Admin Mugtama

Admin Mugtama

The criminal Israeli genocidal war on the besieged Gaza Strip entered its 294th day, with Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit the worst crimes in Gaza through dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Here are the Highlights of the Developments:

- 9 out of 10 Palestinians in Gaza have been forcibly displaced, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA).

- Palestinian resistance continues to confront Zionist forces in several axes in Gaza, with the Al-Qassam Brigades announcing the destruction of two Israeli tanks and targeting soldiers with various weaponry.

- The Al-Quds Brigades announced the shelling of Zionist enemy forces along the supply line in the "Netzarim" axis.

- Palestinian Authority security forces besieged the leader of the Tulkarm battalion, but the gathering of Palestinians at the hospital thwarted the attempted arrest.

- Hamas called on the Palestinian Authority to stop chasing and arresting resistance members and to stop confiscating their weapons, specifically mentioning the recent incident in Tulkarm.

The text includes updates on the ongoing conflict in Gaza, detailing the displacement of civilians, resistance operations, and interactions between Palestinian factions and the Palestinian Authority.

The movement praised in a statement today, Friday, the high public awareness and quick response from the people of Tulkarem to prevent the arrest of the jihadist Abu Shuja and lift the siege on him.

The movement stressed that the leadership of the authority should gather the security forces to chase the resistance and the pursuers of the Zionist occupation in the occupied West Bank, release the detained resistors in its prisons, and harness its weapon to protect the Palestinian people who are facing genocide.

It emphasized that the continuation of these agencies in firing at the resistors, confiscating their weapons, and preventing them from defending our people against the occupation forces and settlers contradicts the unified national stance that adopts resistance in all its forms, as reaffirmed in the recent Beijing statement. This policy of the authority's agencies undermines the struggle of our Palestinian people who set the finest examples of resilience and defiance against the criminal machinery of occupation in Gaza.

A Leader of Hamas Martyred in Occupation Prisons

Palestinian sources reported the martyrdom of the administrative detainee and Hamas leader Sheikh Mustafa Abu Arar, after being transferred from Raymond Prison to Soroka Hospital, due to a serious deterioration in his health condition, due to deliberate medical neglect.

 The Prisoners Affairs Commission and the Prisoners Club confirmed the news of Abu Ara's martyrdom. He was a leader from the town of Aqraba in the district of Tubas, a former prisoner who has been detained multiple times since 1990, married and father of seven children. He has spent a total of 12 years in prison and he was one of the deportees from Marj al-Zuhur in 1992.

For its part, Hamas emphasized that this heinous crime falls within the framework of the ongoing genocide and the deliberate killing operations carried out by the occupation by political decision, openly incited by the ministers of the Nazi government, who call for the killing and disposal of prisoners.

The movement called on all Mujahideen raised by the martyr sheikh to direct bullets and explosive devices towards the occupation soldiers and settlers in revenge for the blood of the martyr and the martyrs of our righteous people.

Britain Withdraws Proposal to Reject Arrest Warrant against Netanyahu

The British government announced that it will not adopt the proposal of the former government headed by Rishi Sunak to reject the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court against the head of the occupation government, Benjamin Netanyahu.

The spokesman for the British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, according to the Palestinian news agency, stated that Starmer made the decision not to pursue the previous government's proposal to object to the arrest warrant issued against Netanyahu, emphasizing that "the court decides."

The Israeli genocide war on the besieged Gaza Strip entered its 293rd day as the occupying Zionist forces continued to commit heinous crimes, including dozens of air raids, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians in Gaza.

Here are the latest developments:

Continuous shelling on Khan Younis

The occupation continues its aggression on Gaza, with medical sources reporting to Al-Jazeera the martyrdom of 21 Palestinians so far in the ongoing shelling by the occupation on various areas in the city of Khan Younis since this morning.

30 martyrs in 24 hours

During the past 24 hours, the Zionist occupation forces committed 3 massacres against families in Gaza, resulting in 30 martyrs and 146 injuries being taken to hospitals, according to the Ministry of Health.

The Ministry also mentioned that the death toll from the aggression has risen to 39,175 martyrs and 90,403 injuries since October 7th.

Resistance operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the invading Zionist forces in multiple fronts in Gaza. The Al-Qassam Brigades announced today that its fighters were able to sniper a Zionist soldier in the Zanna area east of Khan Younis in the south of the strip.

They also announced successfully luring two Zionist forces into tunnels and blowing them up as soon as they entered, causing casualties in a camp in Rafah in the south of Gaza.

Furthermore, they destroyed a Zionist tank of type "Merkava" with an explosive device in the Sheikh Nasser area in Khan Younis, causing the occupation's helicopter to land for evacuations.

The Al-Qassam Brigades also showed scenes of trapping a Zionist force in an ambush near the separation fence adjacent to the village of Al-Matla near Jenin in the West Bank.

On the other hand, the Al-Quds Brigades announced that they shot down a Zionist drone of the type "Quad Copter" and seized it during intelligence missions in the skies of Rafah city.

