The Best Ways to Improve Attention, Concentration, and Listening Skills in Children Featured

By Gamal Khattab January 11, 2024 3175


Understanding Attention and Concentration Difficulties

Having trouble concentrating and listening is something many kids struggle with. But it's important to remember that not every child who has trouble paying attention or being impulsive has a disorder. However, when these difficulties start affecting a child's school performance and daily life, it's important for parents and teachers to understand the causes and find effective methods to help improve their concentration and performance.

Types of Attention and Concentration Disorders

According to child and adolescent psychologist Karina Kadi, there are three subtypes of attention and concentration disorders:

  1. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

In this type, the child is often very inattentive and has a severe lack of attention and concentration.

  1. Excessive Hyperactivity Disorder

In this type, the child is hyperactive and very impulsive.

  1. Combined Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

In this case, the child may suffer from both attention deficit and hyperactivity.

It's important to note that children who primarily show symptoms of poor concentration without hyperactivity tend to be calm and lethargic.

Causes of Poor Concentration

There are several reasons that can lead to poor concentration, including:

  1. Anxiety

Anxiety can result from various family or personal reasons, such as fear of separation from parents or fear of embarrassment.

  1. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

OCD greatly affects concentration and often appears in children during primary school.

  1. Emotional Trauma

Exposure to violence or going through difficult experiences can create a feeling of insecurity and lead to poor concentration.

Treatment Methods

Behavioral therapy can be an effective approach to help children improve their concentration. Here are some methods that can be adopted:

  1. Maintain a Stable Routine

Help the child organize their environment and daily activities. Encourage them to set a daily schedule for themselves.

  1. Promote Positive Attitudes

Support the child in overcoming difficulties and maintaining a positive mindset. Show them love and kindness.

  1. Play Concentration-Building Games

Engage the child in games that help improve their concentration, such as memory games and puzzles.

  1. Limit Screen Time

Excessive screen time can decrease a child's concentration levels. Encourage them to take breaks from screens.

  1. Establish a Work Schedule

Set a schedule for schoolwork to create a routine that reduces concentration problems over time.

  1. Provide Rest Periods

Both at home and in school, ensure the child has regular rest periods to regain focus.

  1. Adjust Assignments

Give the child more time to complete academic tasks and avoid overwhelming them with excessive homework.

  1. Consult a Doctor

If other methods don't work, a doctor may prescribe stimulant medications to help improve behavior and mental abilities. However, this should always be done under medical supervision.

Helpful Tips

Psychotherapist Margaret Nickels suggests the following tips for parents dealing with a child who has attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder:

  • Be patient and understanding with the child's hyperactivity and difficulty listening.
  • Break down instructions into small, manageable steps and have the child repeat each step.
  • Writing down instructions can help the child remember and follow them.
  • Make sure the child knows they are not being punished and provide a designated space to help them focus.
  • Avoid punishing the child for not completing tasks within a specific time frame and allow flexibility in task completion order.
  • Encourage a healthy diet rich in vitamins and proteins, and limit fast food consumption.
  • Ensure the child has time for daily entertainment and hobbies to relieve pressure.
  • Create a distraction-free environment and help the child organize their time effectively.
  • Establish a consistent sleep schedule, ensuring the child gets 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night for optimal focus.

Remember, these tips and methods can vary from child to child, so it's important to find what works best for your child with the help of professionals.