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Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Tel Aviv to protest against a new law. This law removes the Supreme Court's oversight of the government as part of judicial reform.
Massive demonstrations across the country
These protests have been going on for 30 weeks now, but this time it was different. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis joined in the demonstrations all over the country. They marched in Tel Aviv, West Jerusalem, Haifa, Birussebi, Herzliya, and Rehovot.
Voices of resistance
One of the leaders of the protest, Shikhma Bressler, called for even more resistance after the government passed the judicial reform law. People were really upset about it! Some protesters even blocked a highway in northern Israel to make their voices heard.
What is this judicial reform all about?
Well, the government wanted to change how the Supreme Court works. They passed a law to limit the Court's powers and give the government more control over who becomes a judge. This made a lot of people angry, and they've been protesting against it for months.
Postponed but not forgotten
At first, the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, delayed the reform because of all the protests and strikes. But he said they would revisit it later. And guess what? They did! The government recently started the reform process again.
Protests lead to resignations
Some people were so against these changes that they decided to quit their jobs. War pilots, submarine officers, and other elite units resigned from their voluntary reserve service in response to the reform. They wanted to show their disagreement in a powerful way.