18 prisoners martyred in occupation's prisons

Palestinian prisoner institutions announced today that at least 18 detainees have been martyred in the occupation's prisons since October 7th, in addition to dozens of Gaza prisoners who were martyred in prisons and camps without the occupation disclosing their identities or the circumstances of their deaths. There were also dozens who were subjected to field executions. The occupation had previously admitted to executing one of the detainees.

Australian sanctions on settlers in the West Bank

Following the lead of the European Union and the United States, Australia imposed financial sanctions and travel bans on 7 Israeli settlers and a settlement movement on Thursday for their involvement in violent acts against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, according to Al-Jazeera. Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong stated that the movement was responsible for inciting and committing violence against Palestinians, while the settlers were involved in "violent attacks against Palestinians" including "assaults, sexual assaults, and torture" resulting in serious injuries and death in some cases.

Kuwait in a Week

July 25, 2024

Kuwaiti: The suffering of Gazans has exceeded all boundaries.

Kuwait's Foreign Minister, Abdullah Al-Yahya, affirmed his country's firm and principled stance on the Palestinian issue, calling on the international community to enhance efforts to stop the humanitarian disaster in Gaza due to the continued targeting of innocent civilians by the occupation.

This came in a statement to the Kuwaiti News Agency "KUNA" at the end of his visit to New York to participate in the political forum on sustainable development, the special session of the Security Council on the existing international system, and the open session of the Security Council to discuss the Palestinian issue.

Al-Yahya pointed out that "the suffering experienced by the people of Gaza, which has exceeded language and expression boundaries, reiterates Kuwait's call on the international community and the Security Council to provide international protection to the Palestinian people and to compel the occupation forces to comply with relevant international decisions."

He also stressed the need for the international community to assume its responsibility in formulating clear plans to relieve the people of Gaza without any conditions, calling for an end to these flagrant violations of laws and international conventions that guarantee the right of peoples to humanitarian assistance during conflicts.

He said, "Kuwait will not hesitate to extend a helping hand to our Palestinian brothers, and will continue to support them in the face of injustice and aggression."

Kuwait renewed its supportive stance on the Palestinian issue, its adherence to the option of a just and comprehensive peace in accordance with relevant international references and decisions, to achieve the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people, including the establishment of their independent state on the borders of June 4, 1967.

The occupation forces have continued their genocidal war on the Gaza Strip since October 7, resulting in the martyrdom and injury of about 126,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, massive destruction, and famine that has claimed the lives of dozens of children, and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of residents after their homes were destroyed, forcing them to live in tents.

According to UNICEF, about 90% of Gaza's population has been displaced since the start of the Israeli aggression in October last year, most of whom are children.

The people of Gaza are living in inhumane conditions with shortages of water, food, and supplies, especially with the closure of Gaza crossings and the occupation's control over the Rafah border crossing, the only outlet for the residents of the strip to the world.
Gulf countries: Occupation Policy threatens security in the region and the world.

Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council condemned the intrusion of the Israeli Minister of Public Security Itamar Ben Gvir into the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque in the city of East Jerusalem, coinciding with the passing of a Knesset resolution rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state.
The Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that it strongly condemns the Israeli occupation's actions, warning against the continued escalation policy by the Israeli government in the occupied territories and its impact on expanding violence. It emphasized that attempts to tamper with the religious and historical status of Al-Aqsa Mosque are not only an assault on Palestinians but on over a billion Muslims.

The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs also expressed the Kingdom's rejection and strong condemnation of the Israeli Minister of Security's intrusion into Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Knesset's adoption of a resolution rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state. It stated that these continued hostile actions towards Islamic sanctities, international regulations, and decisions reflect the aggressive approach of Israeli authorities.

The statement from Riyadh emphasized that these actions hinder any progress towards stopping the bloodshed of innocent people and achieving a just and comprehensive peace. The Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs also issued a statement condemning the Israeli Minister of Security's intrusion into Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Knesset's rejection of a Palestinian state. It deemed these actions as blatant violations of international legality and disrespect for international efforts towards reviving the peace process in the Middle East and achieving a two-state solution.

The Gulf Cooperation Council Secretary-General, Jassim Al-Bedaiwi, condemned the Israeli Knesset's approval of a law rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state, considering it a violation of relevant international and UN resolutions on the Palestinian issue. He pointed out that the approval confirms the occupation's desire to further escalate tensions and threaten security and stability in the region and the world.

He called on the international community to reject and condemn this unjust decision, which reflects the occupation's intentions to expand the conflict and its lack of interest in stability and peace in the region. Al-Bedaiwi reiterated the stance of the GCC countries towards the Palestinian issue, supporting the establishment of an independent Palestinian state within the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and supporting the Palestinian people in obtaining all their legitimate rights.

