In a rare epic scene that will be immortalized in history, the victorious leader Yahya Sinwar, the hero of the Great Aqsa Battle (AL-Aqsa Flood), appears in his final moments with his right hand, which was badly injured, tied with a severe injury, only his eyes are visible as if they were the eyes of a tiger preparing to pounce on its prey. He reminds us of the al-Qaqaa, which Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, said: "An army in which al-Qaqaa is present cannot be defeated, and the sound of al-Qaqaa in battle is better than a thousand men." al-Qaqaa alone was Abu Bakr's support for Khalid bin Walid to confront the Persian army.
Sinwar refused to do anything but give his best in response to his Lord as he had breath and remaining strength. He raised a stick in his left hand to confront a drone that had infiltrated his territory. He threw his stick, and it caught the deceivers in their deceit and falsehood, and the deceptive Zionist narrative collapsed. They claimed he was hiding among civilians using them as shields, and they repeated that he was hiding in tunnels using prisoners as protection. Even though the leader was unharmed in a safe place, he was among his soldiers, fighting alongside them and moving between their groups in their combat knots, encouraging and supporting them, all in the most intense and heated places with the criminal enemy armed with all kinds of weapons.
It's as if his stick had struck the Arab Zionists, disfiguring and disillusioning them, revealing the falsity of their faith and their claims of religious devotion. They deserved the curse of God, the angels, and all people, and their pure allegiance to the devil was exposed, deserving the lowest rank of hellfire; there is no neutrality in this battle, they are either disbelievers or believers.
I see in his stick a message for all righteous Muslims who prioritize peaceful, moderate, and humble devotion, who do not know how to confront the fighting infidel nor the tyrant oppressor, a message that hits the bodies, hoping to awaken hearts, moving the righteous to the category of reformers and the hesitant to the side of supporters.
In his stick, in this state, the meanings of venting energy and capacity were completed among the believers, providing a clear interpretation of the verse: "God does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear," and the saying: "Prepare against them whatever you are able of power," and the saying: "And strive for Allah with the striving due to Him." After that, there is no excuse for the hesitant people, and the eyes of the cowards did not close.