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Tal Rifat elders stand shoulder to shoulder with SNA soldiers to fight YPG/PKK terrorists in Syria Featured

The loss of six loved ones in the fight against the YPG/PKK terrorists did not weaken the hope of valiant Syria's Tal Rifat elder Muhammad Ayis, who is standing shoulder to shoulder with the Syrian National Army (SNA) soldiers in the hope of one day returning home.

"We are not soldiers, but we are fighting oppression like soldiers," Ayis, 58, told Anadolu Agency.

He said he lost three sons-in-law and three nephews in the fight against the Assad regime and the YPG/PKK.

About 250,000 people from Aleppo's Tal Rifat district and surrounding areas were forced to flee to places near the Turkish border, after their areas were occupied by YPG/PKK terrorists with Russian air backing in February 2016.

The Elders Division, which consists of 25 members, was formed 10 years ago to fight against Bashar Assad's regime and, later, the YPG/PKK terror group.

Ayis, a member of the Elders Division, said he is on watch duty three days a week to safeguard civilians living in tents in the safe regions during the harsh winter and summer months.

"Those who keep watch in the Elders Division are over 40 years old," he added.

The division's elders were observed standing side to shoulder with the troops every day and night, having won the respect and sympathy of the SNA's young soldiers.

The most significant point is that the division's members still hold the keys to their respective homes as they never gave up hope of returning to their homes one day.

"I always see myself opening my front door, watering the trees, and speaking with my sons-in-law. One day, I will use the key I have kept opening the door to my house. May God grant us long lives," he prayed.

‘We will resist here until end’

Muhammad Khatib, another member of the division, said many young people from Tal Rifat were lost in other operations, particularly the Olive Branch Operation – a cross-border military operation launched by the Turkish Armed Forces and SNA in January 2018.

"I keep vigilant along with the SNA soldiers at the front. Our relations with the youth here are excellent. I am delighted to be joining this division," Khatib, 60, told Anadolu Agency.

Pointing out that there is no difference between them and young people, he said: "Young people are very courteous of us. We respect them as well."

"All we want is the liberation of Tal Rifat from the YPG/PKK. We will resist here until the end,” he pledged, stressing: "When SNA soldiers see us, their determination grows. We keep their spirits up."

Since 2016, Ankara has launched a trio of successful anti-terror operations across its border in northern Syria to prevent the formation of a terror corridor and enable the peaceful settlement of residents: Euphrates Shield (2016), Olive Branch (2018), and Peace Spring (2019).

In its more than 35-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK -- listed as a terror organization by Türkiye, the US, and EU -- has been responsible for the deaths of over 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants. The YPG is the PKK terror group's Syrian offshoot./aa