Admin Mugtama

Admin Mugtama


When the "Arab Spring" emerged, it seemed to mark the beginning of empowerment for the Islamic project and its movement, which appeared at the peak of its strength and presence. However, after internal and external conspiracies against this spring, and when the situation turned around, the Islamic project and its movement entered into a new ordeal. The Islamic movement was subjected to regional and international conspiracies like never before, with some regimes orchestrating massacres and arresting tens of thousands.

Islamic movements in different countries retreated steps backwards, preserving their individuals and entities. Consequently, the Islamic project itself retreated from being proposed as a roadmap for the nation's revival.

However, when the blessed battle of "The Aqsa Flood" erupted - which has been ongoing for nearly six months - it revived the Islamic movement and restored momentum to its project.

Therefore, as part of its mission towards its nation, "Al-Mujtamaa" dedicated this month's issue to "The Islamic Project... and Wise Governance", attempting to outline the characteristics of this governance and forecast the future of the Islamic project.

The future of Islam is a religion that no one needs to worry about, as it is the true promise of Allah, as narrated by His Prophet (peace be upon him), saying: "This matter (i.e., Islam) will keep spreading as far as the night and day reach, until Allah will not leave a house made of mud or hair, but will make this religion enter it, while bringing might to a mighty person (a Muslim) and humiliation to a disgraced person (who rejects Islam)." (Sahih Muslim).

The future belongs to the strong Islamic state based on the prophetic methodology, which no one fears for, as Allah Almighty also informed us through His Prophet (peace be upon him), saying: "‘Prophethood shall remain among you as long as Allah wills. He will bring about its end and follow it with a Caliphate on the precepts of Prophethood for as long as He wills and then bring about its end. Kingship shall then follow, to remain as long as God wills and then come to an end. There shall then be monarchical despotism which shall remain as long as God wills and come to an end upon His decree. There will then emerge Khilafat on the precepts of Prophethood’. Then he became silent.” (Narrated by Nu'man ibn Bashir)

As for the future of the Islamic movement, it depends on working according to the constants and traditions through which divine promise of empowerment is realized. Its future will only be bright with the efforts of its sons to reconcile differences, mend ruptures, renew ideas, means, and frameworks, and avoid mistakes. This will be a new start, perhaps God will decree through it a bright future for Islam, as a religion, a state, and a law, by its hands.

Read the Article in Arabic

Kuwait in a Week

May 02, 2024

Thursday, May 2, 2024

 Amir Returns Home After State Visit to Egypt

Kuwait to Host 3rd Strategic Dialogue

A Malaysian Delegation Meets the Director of the Endowment Funds Department

Endowments Secretariat Reveals 13th International Research Competition on Endowments

46th Islamic Book Fair Held by Social Reform Society


Amir Returns Home After State Visit to Egypt

 HH the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and his delegation returned to Kuwait after a state visit to Egypt. The visit reflected deep and distinguished ties between the two countries and peoples, aiming to strengthen fruitful and constructive cooperation. HH the Amir sent a cable of thanks to Sisi expressing his sincere thanks and appreciation for the warm welcome and hospitality during the state visit. Both sides emphasized the importance of reaching an agreement between the Zionist occupation authorities and Palestinian groups on a durable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and ensuring unhindered delivery of relief aid to the Palestinian people under UN Security Council Resolution 2720.

Both sides stated opposition to the ongoing Zionist military operations in Gaza and plans for expanding the operations to Rafah, warning that Zionist malpractices risk expanding the scope of the conflict to other parts of the Middle East and jeopardizing the security of the region and world peace. They urged the international community to shoulder their responsibility for finding a fair settlement to the Palestine issue based on the two-state solution and establishing the State of Palestine within the borders of June 4, 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital. They reaffirmed support of the legitimate right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland, pursuant to UN General Assembly Resolution 194.

During the state visit, HH the Amir held summit talks with President Sisi on Tuesday, emphasizing the importance of reaching an agreement between the Zionist occupation authorities and Palestinian groups on a durable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and ensuring unhindered delivery of relief aid to the Palestinian people under UN Security Council Resolution 2720. They also expressed unequivocal rejection of Zionist attempts to liquidate the Palestine cause and serious violations of international humanitarian law through forced displacement of the Palestinian people from their own land in Gaza and the West Bank.

