


Unidentified gunmen shot dead three women, two of whom were pregnant, in the Somali capital of Mogadishu on Sunday, police said.

In a statement, the law enforcers said the incident took place in the volatile Daynile district, and that further investigations are underway.

No group immediately claimed responsibility, but police suspect al-Qaeda affiliated insurgent group al-Shabaab could be behind the attack.

The killings come a day after a suicide car bomb blast targeted a security checkpoint near the federal parliament, killing at least two people and wounding 11 others. Al-Shabaab had claimed responsibility.

There has been a recent rise in attacks as uncertainty over presidential and parliamentary elections remains. The president's term expired last week.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Saturday asked Russian President Vladimir Putin if he was interested in having a conversation on Clubhouse, the up-and-coming social media platform that connects people via audio chat rather than posting status updates or sending direct messages.

Musk tweeted directly to the official Twitter account of the President of Russia, asking: “would like to join me for a conversation on Clubhouse?”

He followed that with a tweet entirely in Russian which translated as: “it would be a great honor to speak with you.”

It was not immediately clear why Musk was interested in chatting with the Russian dictator, or if there was any response.

Since its launch less than a year ago, Clubhouse, the invitation-only audio chat app has caught the attention of tech industry bigshots like Musk and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. It has even stirred of interest by the Chinese government to block it in the country.

The iPhone-only app, once you are in, lets you start or listen into conversations on a whole host of topics, from tech to pro sports, parenting, Black literature, and so on. There are no posts, photos or videos — only people's profile pictures and their voices.

Conversations can be intimate, like a phone call, or might include thousands of people listening to a talk by boldface names, like a conference or stage interview. Think part podcast, part conference call, part social media. It's free to use and there are no ads, at least not at this point.


Hundreds of fuel vehicles exploded close to Afghanistan's border with Iran on Saturday, injuring dozens of people.

The fire tore through a customs post in the border town of Islam Qala, disrupting power supplies and causing millions of dollars of damage.

Video obtained by Reuters showed thick plumes of black smoke rising into the air.

Iranian authorities sent ambulances and fire engines across the border to help tackle the blaze, which as of Saturday had reportedly been brought under control.

NATO-led personnel in Afghanistan were also asked to help contain the fire.

A western official monitoring the situation told Reuters at least 60 people had been injured.

Afghan officials gave a lower casualty toll, but said that number could rise.

Iranian state media reported that about 500 vehicles had been burnt.

Officials said the cause of the fire was not immediately clear.

Initial reports suggested the blaze started after a gas tanker exploded./ agencies

WHO experts voiced frustration Saturday at lacking access to raw data while in China probing the pandemic's origins, saying more was needed to detect possible early Covid cases.

"We want more data. We have asked for more data," Peter Ben Embarek, who headed WHO's expert mission to Wuhan, told AFP in an interview.

"There is a mix of frustration but also a mix of realistic expectations in terms of what is feasible under which time frame," he said, adding he hoped the requested data would be made available going forward.

The four-week WHO mission to China to uncover the origins of the coronavirus wrapped up earlier this week with no conclusive findings.

Experts believe the disease -- which has killed nearly 2.4 million people worldwide -- originated in bats and could have been transmitted to humans via another mammal.

But while the virus was first discovered in Wuhan in December 2019, it remains unclear if that is when and where the outbreak actually began.

The expert team determined that there were no signs of large clusters of Covid-19 in Wuhan or elsewhere prior to December that year, but did not rule out sporadic cases spreading before that.

- 'Trying to understand' -

Ben Embarek said the team would have been keen to have access to raw data about earlier cases of illnesses, including pneumonia, flu and fever, that could conceivably have been Covid.

Prior to the mission, Chinese scientists had scanned their systems and identified 72,000 such cases between October and December.

They had applied sets of criteria to determine if the cases could possibly be Covid, whittling down the list to just 92 cases worth examining.

Sixty-seven of those were submitted for serological tests. They all came back negative for Covid.

