The Arab visits to East Turkestan... A Beautification of the Perpetrator against the Victim Featured

By Muhammad Amin Al-Uyghuri April 14, 2024 2760



Days ago, the Chinese Communist Party arranged a propaganda visit for Arab figures to East Turkestan, chosen based on their allegiance to China, following a Chinese tradition that has been repeated in recent years. However, it seems that these visitors are unaware that they are falling into the trap of Chinese propaganda allegedly in East Turkestan.

China previously welcomed a misled delegation of scholars to East Turkestan in December, a visit that was strongly condemned by Uyghurs in exile, scholars, and many organizations.

What is striking this time in the selection of Arab figures who recently visited East Turkestan is that they were chosen by China based on their allegiance to the Communist Party and socialism, to promote its false propaganda in Arab media, justify its crimes, and falsely claim religious freedom for Muslims contrary to the reality in East Turkestan.

This comes at a time when we live in a world marked by conflict among influential political powers such as China, the United States, Russia, India, and others, each demonstrating its strength to dominate and increase its influence over others politically, culturally, and socially. Attempts to marginalize and bury the fair issues of Muslims in various ways are also increasing.

These powers realize the importance of the Arab and Islamic world in terms of geography, resources, human power, and civilization. Therefore, they rush to align with Arab regimes, parties, and movements, both Islamic and non-Islamic, in all possible forms.

The Chinese Communist Party, despite its claim to combat Islam and the principles of Muslims and all celestial religions under the slogans of communism and socialism, even violating all common human values, has made significant strides in classifying the Arab world as a competitor to Western powers.

It intensified its propaganda campaigns in the Arab world and exploited its economic influence in many situations that embarrassed Arab leaders. In doing so, it made significant progress in undermining one of the most important just causes of Muslims, namely the issue of East Turkestan.

On the other hand, Chinese internet sites promoted news about the fabricated visit of the Arab delegation to East Turkestan and statements by some of its members justifying the crimes of the Chinese Communist Party in East Turkestan, which China calls 'Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region'. This coverage is intended to be reflected in Arab news channels and screens according to China's desires to cover up its crimes against Uyghur Muslims and its war on Islam, rather than to show the reality.

It is our humanitarian and Islamic duty to expose the truth of the visit to our Arab and Muslim brothers, both peoples and governments. The overall news is as follows:

Shen Wei, Secretary-General of the Communist Party Committee of East Turkestan, received delegates from a 'Investigation (Pretence) Team of Political Party Cadres' representing mostly communist and socialist parties from some Arab countries in Urumqi on March 27th.

The team consisted of representatives from political parties from Iraq, Mauritania, Jordan, Palestine, Morocco, Tunisia, Yemen, and other countries.

What is striking here is that the representation and identities of the majority of the delegation members chosen by China for the visit are from socialist and communist parties in the Arab world, adopting the principles of socialism and communism. They aim to import the model of Chinese fascist policies to the Arab world, and they do not care about the affairs of Islam.

Bassam Zakarna, a member of the Revolutionary Committee of the Palestinian Fatah movement, Abdullah Khalil, a member of the Political Bureau of the Syrian Communist Party and deputy speaker of the Syrian Parliament, Habiba Ain, deputy head of the Lebanese Social Development Party, Sa'id Abdullah Zaa'ir, a member of the Central Committee of the Egyptian Communist Party, and the Secretary-General of the Political Bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Mohammed al-Osh.

Referring to their statements, they claimed that the Chinese Communist Party had made unprecedented progress in economic development in Xinjiang, and that people of all races fully enjoy religious freedom in a happy life. There is no reason for the United States and other Western countries to blackmail China under the pretext of its policies in Xinjiang.

Of course, they will disseminate Chinese propaganda about the conditions of the people of East Turkestan while twisting the truth or spreading what China has allowed or as far as possible, without paying attention to being instruments of Chinese propaganda.

We, as Turkestanis, consider their statements during their visit to East Turkestan to be a humanitarian betrayal, a visit that amounts to nothing more than beautifying China's ugly face at the expense of the suffering of Muslims in East Turkestan. This is supported by the statements of officials praising Chinese achievements in combating terrorism and extremism and the necessity of melting different ethnicities into one crucible.

Meanwhile, disregarding completely the facts that confirm the opposite and are supported by evidence and reports issued by various forums and international organizations about the dire humanitarian situation in East Turkestan and the Chinese practices that amount to systematic and ongoing genocide against Muslims in Turkestan.

We call on all parties in the Arab and Islamic world to conduct independent visits by delegations of scholars, politicians, writers, and journalists to East Turkestan, to inspect the conditions of Muslims, visit the camps and prisons called "Rehabilitation centres," conduct free field tours, directly interact with the people, and also conduct interviews with the Uyghur diaspora to understand the real situation of Muslims in East Turkestan.

We remind all Muslims that China practices deception, lies, and conceals facts to convince the Islamic world of arranging such visits. The Islamic world should not be deceived by the lies of the Communist Party, and it should make genuine efforts to uncover the truth and assist Muslims who are facing genocide, based on solid evidence and reports trusted by international organizations such as the United Nations, Amnesty International, and other human rights organizations.

Any delegation visiting the region must not get involved in political calculations that lead them to turn a blind eye to the suffering of the people of East Turkestan and the injustices they endure. Providing statements that beautify the ugly face of China and justify its crimes against the Uyghur people is participating in the crime itself, which is not fitting for a free human, let alone a Muslim scholar.

scholarly bodies and organizations must condemn the subjugation of Islam to Chinese communist principles and the attempt to eradicate the Islamic identity of the Uyghur people. It should be recognized that East Turkestan is occupied territory by Communist China, and individuals with live consciences should work earnestly to contribute to resolving this complex issue.

Lastly, we say to these individuals and their likes: What you are doing is a crime against the people of East Turkestan. We remind you of your humanity in the face of these government crimes against an entire people, despite your adoption of socialist and communist principles and your admiration for the Chinese Communist Party. The applications of China are not what you perceive them to be as principles.

To the Arab and Islamic world and all humanity, we say: The tragedy of East Turkestan continues, with millions still in Chinese detention camps, mosques demolished and converted into clubs and cafes, Qurans burnt, and all manifestations of Islam prohibited. There are no women in proper hijab, no funeral prayers for the deceased, no legitimate Islamic marriages between spouses. Despite this bleeding, the ruthless war to erase the Islamic identity of the people of East Turkestan intensifies, aiming to uproot them and strip them of their beliefs and culture.


Read the Article in Arabic.