The Kuwaiti side applauded the unprecedented development of Egypt in all areas and commended Egyptian efforts to improve the investment atmosphere. Both sides tasked competent agencies to arrange for the 13th session of the Higher Joint Commission on Cooperation, highlighting coordination and reciprocal support in international arenas. Both sides hailed the close political coordination between them regarding regional and international issues of common concern, highlighting the importance of promoting the culture of peace, dialogue, development, and coexistence, and favoring diplomacy as a means of resolution of conflicts in the Middle East.

Kuwait to Host 3rd Strategic Dialogue

Kuwait has been invited to host the third ministerial meeting of the strategic dialogue between the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and Central Asia in 2025. The declaration emphasized the historical relations, religious and cultural ties between the two sides and the prospects for economic cooperation, including enormous natural resources and promising investment opportunities in energy, mining, petrochemical industries, tourism, and others. It stressed the need to support consensual political solutions to resolve the crises faced by some Arab countries  by encouraging comprehensive dialogue and national reconciliation, rejecting interference in their internal affairs, and committing to respecting their sovereignty and independence.

The declaration condemned the continuation of Zionist crimes against the Palestinian people, the deliberate targeting of over 100,000 Palestinian civilians, and the systematic destruction of residential neighborhoods, hospitals, schools, universities, mosques, and churches. It called on the Security Council to adopt a binding resolution to stop the occupation's aggression, shooting, and forced displacement against the Palestinian people and ensure the flow of relief aid to the entire Gaza Strip.

The declaration also called for convening an international peace conference as soon as possible, from which a credible peace process would be launched based on approved international references within a specific time frame and with international guarantees that would lead to an end to the Zionist occupation of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967.

A Malaysian Delegation Meets the Director of the Endowment Funds Department

A delegation from Malaysia, represented by Dr. Ridwan Bakar, Executive Director of the Malaysian Ministry of Endowments, Dr. Abdul Aziz Bin Sheikh from the Islamic Council of Malaysia, Ms. Tamara Abrahamian, translator at the Malaysian Airlines embassy in Kuwait, and Rakan Al-Yaqout, a representative of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs, met with Director of the Endowment Funds Department at the General Secretariat of Awqaf Ma'rib, Yaqoub Al-Yaqoub, on Sunday, April 28, 2024. The two sides discussed potential avenues for collaboration as well as their respective nations' experiences in endowment and humanitarian efforts. 

Endowments Secretariat Reveals 13th International Research Competition on Endowments

On Monday, the Acting Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of Endowments, Amal Hussein Al-Dalal, announced the results of the winners of the 13th Kuwait International Endowment Research Competition.

Al-Dallal said, in a press conference: This competition is an important project among the 16 important projects undertaken by the secretariat representing the State of Kuwait. The “coordinating state” for the efforts of Islamic countries in the field of endowment at the level of the Islamic world, and it is held periodically every two years, completing 12 sessions from 1999 to 2021 AD, bringing the total number of participants in it to 340 participants from inside Kuwait and the world, in addition to those who participated in our glue competition for this year.

She added that the General Secretariat of Endowments was keen to direct thinkers, researchers, specialists and those interested in endowment affairs to the methods of modern and contemporary endowment topics that need further research and study, and to propose developmental treatments for the advancement of endowment systems, and from here the topics of the Thirteenth Kuwait International Endowment Research Competition came to express this approach. , by presenting 3 topics of great importance: The first of these topics came under the title “Violating the donor’s condition due to need or necessity... rootedly and branching out.” The second topic was about “The role of the endowment in achieving food security,” and the third topic was titled “Utilizing financial technology in developing and investing in the endowment.”

Lina Faisal Al-Mutawa, Director of the Department of Studies and External Relations and Head of the Competition Supervision Committee, said: The number of those who applied to compete in the “Kuwait International Competition for Endowment Research,” in its current session, reached 87 participants, including researchers and those interested in endowments, from various countries of the world, and this number is considered The highest since the start of this international competition.

The results of the first topic, entitled “Violating the condition of the donor due to need or root and branch” were as follows:

– First prize with a score of 93% D. Sufyan Dhabih, from Algeria, and the title of his research is “Violating the conditions of the donor due to need or necessity - in light of ancient and contemporary calamities.”

– The second prize was shared equally, with a score of 87%, between: Dr. Iqbal Abdulaziz Al-Mutawa, from the State of Kuwait, and Dr. Abdul Raqeeb Saleh Mohsen Al-Shami, from Yemen, and the title of their joint research is “The Effect of Need and Necessity on Violating the Conditions of the Endowers... Rooted and Applied.”

