A Year Post Al-Aqsa Flood... Women of Gaza are steadfast mountains!

By Reema Mohammed Zanada September 24, 2024 1679





When "Hajar" learned that her husband Abraham, peace be upon him, was going on his way by the command of God Almighty, and in response to him, she was certain that Allah Almighty would not let her down. This certainty came at a tough time, as she was a woman with her infant Ishmael, peace be upon him, in a land barren of trees and people and without water.

All the reasons for weakness came together on her, as destruction would inevitably overtake her; despite that, she did not ask him to stay with her and not leave them, but rather she remained steadfast with a certainty that was more steadfast than steadfast mountains that God Almighty would not let them down.

Today, the scene is renewed in the free women of Gaza, as they are fighting the greatest war in support of Islam and Muslims.

Each one of them carries in her heart the same certainty that Allah Almighty will not let her down when her husband leaves her. She bids him farewell with tender looks, but she carries the strength as she whispers in his ear: Go on in the path of God, and God will not let us down.

When the world wants to praise women, it applauds them as half of society, but they do not know that in Gaza, they are the entire society; she is the martyr, the prisoner, the resistance, the mother of the martyr, the mother of the prisoner, the wounded, and the mother of the wounded as well.

She is the same caring mother and the happy, loyal wife to her husband, and she is the same one who cleans his weapon after every battle.

She gives her fighter strength before he goes out to training, and then to battle, teaching him that the jihad that Allah loves is jihad in His cause, as He said in His Noble Book: “And fight in the Way of Allah and know that Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.” (Al-Baqarah: 244).

And "Umm Osama", the Khansa of Gaza, knew very well the meaning of jihad in the cause of Allah, so she presented five of her sons as martyrs, raising them for jihad, and their names had a share of that; Her first martyr was named Osama, after Osama bin Zaid. Her second martyr was Hamza, after Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib. Her third martyr was Ahmed, after the name of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. They were martyred with their sister when their homes were bombed over their heads, so they had nobody left to bid farewell to. Their mother was unable to take a last look at them. As for her fifth martyr, who was martyred days after his brothers in jihad, Ubadah, his name was Ubadah bin Al-Samit.

It is no wonder that she remained steadfast, as she taught them jihad in the way of Allah Almighty. She understands their steps and urges them to do so. The faith in her heart is very great because she realizes her important role in the battle. What increased her patience and steadfastness in remaining in the land of Gaza was her certainty that Allah Almighty is with Gaza and its people and that this battle is between truth and falsehood.

Displacement and steadfastness

It was not a single battle that the women of Gaza fought; rather, it was a series of battles, and despite that, it did not weaken their resolve, even though they endured a lot of pain and suffering.

The battle of the occupation soldiers attacking homes, arresting men, and forcing women and children to be forcibly displaced from Gaza to the southern regions to achieve the goal of evacuating Gaza and controlling it, or more precisely, to expose the back of the resistance, so that targeting them would be easier and more obvious.

So, the woman in Gaza fought the battle of displacement, knowing nothing about the fate of her husband and young sons, to walk with heavy, tired steps towards the south inside a tent that lacked the most basic necessities of life.

However, she persevered, tried, struggled, and continued to give, to maintain her presence in the battle, despite the occupation missiles targeting her tent and the martyrdom of her children.

Her daughter and her family were also martyred in northern Gaza, and she was unable to say goodbye to her daughter after being deprived of seeing her for a year, yet she remained steadfast; Rather, it strengthens the mothers of martyrs and reinforces their resolve and reminds them of the status of the martyr and the reward of patience, as God Almighty said:    "O you who believe! Seek help in patience and As-Salât (the prayer). Truly! Allâh is with As-Sâbirûn (the patient).  153. And say not of those who are killed in the Way of Allâh, "They are dead." Nay, they are living, but you perceive (it) not.  154. And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As-Sâbirûn (the patient).  155. Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: "Truly! To Allâh we belong and truly, to Him we shall return." 156 (Al-Baqara)

The arrest was not limited to men, as women had their share of that oppression and injustice, as they were shackled and placed in detention centers that were not fit for life, deprived of food and water, deprived of obtaining medicine for their chronic illness, police dogs attacked their bodies, and they were prevented from obtaining their most basic rights in terms of their health needs, which made them bleed on their bodies without any consideration that they were women.

The Starvation Battle

The deliberate starvation battle by the occupation to pressure it to leave has repeatedly affected it, as flour and food have run out; which has led to a clear drop in weight indicators, yet it is still steadfast. If it had not been for its steadfastness and stability for a year, even years, Gaza has been suffering from occupation, siege, and wars that preceded the “Al-Aqsa Flood”; Gaza would have been defeated.

Despite the passage of a year of starvation, bombing, destruction, deprivation, and martyrdom, Gaza is still steadfast, steadfast, and much more steadfast than the steadfast mountains, and its resistance is still pounding the fortresses of the occupation.

Secrets of Steadfastness

The world often wonders how Gaza can withstand the occupation that spends billions on its army and weapons?!

It is difficult for any political analyst to analyze the current situation in Gaza, but we say: Gaza is in the company of Allah Almighty, as the observer on the ground is certain of this, as it is stated in His Noble Book: “To Allah ˹alone˺ belong the forces of the heavens and the earth. And Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.” (Al-Fath: 7), Allah Almighty has soldiers in the heavens and the earth with which He supports His believing servants, and this is clear in Gaza."

This company has made the women of Gaza more steadfast, steadfast, and strong in defending their faith, Islam, and homeland. She is a conscious woman who realizes her mission to support her great Islam, and she realizes that her battle with the occupation is not only for a homeland and a country; rather, it is a faith and a religion.

She was certain that Allah was with her and would help her to remain steadfast, as His Noble Book says: (When your Lord inspired the angels, “˹Remember, O Prophet, when your Lord revealed to the angels, “I am with you. So, make the believers stand firm. I will cast horror into the hearts of the disbelievers. So, strike their necks and strike their fingertips.” (Al-Anfal: 12).

This made her choose her steps carefully, not only from the beginning of raising her children but also before that in her acceptance of marrying a resistant man. Here, resistance is not limited to carrying weapons only, but in all the fields that the homeland needs.


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