Ben Embarek said the team had asked in vain for the specific criteria used.

"We are trying to understand that process of getting from 72,000 down to 92", he said, saying access to the raw data requested would make it possible to apply "less stringent criteria so we have a larger number to work with".

"That will be a proposal for studies in the next phase," he said.

John Watson, a British epidemiologist and a member of the team, acknowledged that there was a "full and frank discussion" about access to the data, but said focusing too much on that aspect would be unfair.

The team's Chinese counterparts, he said, had a "done a huge amount of work" and had shared "enormous detail" about their work, methods and results.

"That is not to say that they gave us necessarily all of the raw data that we might have wanted, but that is a process that is developing," he said, voicing hope that "there is more to come".

Another team member, Peter Daszak, meanwhile rejected on Saturday a report that there had been shouting matches between the international team and their Chinese counterparts over data access.

"This was NOT my experience on @WHO mission," he said in a tweet, adding: "We DID get access to critical new data throughout."

- No 'smoking gun' -

The team members have had to walk a diplomatic tightrope, with the US urging a "robust" probe and China warning against politicising the issue.

On Saturday, US national security advisor Jake Sullivan voiced "deep concerns" over China's Covid-19 investigation, and urged it to "make available its data from the earliest days of the outbreak".

The US and others have been fiercely critical of delays in sending the WHO team to Wuhan, with the mission taking place more than a year after the first cases surfaced.

Ben Embarek acknowledged it would "have been fantastic" to go sooner, but pointed out that when disease outbreaks occur, the first reaction is to treat patients, not to try to figure out how it happened.

He also stressed it would have been impossible to conduct investigations during the early months, when Wuhan under strict lockdown.

Going forward, he said, the world should consider trying to run source investigations "in parallel".

But, he stressed, "it is not too late".

"There is still a lot to be learned, a lot to be discovered."

Watson agreed that it was still possible to learn much more about the early stages of the pandemic.

But he ruled out that investigators would "come up with a smoking gun" and determine exactly where and when the virus jumped from animals to humans.

That is "really very unrealistic", he said./ agencies

New Zealand confirmed a fresh outbreak of Covid-19 in the community Sunday, with a family of three testing positive including a woman who works for a catering firm servicing international flights.

"They are new and active infections," Health Minister Chris Hipkins said.

Authorities downplayed any link to inflight meals because of an eight-day gap between the woman's last day at work and when she tested positive.

"There are a number of gaps in our knowledge around these cases," Hipkins said.

"One of the things I'm looking for is more information on the likely source ... that's still a piece of the puzzle that's missing.

"We'll also be looking for whether there is any evidence Covid-19 could be out there in the community and circulating amongst others."

New Zealand detected several cases of Covid-19 three weeks ago, ending a run of more than two months with no cases in the community.

Those cases were traced back to a hotel where the people had completed quarantine after travelling from overseas.

The woman and her daughter tested positive Saturday before the father returned a positive sample Sunday.

Hipkins said there was no immediate need to introduce new restrictions while health officials investigated the source of the infection.

The daughter's school will be closed for two days while all staff and pupils are tested.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern cancelled commitments in Auckland to return to the capital Wellington to be briefed on the outbreak.

Ardern has been widely praised for her management of the pandemic, with New Zealand recording just 25 deaths and less than 2,000 cases in a population of five million.

The country closed its borders and implemented a strict five-week lockdown in March and April last year.

Most restrictions have since been lifted, with occasional virus outbreaks being quickly contained.

Ardern has said borders were likely to remain closed for the rest of this year while the pandemic continued to rage worldwide./aa

Europe's financial capital is feeling the cold of Brexit but UK officials insist the City of London is suffering a temporary blip and is well-positioned to profit from new trading horizons.

For the first time last month, as Britain's withdrawal from the EU took full effect, London's financial district lost its European share trading crown to Amsterdam.

Researchers at IHS Markit attributed the decline to a "relatively hard Brexit", and the UK government's failure so far to persuade Brussels to grant full trading rights to City-based firms under a regime known as "equivalence".