– Third prize with a score of 85% D. Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Zaghoul, from Jordan, and the title of his research is “Violating the condition of the donor due to need or necessity...rooting and branching.”

The results of the second topic, entitled “The Role of Waqf in Achieving Food Security,” were as follows:

– First prize: Omar Al Mahmoudi from Morocco.

– The second prize was shared, with a score of 87.5%, between Dr. Abdel Rahim Bahmou from Morocco, Dr. Saleh Al-Mahmoudi from Morocco, Dr. Muhammad Al-Filali from Morocco, and the title of their joint research is “The Impact of Waqf on Achieving Food Security.”

- The third prize, with a score of 85.5%, was Rami Eid Makki Bahbah, from Egypt, and the title of his research was “The Role of Waqf in Achieving Food Security in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Countries.”

As for the third topic, entitled “Utilizing financial technology in developing and investing in endowments,” its results were as follows:

- The first prize was shared equally, with a score of 91.5%, between Rachida Rahmani from Algeria and Siham Rahmani from Algeria, and the title of their joint research is “Financial Technology and the Expected Roles in Endowments between the Necessity of Development and the Danger of Application.”

The second prize was shared, with a score of 88.5%, between Dr. Sayed Hassan Abdullah Hassan, from Egypt, and the title of his research is “Utilizing financial technology tools in developing and investing in endowments in light of the texts of Sharia and its objectives,” and Dr. Sami Muhammad Al-Salahat, from Jordan, and the title of his research is “Utilizing financial technology in developing and investing in endowments,” and Dr. Nobi Muhammad Hassan Abdel Rahim, from Egypt, and the title of his research is “Utilizing financial technology in endowment development and investment” (Digital Endowment Foundation.. Case Study: FINTERRA Endowment Platform in Malaysia).

 Al-Rahma International approved financial and administrative reports at its general assembly

46th Islamic Book Fair Held by Social Reform Society

The 46th edition of the Islamic Book Fair, under the slogan "Awareness is Shaping," was held in Mushrif, Kuwait, from April 14-20, 2024 AD. The exhibition featured around 120 entities and publishing houses from government institutions, public benefit associations, and educational bodies in 11 Gulf and Arab countries, Turkey, and Britain. The Board of Directors of the Social Reform Society, Dr. Khaled Al-Madhkoor, stated that the exhibition has evolved every year in line with technical developments and printing updates, introducing modern technologies that address children's mentality.

The exhibition includes activities related to students' educational, cultural, and other activities, expressing gratitude to the participating official bodies, led by the Ministry of Information, for its sponsorship of the Islamic Book Fair and the Ministry of Interior for facilitating procedures and overcoming difficulties for the delegations participating in the exhibition.

The Assistant Secretary-General for the Administrative and Financial Affairs Sector at the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters, representative of the Minister of Information, Saad Al-Anzi, confirmed that continuing to hold the exhibition throughout the 46 years is a message that translates the efforts of the Social Reform Society and an addition to the country's journey in spreading knowledge and culture locally and internationally.

Traffic Awareness Department officer in the Traffic and Operations Affairs Sector, Lieutenant Colonel Abdullah Abu Hassan, stated that their participation in the 46th Islamic Book Fair came to raise the level of traffic awareness among road users by linking the behavior of the vehicle driver to religious behavior. The Traffic Department is keen to deliver the correct message to road users.

The head of the Federation of Kuwaiti Charitable Societies and Organizations, Saad Al-Otaibi, said that the role played by the Social Reform Society through its establishment of the Islamic Book Fair and its keenness to continue it is a complement to the bright image of Kuwaiti charitable work. He stressed that the presence of the "Union of Associations and Enterprises" comes as an affirmation of the support of all the roles of associations and enterprises supporting the spread of science and culture in Kuwaiti society.

Namaa Charity, represented by the International Center for Charitable Work Studies, participated in the exhibition activities, displaying prominent publications of the Center for Studies in the field of the charitable sector, with the aim of developing community awareness of the importance of charitable work in the development of societies and promoting the culture of volunteer work among various segments of society.

The General Secretariat of Endowments also participated in the exhibition, with the Acting Deputy Secretary-General for Administration and Support Services, Amal Hussein Al-Dalal, stating that the participation of the General Secretariat this year in the exhibition comes to spread the culture of endowments in Kuwaiti society and introduce the achievements of the General Secretariat of Endowments.

The International Mercy Society participated in the exhibition, with the Director of the Society’s Public Relations and Media Department, Qais Al-Ali, aiming to enhance communication with the public by introducing the Society’s projects, goals, vision and mission, means of communication, methods of donation, and its various applications.