Kuwait and Saudi Arabia welcome the announcement of the ICC on Palestine.
Kuwait and Saudi Arabia welcomed the announcement of the International Court of Justice today, Friday, of its advisory opinion on the legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of the Israeli occupation forces in Palestinian territories.
The Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement: "This announcement affirms the illegitimacy and unlawfulness of the actions taken by the Israeli occupation, which aim to establish facts that go beyond all international legitimacy decisions."
Kuwait reiterated its confirmation of "the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and their right to establish their independent state on the borders of 1967 with its capital East Jerusalem."
The statement further explained that "while the Court's announcement represents a new reference added to previous legal references recognizing the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, Kuwait emphasizes the necessity for the international community to fulfill all its legal, political, and ethical duties to achieve the aspirations of the Palestinian people in establishing their independent state and ending the aggression on Gaza."
In turn, the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed the Kingdom's welcome to the advisory opinion issued by the International Court of Justice, confirming the illegality of Israeli presence in the Palestinian territories occupied for 57 years.
The Kingdom emphasized "the need for practical and credible steps to reach a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue in accordance with the Arab Peace Initiative and international legitimacy decisions, ensuring the legitimate right of the brotherly Palestinian people to self-determination and the establishment of their independent state on the borders of 1967 with its capital East Jerusalem."
Today, the International Court of Justice stated that the continued presence of "Israel" in the occupied Palestinian territories is illegal, and it is obligated to end its presence there as soon as possible.
The Court, in a statement posted on its "X" platform, presented its advisory opinion regarding "Israel's" occupation of Palestinian territories, considering "Israel's" settlement policies and exploitation of natural resources in the Palestinian territories as a violation of international law.
On December 31, 2022, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution requesting the International Court of Justice to issue a "non-binding advisory opinion" on the "legal consequences arising from Israel's policies and practices in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem," regarding the long-term occupation of Palestinian territories since 1967.
The occupying army has continued its genocidal war on Gaza since October 7, resulting in the martyrdom and injury of approximately 126,000 Palestinians, most of them women and children.

Rahma International Introduces Developmental Projects to Enhance Administrative Excellence and Serve Donors

Dr. Adnan Al-Haddad, Deputy Director General of Communications, Marketing, and Information Technology at the International Mercy Society, announced that the society has begun a new phase of development in its work and mechanisms, enhancing its excellence in charitable work amidst a global wave of technological and administrative advancement.

Al-Haddad stated in a press release: "Change is the way of life for individuals, communities, and institutions, and it is the only way to continue and excel." He explained that the International Mercy Society, as part of its vision related to its strategic plan for 2022-2025, has strengthened its development goals in all sectors. The society has completed the project to evaluate external offices as approved by the Programs and Projects Affairs, in addition to completing a number of financial programs, the most prominent of which is the "Microsoft Dynamics 365" program for representative office accounts. The society has also trained and equipped accountants to work on it and trained and qualified the accountants of partner (collaborating) entities to work on the "Microsoft Dynamics 365" program. They have connected the "Microsoft Dynamics 365" accounts program with the "SWMS" projects program in coordination with the Information Technology Management, linked the mercy society's "Gl" accounts program for the main office with the "Microsoft Dynamics" accounts program, completed the electronic archiving program for the main office, completed the inventory and procurement program for representative offices, and forecasted the financial situation of the institution.

Regarding the development of administrative affairs, the relevant management completed the standard regulations project for institutions, the electronic achievements system, updated the employee evaluation system by adding distinguished tasks, issued the organization and professional development memorandum, updated and approved the job descriptions.

Al-Haddad highlighted the achievements of the Information Technology Management by pointing out the completion of the "Follow Your Project" service, which allows donors to follow the execution stages of their projects instantly, and the "Nibras" project for artificial intelligence. The Public Relations and Media Management introduced the "Little Donor" project, which promotes the values of kindness and giving in the hearts of Kuwaiti youth, while also preparing to launch radio podcast service and social media platform management services and issuing the "Little Pocket Guide" to help donors easily learn about mercy projects through a small guide they can carry in their pockets or wallets. The society's call center introduced an automatic customer service evaluation program and developed services for major donors.

Al-Haddad affirmed that the International Mercy Society will continue its developmental projects in all its facilities and departments while ensuring quality, excellence, and leadership in its work to achieve the society's vision of becoming the leading charitable institution in the Arab world following the best practices in enhancing its financial and human resources, as well as the comprehensiveness of its projects in terms of quantity, type, spread, and impact.

" Hofath ": Continuation of Summer Activities for Quran Circles in 46 Quranic Centers in Kuwait

As part of its activities and programs for teaching the Holy Quran, the Kuwaiti Charity Association "Hifz" announced the continuation of the eighth summer session for Quran circles and centers to serve the distinguished audience of all categories and ages starting from June 1st until early September.

Adel Aldriba, a board member of the "Hifz" association, stated: "Thanks to Allah, the activities of the eighth summer session have started with the aim of occupying children with beneficial and useful activities during the summer vacation through specialized circles in teaching and memorizing the Holy Quran, in addition to a program full of cultural and recreational activities, held at the "Hifz" centers which number 46 Quranic centers in various regions of Kuwait."

Aldriba pointed out the success of the previous summer session in 2023 with more than 5050 participants attending 523 Quranic circles, as the summer session received a great turnout from parents and students due to the various educational activities related to the Holy Quran, which is the true provider of purification for the soul, bringing light into one's heart in this life and happiness in the hereafter.
The management of Quranic centers and circles in the Hofath Association has prepared a diverse program for the eighth summer session, including several cultural and entertainment activities that provide participating students with Quranic and educational benefits. Suitable educational materials were prepared for the program, and specialized educational lecturers were tasked with presenting them by dividing the students into age groups within the program. Lectures suitable for each age group are held weekly and include simplified jurisprudence, interpretation, creed, some scientific texts, books on morals and ethics. These lectures have been well received by students and parents, thanks be to God.