London's daily trading volumes in other areas such as derivatives and foreign exchange still vastly outweigh its European neighbours, and Catherine McGuinness, policy chair at the City of London Corporation, played down the development.

"We've always known that some EU-facing business would have to leave the City of London following Brexit, whatever the shape of the deal," she told AFP.

"However, significantly fewer jobs have shifted from the City because of Brexit than was expected, and we remain very confident about the fundamental strengths of the City for the future," McGuinness said.

London "continues to go from strength to strength" in emerging financial technology (fintech) and tech investment, as well as green finance, she added.

In January, according to the Financial Times, an average of 9.2 billion euros ($11.2 billion/£8.1 billion) of shares were traded each day on Euronext Amsterdam together with two other Dutch share markets.

That was more than four times their December figure, and overtook London's daily average of 8.6 billion euros, the newspaper said.

A spokesman for the Dutch Financial Markets Authority told AFP it was not a surprise.

"We think it's a logical consequence because we already had a strong trading standing with the Euronext Amsterdam," he added.

- Lost passport -

Financial services -- a key driver of the British economy -- were largely omitted from the last-minute Brexit trade deal agreed between London and Brussels in late December.

So from January 1, Britain's financial sector lost access to the EU's single market and its European "passport", a means for UK financial products and services to be sold in the EU.

Both sides are instead working to carve out an "equivalence" regime under which each would recognise the other's financial regulation, and so far Brussels has approved only two areas of trading out of dozens that the City needs.

Anish Puaar, an analyst at Rosenblatt Securities, said London's relative decline was "symbolic in the post-Brexit era".

"But beyond that the impact is pretty minimal," he said on Twitter.

Puaar said fund managers will "probably not" care in apportioning assets but the greater danger is for a fragmentation of markets in Europe, which would make trading more inefficient and drive up costs.

Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey also addressed fragmentation in a speech last week, urging the EU to hurry up on the equivalence negotiations for the sake of pandemic recovery on both sides of the Channel.

Rebutting some of the demands made by Brussels in return for the City to regain access to EU states, Bailey said Britain had no intention of creating "a low-regulation, high-risk, anything-goes financial centre and system".

But the EU wants cast-iron legal assurances that Britain will not diverge in its financial regulation at the expense of European firms, and stresses that the hardline model for Brexit now in operation was a choice made by London.

- Divergence, not equivalence -

"It cannot be business as usual," the EU's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on Thursday, a day after Bailey's speech.

"When you look at the consequences in the financial services, you can clearly see that there is no added value to Brexit and many, many consequences, unfortunately," he said.

However, the UK central banker played down fears of an exodus of jobs from London.

Last month, Bailey said up to 7,000 jobs had so far been relocated to rival centres on the continent including Amsterdam, Paris and Frankfurt -- well down on doomsday predictions of as many as 50,000 losses.

Mark Simpson, an expert on financial services at the law firm Baker & McKenzie, agreed that by the metric of job losses, London did not need to panic yet.

"But the ongoing equivalence debate illustrates a point that many have been saying for some time -- that the EU is determined to reduce its reliance on London, even if that means driving business further afield" to New York for instance, he told AFP.

"It seems increasingly apparent that the UK will need to accept that its market position for many areas of European business is going to be weaker in future," Simpson said.

The City should focus instead on boosting its appeal to non-European businesses, along with fintech and green finance.

"So what is happening with equivalence is probably going to give the UK more incentive to diverge from EU rules in future."/afp

 Myanmar's stateless, conflict-scarred Rohingya community are on edge with the return of military rule, fearing further violence in a restive part of the country where others have shown support for the new regime.

Much of the long-persecuted Muslim minority have spent years in cramped displacement camps, with no freedom of movement or access to healthcare, living in what rights groups call "apartheid" conditions.

They are still reeling from a 2017 military crackdown that razed entire villages and sent around 750,000 Rohingya fleeing across the border into Bangladesh carrying accounts of rape and extrajudicial killings.

