Day 243 in the Israeli Genocide War on Gaza


 The war of extermination waged by Israel against the besieged Gaza Strip has entered its 243rd day, amid the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit war crimes and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Zionist Aggression East of Bureij and Deir al-Balah

The occupation continues its aggression against Gaza, where last night, and at dawn on Wednesday, dozens of citizens were martyred and injured in the occupation’s missile and artillery bombardment on various areas of the Gaza Strip.

Medical sources reported that 38 citizens were martyred since last night in raids on the central Gaza Strip.

The occupation forces also committed a new massacre in the Maghazi refugee camp, which led to the death of 8 martyrs, as a result of an air strike at dawn on Wednesday, according to the “Palestinian Information Center.”

The occupation army announced that it had begun an aggression east of Bureij and east of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, while it continued its incursion into the city of Rafah, south of the Strip.

The army said, in a statement: The “98th Division” began a military campaign in the area east of Bureij and east of Deir al-Balah, in conjunction with the continuation of the activities of the “162nd” and “99th” Divisions in the south and center of the Gaza Strip, according to what was reported by the “Anatolia” Agency.

36 martyrs within 24 hours

During the past 24 hours, the occupation committed 4 massacres in Gaza, including 36 martyrs and 115 injured in hospitals.

Thus, the death toll from the ongoing aggression on the Gaza Strip rose to 36,586 martyrs and 83,74 wounded.

One million people in Gaza face famine by July

A report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) expects that more than one million people in the Gaza Strip will face famine and death by mid-July.

The organization said, according to Anatolia Agency: “The ongoing conflict in Palestine is expected to exacerbate acute hunger, which is currently at a catastrophic level, with famine and deaths, as well as the displacement of the entire population of the Gaza Strip.”

Prominent resistance operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza. Today, Wednesday, the Al-Qassam Brigades announced the targeting of a D9 military bulldozer with an Al-Yassin 105 shell, east of the city of Al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.

The "Jerusalem Brigades" announced that its fighters were engaged in fierce clashes with occupation soldiers and vehicles on the frontlines of the advance in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

10 casualties in the occupation army

 The occupation army admitted that 10 soldiers were injured in the battles in the Gaza Strip in the last 24 hours. Thus, the total number of Israeli casualties rises to 3,730 officers and soldiers since the beginning of the war on the 7th of last October, 1,889 of whom were injured during the ground operation that began on the 27th of the same month, according to Al Jazeera Net.

The occupation army said: 254 officers and soldiers are still undergoing treatment after being injured in the Gaza battles, 31 of whom are seriously injured.

While the number of army deaths reached 644 officers and soldiers since the beginning of the war.

The fourth European country to recognize Palestine

Yesterday, Tuesday, Slovenia announced its official recognition of the State of Palestine, which brings the number of countries recognizing it to 148 out of 193 countries in the United Nations General Assembly, according to “Anatolia.”

For his part, Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golub said through his social media account: Today’s recognition of Palestine as a sovereign and independent state gives hope to the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

This decision follows the decisions of Spain, Ireland and Norway, which officially recognized the Palestinian state in late May.

Last modified on Thursday, 06 June 2024 05:20