Al-Sawaf, Prominent Al-Mujtama writer killed in Gaza by Occupation Bombs Featured

By Gamal Khattab November 18, 2023 366


A Tragic Loss

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Mustafa Al-Sawaf, one of the most prominent writers and journalists in the Gaza Strip. He, along with some of his family members, lost their lives in a bombing by the Zionist forces. It is a great loss for Al-Mujtama magazine and for the Palestinian community as a whole.

A Voice for Palestine

Mustafa Al-Sawaf was a talented writer who contributed greatly to Al-Mujtama magazine. He wrote insightful articles and analyses about the Palestinian issue. His last piece, titled "The Palestinian arena is approaching the battle of the promise of the afterlife," even predicted some of the events happening today.

A Crime against Humanity

As we mourn the loss of Mustafa Al-Sawaf, we also condemn the Zionist forces for their brutal actions in the Gaza Strip. This genocide affects all members of society, including writers and journalists who use their pens to share the truth with the world. The occupation seeks to silence them through violence, disregarding international conventions and laws that protect journalists and their rights, both in times of peace and during conflicts.