Al-Duraiban urged parents to quickly register their children in the "Hofath" programs and activities through registration links announced on the association's social media accounts and website

Namah Charitable implemented the "Ashura Iftar" project in Gaza
Amid the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Namah Charity, with the Association of Social Reform, continues to provide support and assistance to our people in the Gaza Strip through its distinctive relief project "Iftar for fasting on Ashura day". This project helps provide hot meals for displaced people in shelters, aiming to alleviate their suffering and provide necessary food support in the face of a severe food shortage.

Waleed Al-Bassam, Head of the Financial Resources and Development Sector at Namah Charity, said: "We at Namah Charity are committed to standing by our people in Gaza, providing all the support and assistance we can in these difficult circumstances." He also stated that the "Iftar for fasting on Ashura day" project is not just a means of providing food, but also a message of solidarity and love for our besieged brothers.

Al-Bassam added: "The 'Iftar for fasting on Ashura day' project is a continuation of the relief efforts provided by Namah Charity in Gaza. Through this project, we seek to reach as many needy and displaced individuals as possible, providing them with the necessary support to bring joy and alleviate their suffering."

Al-Bassam stressed the importance of fasting on the day of Ashura in the lives of Muslims, referring to the Prophet's recommendation to fast on this day in celebration of the miraculous salvation of Prophet Moses from Pharaoh through the splitting of the sea.

Al-Bassam concluded by saying: Meeting the needs of our people in Gaza is a humanitarian and religious duty, and we will continue to provide all possible support to them, asking Allah to relieve their burdens and reduce their suffering. Namah Charity will continue its intensive efforts to support the people of Gaza and stand by them in this humanitarian crisis through various relief and humanitarian projects, hoping that these efforts will improve their living conditions and bring smiles to their faces in these difficult circumstances.

Namah Charity dug 3 artesian wells and distributed 1300 food baskets in Chad
Namah Charity, with the Association of Social Reform, recently carried out a humanitarian mission to Chad, aiming to provide support and relief to impoverished and needy communities in the country. The relief manager at Namah Charity, Khalid Mubarak Al-Shammari, led the mission, distributing over 1300 food baskets and digging 3 artesian wells, each serving a complete village and significantly improving the lives of the local population.

Al-Shammari said in a press statement: The first step of this mission was distributing food baskets to needy families, including basic food items to ensure the families can meet their daily needs and improve their nutrition. The number of distributed baskets exceeded 1300, reflecting the significant efforts made by Namah Charity in supporting impoverished communities. This food support was not just about providing food, but also a message of hope and solidarity with those in need in Chad.
Al Shammar continued: In addition to distributing food baskets, Namah Charity dug 3 artesian wells in different areas of Chad, with each well serving a complete village, contributing to providing a source of clean and sustainable water for the inhabitants of these villages. This step was vital as the residents had to travel long distances to obtain water, which was a heavy burden on their daily lives.

Al-Otaibi emphasized that water is the foundation of life, and providing it sustainably has a great impact on the lives of the local population in Chad. Before digging these wells, people suffered from a lack of clean water, affecting their health and daily lives. Now, thanks to the efforts of Namah Charity, they can easily access water, greatly improving their quality of life and health.

Al-Shammari explained that the journey to Chad is a true example of effective and impactful charity work. In addition to providing basic needs of food and water, these efforts have helped strengthen the spirit of hope and solidarity among the residents of the benefiting villages. Children, women, and men in these villages will benefit from water and food availability, enabling them to focus on education, work, and developing their communities.

Al-Shammari concluded by saying: Namah Charity's journey to Chad reflects the organization's commitment to providing support and assistance to those in need around the world. Through distributing food baskets and digging artesian wells, Namah Charity has set an example to be followed in effective and sustainable humanitarian work, aiming not only to meet basic needs but to achieve a lasting positive impact on the lives of beneficiaries, enhancing the spirit of human solidarity and cooperation.

“Bilad Al-Khair” Association implemented the "Sacrifices" project in partnership with the General Secretariat of Awqaf
The director general of Bilad Al-Khair Association, Usman Yaqoub Al-Thuwaini, said: Bilad Al-Khair Association implemented the "Sacrifices" project for this year for families in Kuwait in cooperation and support of the General Secretariat of Awqaf for the benefit of 126 families for the year 1445 AH/ 2024 AD.
Al-Thuwaini mentioned that sacrifices are an established Islamic ritual according to the Quran, the Sunnah, and consensus, praising the significant role played by the General Secretariat of Awqaf in supporting the association's charitable and humanitarian projects. He noted that this support greatly contributes to supporting poor and needy families, alleviating the burdens on the needy families, and bringing joy and happiness to families and individuals during the blessed days. He confirmed the association's determination to expand cooperation with the General Secretariat of Awqaf to implement charitable and developmental projects in support of Kuwaiti families.



