Turkey’s Foreign Ministry on Sunday issued a diplomatic note to Greece over the killing of a Turkish citizen in the northwestern Edirne province by fire from the Greek side of the border.
Heleni Vakali, Greece's charge d'affairs in Ankara, was summoned to the ministry and given a diplomatic note, with Turkey's reaction to the death of the Turkish citizen as a result of Greek fire from through the border on Saturday night, according to diplomatic sources.
Vakali was informed that Turkey demands to receive information about the outcome of an investigation by Greece into the incident, the killer or killers to be arrested and punished, and measures to be taken to prevent its repetition, while compensation rights of the victims of the incident and their families are being reserved, the sources added.
A Turkish citizen was killed on Saturday night in Adasarhanli village of Edirne's Meric district due to fire from the Greek side of the border.
Mehmet Durgun (43) and Suleyman Sener (60), two of the residents of the village, were by the side of the Meric River, which forms the borderline with Greece, when Mehmet Durgun was shot in the face and died at the scene./aa