"Under a democratic government, we had a little hope we could go back to our old home," said a 27-year-old, who asked not to be named, from a camp near the city of Sittwe.

"But now it is certain we will not be able to return."

Myanmar and its generals are on trial in a UN court for charges of genocide from the 2017 violence in northern Rakhine state, where the majority of the country's Rohingya population lived before their exodus.

Army chief Min Aung Hlaing, who now heads the country's new junta, repeatedly claimed the crackdown was necessary to root out insurgents in northern Rakhine state.

"There is a real risk that (this regime) can lead to new violence in Rakhine," said Tun Khin, president of the Burma Rohingya Organisation UK lobby group.

Shortly after seizing power, the junta promised to abide by plans to repatriate the refugees from Bangladesh -- a scheme that has been in limbo for years.

But "no one believes a word they say," Tun Khin said.

Aung San Suu Kyi, the civilian leader ousted and detained by the generals last week, had travelled to The Hague to defend them from genocide charges while in office.

But across the border in Bangladesh, Rohingya refugees have sent messages of support to anti-coup protesters calling for her return.

Some have posted photos of themselves on social media while flashing the three-finger salute that has come to signify opposition to army rule.

- 'This time will be different' -

Rakhine state, home to both the Rohingya and a largely Buddhist ethnic Rakhine majority, has been a tinderbox of conflict for decades.

In recent years the military has battled the Arakan Army, which is fighting for more autonomy for the state's ethnic Rakhine population.

But days after its coup, the junta ended a 19-month internet shutdown and reaffirmed a commitment to a ceasefire with the militant group.

The regime also announced a member of a local Rakhine nationalist party would be joining its cabinet.

It released from prison former party leader Aye Maung -- jailed by Suu Kyi's government in 2019 over a speech the powerful orator gave in Rakhine state a day before deadly riots -- as part of a mass amnesty.

Some in the state believe joining with the military regime will allow them better opportunities to pursue greater autonomy from the rest of the country.

"This time a military administration will be different," said Minbya resident Myo Kyaw Aung, adding that the strength of the Arakan National Party (ANP) and the Arakan Army gave the ethnic Rakhine community greater leverage at the negotiating table.

But others share the apprehension of the Rohingya at the thought of a return to army rule, even if the country's decade-long democratic experiment and life under Suu Kyi's leadership saw little improvement to local conditions.

Tun Maung, who lives in the temple-strewn heart of what was centuries earlier a kingdom ruled by Rakhine monarchs, still remembers hiding in a well to escape gunfire during Myanmar's last junta.

"I've lived through both the military dictatorship and the civilian government... I know the difference," said the 60-year-old, who asked to use a pseudonym.

"We cannot accept our life to be under military rule again."

He recounted how people in his village were forced by soldiers to labour for free, paving roads and building army barracks.

Ethnic Rakhine families who refused faced intimidation -- and were sometimes even fined.

"I utterly despise them," he told AFP. "I will choose someone who beats me two times over someone who beats me five times."

 Forty-eight PKK terrorists were neutralized, including two senior members, in northern Iraq during Turkey's anti-terror operation that has been completed, the Turkish defense chief said Sunday.

Hulusi Akar said two terrorists were captured and the region was mostly cleared of the terror group during the "extremely special and critical" operation in the Gara region.

"The operation has been completed. Our land and air elements returned to their bases and barracks safely," he said at the operations center on the border in southeastern Sirnak province.

Akar stressed the reason behind launching the operation was Turkey’s right to self-defense, according to international law, to prevent the PKK/KCK terror groups' efforts to re-establish positions.

He said Turkey also wanted to confirm the intelligence about Turks who were abducted by terrorists, which was not disclosed for security reasons, and to take necessary measures.

During the campaign, more than 50 terror targets, including ammunition depots, caves and bases in Gara were destroyed, he said.

