Day 257 of the Genocide War on Gaza

The genocidal war on the besieged Gaza Strip has entered its 257th day, with the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and various murders in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

 18 Martyrs since Dawn Today

The occupation continues its aggression against Gaza, as the Palestinian News Agency (Wafa) reported that 18 citizens were martyred in the occupation’s bombing of several areas in the Gaza Strip, since dawn on Wednesday.

3 Massacres within 24 hours

During the past 24 hours, the occupation committed 3 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 24 martyrs and 71 injuries to hospitals, according to the Ministry of Health.

The toll of the aggression rose to 37,396 martyrs and 85,523 injuries since the seventh of last October.

Prominent Resistance Operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza, as the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, announced today, Wednesday, the bombardment of the occupation forces penetrating southeast of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City with heavy-caliber mortar shells.

 Hamas Condemns the Assassination of a Palestinian Doctor

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) denounced the assassination of Palestinian doctor Iyad Rantissi in Zionist detention centers, months after he and hundreds of doctors and workers in hospitals and health centers were kidnapped by the terrorist occupation army. Hamas said that the assault indicates the criminality and barbarism of this fascist entity, and indicates its criminal behavior towards the Palestinian people, and its criminal targeting of all sectors and aspects of life in the Gaza Strip, as part of the war of extermination that it is waging against besieged Gaza.

 The movement called on the international community, the World Health Organization, and humanitarian and human rights organizations to condemn these ongoing horrific crimes, and to take urgent action to reveal the fate of hundreds of detainees who were kidnapped by the occupation from hospitals and shelter and displacement centers. Hamas also called for their immediate release, and for the terrorist occupation leaders to be held accountable for their crimes and violations of all international norms and laws.

8663 Disabled in the Occupation Army

The number of disabled people in the occupation army rose to more than 70,000 for the first time, including 8,663 who were injured after the start of the war on the Gaza Strip on October 7.

The Hebrew Channel 7 said: The number of disabled soldiers receiving treatment in the rehabilitation departments of the Ministry of Defense reached 70,000 for the first time, after the addition of 8,663 wounded since October 7, the rest in previous wars.

She added, “35% of those injured after October 7 are being treated for mental illnesses, compared to 21% of them for physical injuries,” noting that the Rehabilitation Department in the Ministry of Defense is preparing to receive about 20,000 new wounded since the outbreak of war until the end of 2024.

  Rafah Tunnels

The Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth quoted Colonel in the occupation army, Yair Tsukerman, as saying: The number of tunnels in the city of Rafah is large.

Tsukerman said: Hamas plants many cameras in Rafah to manage the battle from above and below the ground, adding that “bombing houses and rooms in Rafah before our forces enter is one of the threats we face.”

Canceling an American-Israeli meeting

American reports said that the White House canceled a high-level meeting with Israeli officials regarding Iran, which was scheduled to be held tomorrow, Thursday.

According to the Axios website, the reason is due to a video published by the occupying Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, on Tuesday, claiming that the United States is withholding military aid from the occupying state.

Speaking in English, Netanyahu said in a video; “It is unreasonable for the Biden administration to withhold weapons and ammunition from “Israel” in the past few months.

According to the Axios report, the meeting was scheduled to be a strategic dialogue on Iran, and was to be attended by officials from the Pentagon, the US State Department, and intelligence agencies along with their Israeli counterparts.