The Israeli criminal war on the besieged Gaza Strip entered its 292nd day, with the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit genocide in Gaza through dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Here are the highlights of the latest developments:

55 Martyrs in 3 Massacres

During the past 24 hours, the Zionist occupation forces committed 3 massacres against families in Gaza, resulting in 55 martyrs and 110 injuries taken to hospitals, according to the Ministry of Health.

The Ministry confirmed in a statement that the death toll of the aggression has risen to 39,145 martyrs and 90,257 injuries since October 7 of last year.

121 Martyrs in Khan Younis

The Civil Defense in Gaza reported the martyrdom of 121 citizens, mostly women and children, since the beginning of the aggression on the eastern areas of Khan Younis in southern Gaza.

589 Martyrs in the West Bank since the Israeli Aggression

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced an increase in the number of martyrs due to attacks by the occupation forces and settlers in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, to 589 martyrs since October 7, 2023, with 142 children among the martyrs.

Prominent Resistance Operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the invading Zionist forces in several areas of Gaza. The Al-Qassam Brigades announced the destruction of an Israeli military vehicle using an explosive device in Bani Suhaila town east of Khan Younis.

The Al-Qassam Brigades and the Al-Quds Brigades targeted the supply line of the occupation forces in Natsareem axis, causing suitable damage.

Delay in issuing arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gantz

The International Criminal Court decided to delay issuing arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Yoav Galant on charges of war crimes in Gaza to allow for further legal opinions.

3 complaints against Israel to the ICC

A delegation of lawyers filed three complaints against the Israeli occupation at the International Criminal Court regarding the Nusseirat massacre and violations against healthcare workers in Gaza

British calls to halt arms exports to the Zionist entity

British activists surrounded the Foreign Office in London and blocked its entrances to pressure for the release of legal advice on arms exports to Israel.

Since the dawn of time, children have been exploring space, finding new things, and picking up knowledge. Children have a natural sense of wonder, it is important to encourage this curiosity rather than to suppress the adventure. Stopping kids from being naughty can result in the inability to solve conflicts later in life by youth, so it is crucial to deal with them helpfully. First of all, we look at how kids think about sin and why it's important not to try to prevent it.

First of all, naughtiness is nothing but a natural part of the child's disposition.

Children are born to roam and explore the world around them; this normally leads to misbehavior. According to the most popular child psychologist, Dr. Stuart Brown, "Children are wired for curiosity and enthusiasm, and it's our job as parents to learn how to encourage and channel that enthusiasm" (Brown, 2012). This could have its inbuilt creativity and motivation completely subdued if it is held in tight reins.

Secondly, when the naughtiness of a child is suppressed, negative emotional effects may result.

Crushing children where they are foibles leaves them frustrated, angry, or humiliated. That may affect their emotional life in the long term. The American Psychological Association has revealed that "Suppressing emotions can lead to anxiety, depression, and even physical health problems" (APA, 2019). Children's feelings need to be recognized and validated; they shouldn't be smothered.

Thirdly, at times behavioral problems arise due to suppressed naughtiness.

If children's normal impulses are repressed, they might be driven to act out in rebellious or destructive ways in a vain attempt to express themselves. According to Dr. Alice Miller, "The more a child's natural behavior is suppressed, the more he will resist" (Miller, 1995). Within such parameters, parents may inadvertently be creating behavioral problems that prove hard to control by attempting to suppress naughtiness.

Consequently, the suppressed naughtiness of the child develops into low self-esteem.

It can lead to a sense of inadequacy or unworthiness, resulting in a low self-esteem evaluation. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, "children who experience low self-esteem are more likely to develop depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues" (NIMH, 2020). In this light, when parents accept and support this mischievous nature of children, they boost their self-confidence and self-esteem.

Fifthly, the naughtiness of children needs to be guided rather than simply suppressed.

Instead of suppressing the naughtiness, parents should teach children those skills which would enable them to express themselves appropriately. Teaching boundaries, empathy, and impulse control to children is a sure way of steering their natural exuberance and energy toward appropriate channels.

Sixthly, individuality is important.

Children come into the world with their unique individuality, including their nature, interests, and talents, so it is possible that suppressing naughtiness will stifle this and eventually cause a lack of self-expression. If children's individuality is embraced and celebrated, then parents can help them develop a sense of self and a sense of purpose.

Seventhly, what is called for is the appropriate balance between discipline and liberty.

While discipline is essential to teach children right and wrong, it would not allow any naughtiness at all; too much may suppress it, which can be balanced by giving the child some freedom. Parents will enable the child to have some space to explore and learn while teaching them boundaries.

Eighthly: Suppressed naughty behaviors resurface later in life.

Research shows that "unresolved childhood traumas and unexpressed emotions can resurface later in life, causing harm to the individual and those around them" (Abraham, 2019). Tracing mischievous behaviors in a child and bringing them to an end will prevent the development of problems into long-lasting ones.

Ninthly, causes of the naughtiness need to be identified and addressed.