13 Turkish nationals martyred by PKK found in cave

"While our activities in the Operation Claw-Eagle 2 area were continuing, the mortal remains of 13 citizens who were detained in a cave, which was taken under control following the intense clash, were found,” said Akar. “All of the terrorists in the cave that martyred our citizens were neutralized.”

He said following an evaluation, it was determined that the innocent and unarmed Turks were martyred by being shot -- one in the shoulder and rest in their heads.

Akar said three soldiers were martyred and three others were injured in the land operation.

Highlighting that the operation was successfully carried out in difficult land and climatic conditions, covering a very large area, he congratulated Turkish Chief of General Staff Yasar Guler and commanders.

PKK terrorists often use northern Iraq as a base to plan cross-border terrorist attacks on Turkey.

Turkey launched Operation Claw-Eagle 2 on Wednesday in line with its right to self-defense according to international law to prevent the PKK/KCK and other terror groups' efforts to re-establish positions used to carry out terror attacks against Turkey.

Turkish authorities use “neutralized” to imply that terrorists in question were killed, captured or surrendered.

Turkey's operations Claw-Tiger and Claw-Eagle were launched last June to ensure the safety of Turks and borders by eliminating the threat of the PKK and other terrorist groups that often use northern Iraq to plan cross-border attacks.

In its more than 30-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK – listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the US, and the EU – has been responsible for the deaths of 40,000 people, including women, children and infants./aa

Turkish security forces seized ammunition, equipment and organizational documents in a counter-terrorism operation in the eastern Sirnak province, the governor's office said on Saturday.

According to a statement, a joint team of gendarmerie commandos and police held the operation in the vicinity of Mt. Gabar and targeted over a dozen shelter and caves in which weapons and equipment were buried under ground.

Among the items found during the operation -- dubbed EREN-10 Martyr Lieutenant Mustafa Erdal -- were sniper rifles, guns, flame thrower, rockets, hand grenades and grenade throwers, improvised explosive devices, circular boards used for explosives, ammunition, organizational documents and supplies.

The statement did not directly refer to any terror group in particular, however, the PKK terror group is known to hold activities in the region.

In its more than 30-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK – listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the US, and the EU – has been responsible for the deaths of 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants./aa

Efforts to contain the spread of coronavirus and preempt its fourth wave in Iran have been dampened by a surge in new infections in some provinces and alarming spread of the UK variant of the virus.

According to officials, the sharp spike in new cases and fatalities in western provinces, bordering Iraq, Azerbaijan, and Turkey, has complicated the fight against the pandemic in the country.

Alireza Raisi, a spokesman for Iran's anti-corona taskforce, said on Saturday that although the overall graph of the pandemic has seen a downward tilt in recent weeks, the sudden surge in western provinces like Khuzestan was a cause of concern.

He said nine major cities in the oil-rich province bordering Iraq are presently in the red category, with a high rate of infections.

The spokesman also noted with concern the situation in West Azerbaijan province, bordering Azerbaijan and Turkey, where the cases have seen an upward trend recently.

Iran's Deputy Parliament Speaker Syed Amir Ghazizadeh Hashemi, who is also a member of the anti-corona taskforce, also expressed concern over the eruption of new cases in the western parts of the country.

He termed the situation in Khuzestan and West Azerbaijan "worrying", especially with the UK variant of the virus making inroads in the country, calling for strict compliance with health guidelines.

The UK variant of the virus, which was first reported in Iran early last month in a passenger who had returned from UK, is "rapidly spreading" in the country, according to Health Minister Saeed Namaki.

He said a 71-year-old woman who had no travel history died last week of the UK variant, which points to a spread of the mutated virus in the country.

Health authorities have called for strict vigilance at border entry points, and also at airports for those arriving from abroad.

Iran has so far reported over 1.5 million cases of the virus since its outbreak February last year. A total of 58,883 have died from it.

Vaccination rollout began this week with healthcare workers and other high-risk groups being administered the vaccine in the first phase. Officials say it will take at least a year for the entire population to receive the vaccine.

Iran is also racing to produce a homegrown vaccine, with two vaccines passing the human trial phase so far./aa

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