Thousands of donors from around the world have contributed nearly [CAN]$2 million as of Friday to aid Zayed Afzaal, the nine-year-old boy left orphaned when his parents were killed in what Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said was a terrorist act.
The driver of a half-ton truck deliberately jumped the curb Sunday in London, Ontario, and killed Salman Afzaal, 46, his wife Madiha, 44, their daughter Yumnah, 15, and Salman's mother, Talat, 74. Only Zayed survived the ordeal and he remains in hospital in stable condition.
Canadians were shocked at what police described as "a planned, premediated act motivated by hate." The family was out for a walk Sunday evening, standing at an intersection to cross the road when the truck slammed into them. The 20-year-old suspect is in custody.
Two fundraising campaigns were set up to raise funds to support Zayed.
Three days ago, Sana Yasir organized a go-fund-me campaign ( supported by Sana Ghandi, niece of Madiha Afzaal.
As of 2 p.m. Friday, more than 14,000 donors had contributed [CAN]$797,316, just a few thousand dollars short of the $800,000 target.
"It's crazy to me how much people have donated and it's people all over the world from different races and religions, all donating," Yasir, a close friend of the family, told CTV News.
A second fundraiser, called London Community United Against Hate (!/) had garnered more than [CAN]$1.1 million, Friday, from 19,757 donors. That campaign is supported by the National Council of Canadian Muslims, the Islamic Relief Canada, the London Muslim Mosque and a family member. The fundraiser will continue until the end of June.
That campaign notes how the hate robbed the community of "four precious lives who were taken simply because of their faith" and it contains a prayer.
"Give good news to those who are patient, especially when faced with a disaster, they say, "Surely to Allah we belong and to Him we return." (2:155)
The funeral for the Afzaal family is set for Saturday./aa