The Israeli genocide war on Gaza has entered its 208th day, as the Zionist occupation forces continue to commit a genocidal war in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.    

More Massacres in Gaza

The occupation continues its aggression against the Gaza Strip, amidst Zionist warplanes and artillery bombardment of residential squares and the vicinity of shelter centers, especially the cities of Gaza, Rafah, Deir al-Balah, and the Nuseirat camp, causing more martyrs and injuries, and the destruction of more buildings and property, according to the news agency. Palestinian (Wafa).

The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the occupation committed 4 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 33 martyrs and 57 injuries to hospitals during the past 24 hours

It said in its daily report: The toll of the aggression rose to 34,568 martyrs and 77,765 injuries since the seventh of last October.

   The Resistance Attacks Forces Continue  

The Palestinian resistance continues its operations and confronts the Zionist forces invading several areas of Gaza, as the “Al-Qassam Brigades”, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), announced today, Wednesday, that it had targeted crowds of enemy forces near the “Holeit” kibbutz with a short “Rajum” missile system. The range is 114 mm.

Today, Wednesday, the “Jerusalem Brigades,” the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, bombed, with a barrage of mortar shells, a position of occupation army soldiers and vehicles in the vicinity of the Sheikh Ajlin area, southwest of Gaza City.

Extreme Poverty in Gaza

Today, Wednesday, the Government Information Office in the Gaza Strip issued a statement on the occasion of “International Workers’ Day” on May 1.

The office said: Workers in the Gaza Strip are living in unprecedented humanitarian conditions, with the unemployment rate rising to 75%, the poverty rate rising to more than 90%, and the siege continuing for the 18th year in a row.

He added that more than 200,000 people lost their jobs during the first 3 months of the war, including nearly 5,000 fishermen, as the occupation army imposes a stifling siege and prevents fishermen from fishing in the sea, and even shoots and kills them directly, noting that the crimes of killing fishermen have been repeated. During the war of extermination, those who were searching for a living.


He pointed out that the total direct initial losses of the genocidal war on Gaza amounted to $33 billion, as the occupation destroyed 15 sectors of work and life in the Strip.

New York Police Storm Columbia University

American media reported that New York City police stormed the Columbia University campus and arrested dozens of students in solidarity with Palestine.

While the American Association of University Professors, Columbia University branch, said: The university’s leadership bears responsibility for what may happen, according to Al Jazeera.

A New York Police spokesman said: The forces evacuated the campus of protesters within 3 hours and arrested dozens.

The police used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the sit-in, arrested about 100 people, and evacuated the “Hamilton Hall,” which the protesters called “Hind Hall” in honor of a six-year-old Palestinian girl who was martyred in the ongoing aggression against Gaza.

Al Jazeera quoted American media as saying that police forces had arrested at least 1,000 people on more than 25 university campuses in 21 states since April 18.

Türkiye Sides with South Africa Against Israel



Turkey announced today, Wednesday, that it has joined the “genocide” lawsuit filed by South Africa against “Israel” at the International Court of Justice.

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said in a press conference held with his Indonesian counterpart, Retno Marsudi, according to the Anadolu Agency: We in Turkey have decided to join the lawsuit filed by South Africa against “Israel” in the International Court of Justice.


The Israeli genocide war on Gaza has entered its 207th day, as the Zionist occupation forces continue to commit a genocidal war in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.   

Series of Israeli Raids on Gaza

The occupation continues its aggression against the Gaza Strip, where 7 citizens were martyred and others were injured, today, Tuesday, in a series of raids launched by the occupation on various areas of the Strip, according to the Palestinian News Agency (Wafa).

The Ministry of Health in Gaza stated that the occupation forces committed 5 massacres against families, as a result of which 47 martyrs and 61 injuries were hospitalized during the past 24 hours.

In its daily update, the Ministry indicated that the toll of the Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip had risen to 34,535 martyrs and 77,704 injuries since last October 7.

A Turkish Tourist Carries out a Stabbing Attack

Palestinian sources reported that a Turkish tourist carried out a heroic stabbing attack on Tuesday near Bab al-Sahira in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem, wounding a Zionist soldier.

The sources added that the occupation forces opened fire on the young man who carried out the operation, while the occupation army deployed intensively after one of its soldiers was injured in the operation.

