American Lawmaker Receives AIPAC Money for Aid to Israel: The Intercept

By Gamal Khattab January 22, 2024 3448


 AIPAC stands for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and it's a group that supports Israel and its policies. Recently, a report from The Intercept, an American website, revealed that AIPAC donated a lot of money to a Republican Representative named Mike Johnson. 

A Big Donation for a Big Favor

According to The Intercept, AIPAC gave about $95,000 to Representative Mike Johnson last November. Why did they do that? Well, it turns out that Johnson played a big role in passing a large aid package for Israel. AIPAC saw this as a great opportunity to support him and show their appreciation.

Most of the money Johnson received came after the war on Gaza started. The Intercept says that Johnson got small donations in October, but they quickly increased in November. It seems like AIPAC wanted to reward him for his efforts in supporting Israel.

Supporting Israel Publicly

Representative Johnson has always been very vocal about his support for Israel. He even went on a trip to Israel in 2020 and said that he doesn't believe the Palestinians suffer from injustice in the region. He made it clear that he stands with Israel and doesn't see any problems there.

AIPAC's Influence in Washington

AIPAC is a powerful group in the United States. They provide money to politicians from both the Republican and Democratic parties to make sure they continue supporting Israel. Lately, they have been focusing on Democrats who criticize Israel's policies.

James Zogby, the head of the Arab American Institute, says that AIPAC's contributions to election campaigns serve two purposes. First, they reward candidates who support Israel's interests. Second, they use the money as a way to keep politicians aligned with their pro-Israel stance.

The Impact of Money on Foreign Policy

Some experts believe that money has a big impact on foreign policy decisions. Stephen Walt, a professor at Harvard Kennedy School, says that AIPAC's influence is especially strong when it comes to Israel. He also mentions that there aren't similar groups on the other side, supporting the Palestinians or Arab-Americans.

According to The Intercept, even though more Democrats are starting to question AIPAC's influence and support for Israel, they still lack the resources to stand up against it. This creates an imbalance in the political landscape.

 AIPAC is a powerful group that supports Israel and influences American lawmakers. They donated a lot of money to Representative Mike Johnson because he helped pass aid for Israel. It's important to understand how money can impact politics and foreign policy decisions.

Source: The Intercept