Much naughtiness is an attention-seeking or acting-out behavior that can indicate emotional or environmental imbalances. Parents' awareness of the source of the problem might prevent further problems from happening if addressed effectively. As Dr. Daniel J. Siegel states, "The key to understanding and addressing naughty behavior is to understand the child's inner experiences and needs" (Siegel, 2012).

Finally, suppressing children's naughty tendencies can be harmful.

 So, by holding back creativity, curiosity, and self-expression, they might unintentionally cause a loss of motivation or a feeling of being without hope. The American Academy of Pediatrics says that "kids who are held back can start to feel helpless and without hope, which can lead to sadness and worry" (2018).

Naughtiness is a part of being a child and can be dangerous when suppressed. As a parent, one should encourage creativity, curiosity, and self-expression by embracing their naughtiness. One does not need to extinguish naughtiness but instead, channel or teach children the skills to express themselves appropriately.


The Israeli criminal war on the besieged Gaza Strip entered its 291st day, with the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit genocide in Gaza through dozens of airstrikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

8 Massacres in one day, with 89 Martyrs in Khan Yunis

The occupation continues to commit massacres in various parts of the Gaza Strip, with the focus being on Khan Yunis, Gaza City, Jabalia Camp, and Deir al-Balah. This has resulted in the martyrdom of more than 20 people and the injury of dozens, according to Palestinian media.

Over the past 24 hours, the occupation committed 8 massacres against families in Gaza, resulting in 84 martyrs and 329 injuries being taken to hospitals, according to the Ministry of Health.

The death toll from the Zionist aggression has risen to 39,090 martyrs and 90,147 injuries since October 7th.

89 civilians were martyred and 263 others were injured in the occupation's aggression on Khan Yunis in 24 hours.

The government media office said in a statement on Tuesday that the aggression on Khan Yunis in 24 hours resulted in 89 martyrs, 263 injuries, and 68 missing persons.

It mentioned receiving 1,217 pleas from besieged families, and the destruction of 13 homes bombed by the occupation above the heads of residents, as well as 190 homes and residential buildings targeted by the occupation's shelling.

The occupation launched 130 airstrikes and tank shelling.

Prominent Resistance Operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront Zionist forces infiltrating multiple axes in Gaza. The Al-Qassam Brigades military wing of Hamas announced on Tuesday the targeting of a Zionist "D9" bulldozer with a "Yasin 105" shell near the Shadeed Mosque east of Khan Yunis in southern Gaza.

Meanwhile, the Al-Quds Brigades announced that, in cooperation with forces of the martyr Omar al-Qassem, they targeted Zionist occupation gatherings on the "Netzarim" supply line axis with a barrage of heavy caliber mortar shells.

3 Resistance Leaders Martyred in Tulkarm

Three Palestinian resistance leaders, along with a mother and her daughter, were reported martyred in an Israeli drone strike on the Tulkarm refugee camp in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday morning, after the occupation forces invaded the camp with more than 25 military vehicles. Additionally, two young men were martyred in the town of Sa'ir in Hebron.

Videos circulated by activists on social media showing the Israeli army desecrating the bodies of martyrs by carrying them with a bulldozer.

"Hamas" Mourns the Martyrs of Tulkarm Camp.

 The Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas" has confirmed that the cowardly assassination carried out by the terrorist occupying army, which targeted the martyr leader Ashraf Eid Nafi, the leader of the Al-Qassam Brigades in the Tulkarm camp, and his comrades, the leaders of the Martyrs of Al-Aqsa Brigades, Mohammed Awad and Mohammad Badi; will not break the spine of resistance. It will only increase the Palestinian people's determination to continue on the path of challenge and confrontation, until the end of the occupation and the attainment of all our rights.

The movement praised the martyred resistance leaders in a statement today, Tuesday. It affirmed that these pure bloods will not be in vain, and that the Palestinian people and their resistance will continue their legitimate struggle in the path of the heroic martyrs, against the terrorism of the fascist occupying army and its settler gangs, united in the battle of the Al-Aqsa storm, until achieving full freedom for our people.

Hamas saluted the steadfastness and struggle of our people and our resistance in Tulkarm Camp, and their determination, despite the continued targeting, ongoing violations, and criminal destruction of the camp and its infrastructure; to continue on the path of resistance against this fascist enemy.

They called on the masses of our people in the West Bank to continue the uprising and target the occupation and its settlers everywhere, and to make them pay the price for their crimes against our people, land, and sanctities.

American doctor: The "Israeli" Army Deliberately Kills Children.

An American surgeon testified to the "CBS" channel that the Israeli army deliberately kills Palestinian children in Gaza with sniper fire, pointing out that all the disasters witnessed in a society do not compare to the level of massacres he saw against civilians in the first week alone in Gaza, according to the "Palestinian Media Center."

Dr. Perlmutter volunteered in Gaza from the end of April until the first half of May 2024, he is an orthopedic surgeon from North Carolina, and the vice president of the International College of Surgeons.

The American doctor said: I have seen children in Gaza deliberately targeted by the sniper fire of the "Israeli" army, there are cases of intentional targeting of children and committing war crimes against them.

