustadrak on Al-Sahihayn with the wording: “God has divided among you your morals just as He has divided among you your livelihood, and God gives the world to those who he loves and those who doesn’t love, and He only gives faith to those who love.” Al-Dhahabi said in Al-Talkhis: The chain of transmission is authentic.
Now let us project this hadith and other hadiths that I will mention later on the reality of our people in Gaza to see whether they have the right to be called “God’s chosen people” or not?
*The people of Gaza have been living in the condition of “Abi Talib’s people” since approximately 2008, on land, sea, and air. The entire world boycotted them and continues to besiege them with an unjust siege that no one with religion, morals, chivalry, or even an ounce of humanity will accept.
*"And when the believers saw the parties, they said, 'This is what God and His Messenger promised us,' and God and His Messenger spoke the truth. And it only increased them in faith and submission." (22)
There is no doubt that Gaza is experiencing the invasion of the parties in its new form in 2023. All the Crusader, Jewish and Zionist forces came together to fight it and surrounded Gaza like a bracelet on the wrist, and what we see through social media of the steadfastness and determination of our people in Gaza despite this genocide is the best evidence that they are true believers. And they are honest and confident in God’s promise. Their main motive is their firm belief that God Almighty will grant them victory, by God’s willing. They have been raised since their childhood on a very, very, very deep concept, which is that they are all projects of martyrdom.
* Nimran bin Utbah Al-Dhimari says: “We entered Umm Al-Darda’ while we were orphans,” and their father died in the war for the sake of God and jihad, so Umm Al-Darda’ said to them: “Rejoice, for I heard Abu Al-Darda’ say: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: He will intercede.” That is, he will be given intercession on the Day of Resurrection for seventy of his household.
Narrator: Abu Darda.
True, Abu Dawud.
As we all know that the total number of martyrs in Gaza since 10/07/2023 is close to 21,000 martyrs, and God is the judge of them. And if we assume that from the beginning of 2008 until 10/06/2023 there are also approximately 4,000 martyrs, then the total number becomes 25,000 martyrs, this means that 1,750,000 of our people in Gaza deserve the honor of the intercession of their martyrs out of 2,000,000 of our people in Gaza, based on and in application of the hadith of Umm al-Darda on the authority of her husband Abu Darda, may God be pleased with them both.
* On the authority of Abu Abbas Abdul Rahman bin Jabr, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “No servant’s feet are covered with dust in the path of God and the Fire touches him.” [Sahih] - [Narrated by Al-Bukhari]
The whole world witnessed the extent of the destruction, demolition, and abuse that the brutal Zionist entity practiced and is still practicing on our people in Gaza, which not only made their feet dusty, but their entire bodies were covered in dust, and even their lungs inhaled the dust. Which is for the sake of God Almighty.
Based on the hadith of Ibn Jabr, may God be pleased with him, the fire was forbidden to all of Gaza, “Muslims” among them, of course, and God Almighty is their judge.
Based on the hadith of Ibn Jabr, may God be pleased with him, the fire was forbidden to all of Gaza, “Muslims” among them, of course, and God Almighty is their judge.
Ahmad (22950) narrated on the authority of Buraydah Al-Aslami, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that he said - on the authority of the author of the Qur’an -: “And the crown of reverence will be placed on his head, and his parents will be clothed with robes that the people of this world cannot do. And because: Why did we cover these things? It is said: By taking You recite the Qur’an, then it is said to him: Read and ascend to the level of Paradise and its rooms. He is on the rise, as long as he recites this, whether it is a recitation or a recitation.
The Ministry of Endowments in the Gaza Strip reported that 24,000 memorizers and memorizers of the Qur’an were graduated in August 2023.
Based on the hadith of Buraydah Al-Aslami, may God be pleased with him, there are 48,000 fathers and mothers who will wear the crown of reverence on the Day of Resurrection and receive the intercession of their sons and daughters for memorizing the Qur’an. The Ministry also stated that the total number of male and female guardians in Gaza reached 50,000, while the total number of fathers and mothers reached 100,000 who will wear the crown of dignity, God Almighty willing, on the Day of Resurrection. In addition, the number of families in Gaza is approximately 335,000 families, according to the official statistics announced by the Department of Statistics in Gaza, which means that there are approximately 1.5 hafiz in each family, meaning every family has a hafiz and some families have two hafiz.
* Ibn Hajar mentioned in Fath al-Bari that the bond is attached to the place between Muslims and infidels to guard the Muslims from them, and he mentioned that whoever resides in any place, even if his homeland intends by residing in it to repel the enemy, then he is a marabout.
Accordingly, we hope that whoever resides in the Levant in general, and Palestine and Gaza in particular, with the intention of bonding and jihad will receive the reward if he resides there with that intention.
Conclusion: The Palestinian people in general, and our people in #Gaza_Glory in particular, live between the obligation of jihad, bondage, and selection to memorize the Book of God Almighty!!!! On the Day of Resurrection, the intercession of the Master of Messengers will reach them first, then their martyrs, then they will be protected by the mercy of God Almighty, which encompasses all things.
I thought that the Palestinian people in general and our people in Gaza in particular were deprived “by worldly standards,” only to discover that we are the deprived and they are the winners “by divine standards.”