Escalating Israeli Calls for Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza Featured

By Gamal Khattab January 07, 2024 131


  • Washington Post's Ishaan Tharoor cites Netanyahu's right-wing coalition's call for nuclear bomb drop and annihilation as revenge.
  • Israel's ambassador to Britain, Tzivi Hotovely, advocates for demolition of all Gaza buildings to destroy Hamas' military infrastructure.
  • South Africa's lawsuit accuses Israel of genocide or failure to prevent acts.

 The Tragedy in Gaza

The situation in Gaza is a human tragedy that is not getting enough attention in Israel. Instead of focusing on helping the people of Gaza, Israeli leaders are more concerned with defeating Hamas and freeing Israeli prisoners.

Devastating Consequences

Unfortunately, the constant war rhetoric from Israeli politicians is making things even worse for the people of Gaza. While some residents are trying to rebuild their homes, Israeli ministers are pushing for the restoration of settlements.

A Call for Destruction

In a column for the Washington Post, Ishaan Tharoor mentioned that members of the right-wing coalition led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have even suggested dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza to completely destroy it. They want to impoverish the people of Gaza so much that they have no choice but to leave their homeland.

Extreme Statements

Just this week, a lawmaker from Netanyahu's party appeared on television and said that the entire population of Gaza needs to be destroyed. Israels ambassador to Britain also stated that every school, mosque, and house in Gaza should be demolished to destroy Hamas' military infrastructure.

Accusations of Genocide

The South African government has filed a lawsuit against Israel, accusing them of committing acts of genocide or failing to prevent them. The lawsuit claims that Israeli politicians, journalists, and public officials have incited genocide against the people of Gaza.

Forced Displacement

Israeli politicians like Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir have openly called for the forced displacement of Gazans. Smotrich even suggested encouraging immigration from Gaza.

Behind Closed Doors

While these calls for ethnic cleansing may not be the official position of the Israeli government, some officials have admitted that they are driven by political motives. They know that there is no future without the people of Gaza and the Palestinian Authority.

Condemnation from Israelis

A group of prominent Israelis, including former lawmakers and intellectuals, have written a joint letter condemning the Israeli judicial authorities for not stopping the widespread use of "genocide" rhetoric. They are concerned that calls for atrocities against civilians have become a regular part of Israeli discourse.

Source: Washington Post

Last modified on Sunday, 07 January 2024 08:04