The Israeli criminal war on the besieged Gaza Strip entered its 290th day, with the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit genocide in Gaza, through dozens of air raids, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Mass displacement under bombardment in Khan Younis

The occupation continues its aggression on Gaza, as Palestinian sources reported that the Zionist occupation forces launched several air raids on towns east of Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, resulting in the death of 45 people so far, simultaneously with orders to evacuate more than 200,000 residents in the city and its east.

39,000 Martyrs since the Aggression Began

In the past 24 hours, the occupation committed 3 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, resulting in 23 martyrs and 91 injuries taken to hospitals, according to the Ministry of Health.

The ministry stated that the toll of the Israeli aggression has risen to 39,006 martyrs and 89,818 injuries since October 7.

"Hamas" Demands Action to Stop Zionist Killings

In light of the intensification of the occupation's aggression and its targeting of civilians in the eastern areas of Khan Younis, the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas called on the international community and the United Nations to urgently act to stop the systematic Zionist killings of Palestinians, which are being carried out in plain sight.

The movement emphasized in a statement today that the Palestinian people will remain resilient and steadfast on their land, and the resistance will continue to confront this criminal enemy seeking to displace our people and erase our national cause. Gaza will remain unbroken until the occupation is defeated on the path of freedom, return, and self-determination.

"UNICEF": 250% increase in the number of child martyrs in the West Bank

UNICEF has observed a 250% increase in the number of Palestinian children killed in the occupied West Bank since the start of the aggression on October 7, 2023.

And through its website, it stated that "143 children have been killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, since last October, which represents an increase of about 250 percent compared to the nine months prior to that (October 2023)."

It indicated that the first nine months of 2023 witnessed the killing of "41 Palestinian children" only.

Key Resistance Operations

Palestinian resistance continues to confront Israeli forces in multiple fronts in Gaza, where the military wing of the Islamic resistance movement Hamas, al-Qassam Brigades, announced on Monday the targeting of the occupation forces' headquarters in the "Netzarim" axis with short-range "Rojoom" missiles of 114mm caliber.

Al-Qassam also pounded the occupying forces advancing northeast of the Al-Bureij refugee camp in the center of the Strip with mortar shells.

It added that it targeted with a Yasin 105 shell a "D9" military bulldozer and two "Merkava 4" tanks in the Al-Farqan neighborhood in Tel Al-Sultan west of Rafah city in the southern Strip.

It also mentioned that in collaboration with the Popular Front, it targeted the occupying forces advancing northeast of the Al-Bureij refugee camp in the center of the Strip with mortar shells.

It mentioned that its fighters engaged in clashes with a Zionist force inside a building at point-blank range, resulting in one dead and one wounded in the Al-Farqan neighborhood in Tel Al-Sultan west of Rafah city.

They also managed to detonate a part of a tunnel with an explosive gas being pumped inside by the occupation engineering forces, causing a back explosion towards the enemy forces in the Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood west of Rafah city in the southern Strip.

Additionally, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad movement, al-Quds Brigades, announced that they targeted with mortar shells a gathering of Zionist enemy soldiers on the supply line in the "Netzarim" axis.



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The Israeli criminal war on the besieged Gaza Strip entered its 289th day, with the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit genocide in Gaza by carrying out dozens of air raids, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Here is a summary of the latest developments:

More than 20 Martyrs since Dawn  

The occupation continues its aggression on Gaza, as Palestinian sources reported the martyrdom of more than 20 citizens since dawn on Sunday, following the shelling by the occupation forces targeting the cities of Khan Younis and Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, as well as the Bureij and Nusairat camps in the central Gaza Strip.

4 Massacres in a Day

During the past 24 hours, the Zionist occupation forces committed 4 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, resulting in 64 martyrs and 105 injuries being taken to hospitals, according to the Ministry of Health.

The ministry confirmed in its daily update the toll of the aggression to be 38,983 martyrs and 89,727 injuries since October 7th.

Resistance Operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the invading Zionist forces in several areas of Gaza. The Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, announced on Sunday that their fighters were able to target an Israeli Apache helicopter with a SAM 7 missile while it was firing at citizens in the central Gaza Strip.

The Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad movement, stated that they shelled a gathering of Zionist enemy soldiers on the "Netzarim" supply line with mortar shells.

The Houthis Announce Targeting Eilat

The Houthi group announced on Sunday that they carried out a "qualitative" military operation in Eilat in response to the Israeli occupation raids that targeted the city of Hodeidah.

The Houthi military spokesman Yahiya Saree stated in a press conference in Sanaa this morning, according to Al Jazeera Net, that the group carried out a qualitative military operation targeting a vital area in Eilat, using ballistic missiles in the process.

Saree added that retaliation against the "Israeli" aggression on Yemen is inevitable and will be great, affirming that the Houthi military operations will not stop until the aggression on the Palestinian people in Gaza stops.

Eilat Port Ceases Operations

The CEO of Eilat Port, Gadi Golber, stated that he is forced to lay off half of the workers due to the closure of the port for 8 months, as a result of the operations carried out by the Houthi group in the Red Sea.

This came in an interview conducted by the Hebrew newspaper "Maariv" with Golber, today Sunday, according to what was published by the Anadolu Agency.

