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British far-right extremist loses libel case to Syrian refugee

British far-right extremist Tommy Robinson on Thursday lost a high court libel case to a Syrian refugee schoolboy.

Judge Nicklin, a High Court judge, ordered Islamophobic activist Robinson to pay Jamal Hijazi £100,000 ($137,407) in damages after making false allegations about the refugee.

“This judgment – but more importantly – the award of damages will mark clearly that the Defendant has failed to demonstrate the truth of his allegations,” Nicklin said in his closing remarks.

“The Defendant took on the burden of proving his allegations to be true. He has failed. In reality, and for the reasons I have explained, his evidence fell woefully short. He has, however, persisted with the serious allegations he originally made, and has even added to them during the proceedings.”

Nicklin added: “The Claimant has had to face them in the full glare and publicity of a High Court trial. It is my responsibility to make clear that the Defendant has failed in his defence of truth, to vindicate the Claimant and to award him a sum in damages that represents fair compensation.”

Nicklin also said Robinson is responsible for the harm caused by his lies, harm that could have long lasting consequences.

In a widely circulated video, Hijazi, then a schoolboy at a school in Huddersfield, was racially and physically abused by peers in 2018. The attack drew disgust and criticism across the country, but Robinson defended the attackers, falsely claiming that Hijazi had attacked young English girls at the school.

Robinson’s libel about Hijazi risked him facing death threats and “extremist agitation” by Robinson’s supporters against the refugee, who sought asylum with his family in the UK in 2016 after fleeing war and oppression in Syria.

“I had a tough time at school because of the bullying, and I want to forget about it and move on. But I do not think it is fair for someone to be able to publish lies about me, as if I am a violent trouble-maker, when I am not. I have been extremely hurt by the defendant’s actions in wanting to portray me as a bad person. I want to set the record straight,” Hijazi said in his closing remarks./aa