President Joe Biden, announced that Israel and Gaza have agreed to "humanitarian truces." These truces are like temporary breaks in the fighting
What Are Humanitarian Truces?
Humanitarian truces are pauses in the fighting that allow civilians to escape dangerous areas and bring aid to those who need it. The White House said that there will be a 4-hour break in the fighting every day in northern Gaza. They will give a warning 3 hours before the truce starts.
Why Are These Truces Important?
President Biden thinks these truces are a step in the right direction. They can help people who are caught in the middle of the fighting to find safety. It also allows more aid to reach the areas that have been affected by the violence.
What Did President Biden Say?
President Biden said, "For weeks, I have been speaking with Israeli leaders about the importance of humanitarian truces." He also mentioned that there will be two safe corridors for people to escape from dangerous areas in Gaza. Thousands of people have already been able to reach these safe places.
Are These Truces Enough?
While these truces are a good thing, some people think they might not be enough. An Israeli army spokesman said that these truces are just temporary pauses for humanitarian aid. They are specific to certain times and places, so they might not solve the bigger problem.
What about a Ceasefire?
A ceasefire means that both sides agree to stop fighting completely. But the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said there won't be a ceasefire in Gaza unless Israeli prisoners are released. President Biden also said that he doesn't think a ceasefire is possible right now.
What's Being Done to Help?
President Biden is working hard to help the situation. He said he won't stop until all the hostages, including Americans, are released. He even asked for a longer truce during a phone call with Netanyahu. People all around the world are also calling for an end to the war in Gaza. .
Source: Al Jazeera + agencies