Golber added: "At the end of last November, the situation changed completely when the Houthis hijacked a ship belonging to the NYK company, kidnapped the ship's crew, and closed the navigation passage... Since then, the port of Eilat has suspended its activities."

He confirmed that the port's losses since the beginning of the war amounted to about 14 million dollars, noting that they did not receive any assistance from their country.

1000 Enlistment Requests for "Ultra-Orthodox"

Hebrew media reported that the occupation army will send a thousand enlistment orders today Sunday to men from the ultra-Orthodox community aged between 18 and 26, in the first wave of three waves of this kind over a period of three weeks, according to the "Quds Press" agency.

According to Hebrew media, these enlistment orders are considered the first stage in the screening and evaluation process carried out by the army for new recruits before joining the army next year.

The decision is expected to widen the gap in the right-wing coalition that currently forms the occupation government, led by Benjamin Netanyahu. It is worth mentioning that the coalition relies on the support of extreme religious parties, as the so-called Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef called on the ultra-Orthodox Jews to continue to refuse military enlistment and tear up the military service summons.

Benkirane: "Israel" is a threat to all Arab countries

Abdulilah Benkirane, Secretary-General of the Moroccan Justice and Development Party, warned that the Zionist entity poses a threat to all Arab countries and not only to the Palestinians.

This came in a speech during a meeting of his party's General Secretariat (the highest executive body of the party) in the capital Rabat, broadcasted on the party's official YouTube page late Saturday evening, according to the Anadolu Agency.

Benkirane said that "Israel" does not only threaten the Palestinians in all Palestinian territories, but it is a threat to the rest of the other Arab countries.

Benkirane's words coincided with what the Israeli Knesset President, Yuli Edelstein, said in a post in Arabic on his "X" account: that the Israeli Air Force's attack on the city of Hodeidah in western Yemen on the same day is "a message to the entire Middle East."

Continuous Massacres in Northern and Central Gaza

Al-Qassam Brigade Ambushes Israeli Forces in Rafah

The Israeli extermination war on the besieged Gaza Strip entered its 288th day with the Zionist occupation forces continuing their genocide war in Gaza through dozens of air raids, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

25 Martyrs since Dawn Today

The occupation continues its aggression on Gaza, with Palestinian sources reporting that the ongoing Israeli shelling since Saturday morning on Gaza City and the northern and central areas of the Strip has led to the martyrdom of more than 25 citizens, most of them children.

4 Massacres in One Day

During the past 24 hours, the occupation forces committed 4 massacres, resulting in 37 martyrs and 54 wounded being admitted to hospitals, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

The ministry stated that the number of casualties from the aggression has risen to 38,919 martyrs and 89,622 wounded since October 7th.

Rise in the Number of Martyred Journalists

The Gaza Government Media Office announced an increase in the number of martyred journalists to 161 reporters since the start of the Israeli genocide war on Gaza, following the death of journalist Mohammed Abu Jaser.

Resistance Operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Israeli forces in multiple areas of Gaza, with the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, announcing on Saturday that they successfully lured a group of Israeli soldiers into a pre-prepared tunnel and detonated it, causing casualties in the Sultan neighborhood of Rafah in the southern part of the Strip.

They also reported that their fighters, along with the Al-Quds Brigades, targeted an Israeli "Merkava 4" tank with a "Yassin 105" shell in the Shabora camp in Rafah.

Additionally, they launched a rocket attack from southern Lebanon on the command headquarters of the "Brigade 300 - Shomera" in the western sector of the Upper Galilee in northern occupied Palestine in response to Israeli massacres against civilians in Gaza.

"Saraya al-Quds" said: they targeted the "Nachal Oz" site with a number of heavy caliber mortar shells.

"Hamas": Israeli Shelling Continues as a Practical Response to the International Court of Justice's Opinion

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) affirmed that the continued intense Israeli shelling and the campaign of extermination against the Palestinian people and civilians in various parts of the Gaza Strip, which resulted in the deaths of dozens of martyrs in the past 24 hours, most of whom were children and women. The recent of these crimes was the martyrdom of journalist Mohammed Abu Jasser, his wife, and children, as a practical response to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, which recognized the illegitimacy of the occupation and the right of our people to self-determination.

In a statement on Saturday, the movement called on the United Nations to immediately act to stop the series of terrorism and Zionist crimes that are taking place with direct support from the American administration. They also called for the occupation to be bound by international decisions calling for an end to aggression, the siege, and the Nazi policy of starvation.

Sanders: Netanyahu is a war criminal

American Senator Bernie Sanders described Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a "war criminal".

Sanders said in an interview with MSNBC, according to Al Jazeera's website: Gaza is experiencing a terrible humanitarian catastrophe, and he will not attend Netanyahu's scheduled speech before Congress this week.

The American senator added that he will not attend Netanyahu's speech because "he is a war criminal, and he should not have been invited in the first place. This is a real problem facing the Biden administration, but Trump would have had an even worse stance towards it."

He pointed out that what "Israel" is currently doing in its military campaign led by the extremist right-wing Netanyahu government is appalling, calling on Washington to do everything in its power to end the war and provide humanitarian assistance to Gaza, which is experiencing a terrible humanitarian catastrophe.

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