Hebrew media reported that the perpetrator of the operation was a Turkish tourist, named Hassan Saqlanen (34 years old), and he died from his wounds, according to the “Palestinian Information Center.”

The Palestinian Center said that the resistance operations continue in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem as part of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle, which targets occupation soldiers and settlers, in response to their continuing crimes against our people and their sanctities.

A Message to the “Israelis”

Today, Tuesday, the “Al-Qassam” Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas,” sent a message to “Israeli” public opinion about the reasons for the continued faltering of the exchange deal and the remaining “Israeli” prisoners in Gaza.

Al-Qassam published a picture of Netanyahu with the caption: “Because of Netanyahu’s political interests, your sons are still in captivity.”

The Death Toll of Israeli Soldiers

The occupation army announced today, Tuesday, that 10 of its soldiers were injured in battles inside the Gaza Strip during the past 48 hours.

The number of soldiers injured since the beginning of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle on October 7 last year rose to 3,320, including 1,593 who were injured since the beginning of the ground battles on the 27th of the same month.

In this context, the same data indicated that “514 army personnel sustained serious injuries, 879 moderate injuries, and 1,927 minor injuries.”

Regarding the death toll of soldiers, data showed that 608 officers and soldiers were killed since the beginning of the war, including 263 killed in ground battles in the Gaza Strip, according to what was reported by the “Anatolia” agency.

A Looming Invasion of Rafah

Occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to invade the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, noting, “The process of evacuating civilians from the city has begun.”

Netanyahu said that the evacuation of the Palestinians from Rafah has begun in preparation for an upcoming operation there, adding that the possibility of reaching an exchange deal is slim and “Israel” will not accept an absolute withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, according to what was reported by the “Al Jazeera Net” website.

He stressed that there was no change in the goals of the war, and that his government would not accept a settlement regarding Rafah.

Columbia University expels Palestine supporters

The student movement in the United States continues protests and sit-ins in several universities to demand an end to the aggression against the Gaza Strip that has been ongoing for more than 200 days, and to cut off American support for “Israel.”

A group of Columbia University students took control of two buildings at the university to protest the suspension of the studies of a number of students, after the end of a deadline set for them yesterday, Monday, to vacate their sit-in site on the university campus, according to Al Jazeera Net.

The American network "NBC News" reported that the administration of Columbia University in New York began expelling students participating in the pro-Palestine protests, according to what the "Arabi 21" website indicated.

Al Jazeera quoted American media as saying that the police arrested a number of students protesting in tents set up on the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University in the city of Richmond, in the west of the country.

At the University of California, the demonstrators roamed a number of streets inside the university, and were able to enter the “Royce Hall” building, one of the main halls at the university, to reach the sit-in headquarters, which was now surrounded by a university security fence.

The Israeli genocide war on Gaza has entered its 206th day, as the Zionist occupation forces continue to commit a genocidal war in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

25 Martyrs in Rafah

The occupation continues its aggression against the city of Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip, where Palestinian sources reported that occupation aircraft bombed several homes, leading to the death of 25 people, including 5 children and 10 women.

Today, Monday, the Ministry of Health announced that the toll of the aggression on the Gaza Strip had risen to 34,488 martyrs and 77,643 injuries, since October 7, 2023.

The ministry said: The “Israeli” occupation is committing 3 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 34 martyrs and 68 injuries during the past 24 hours.

Al-Mughraqa Ambush

The Palestinian resistance continues its operations and confronts the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza, as the “Al-Qassam Brigades” announced in a military report that its mujahideen targeted the enemy’s command headquarters in the “Netzarim” axis, south of Gaza City, with heavy-caliber mortar shells.

 In one particular operation, Al-Qassam disclosed that a mechanized Zionist force was held in a mine ambush on Al-Sikka Street in the Al-Mughraqa neighborhood of the central Gaza Strip, using explosive devices and "F16" rockets that were fired at the occupation forces.

The “Al-Qassam Brigades” in Lebanon announced, today, Monday, that they bombed, from southern Lebanon, the headquarters of the occupation command, 769 Eastern Brigade, “Jibour Camp,” in northern occupied Palestine, with a concentrated missile barrage.

The Brigades said in a military statement: This operation comes in response to the Zionist enemy’s massacres in patient Gaza and the rebellious West Bank.

Arab and Islamic Demands to Impose Sanctions on “Israel”

The foreign ministers of Arab and Islamic countries called on the international community to impose effective sanctions on “Israel,” including stopping arms exports to it, in response to its violation of international laws and the war crimes it commits in Gaza and the West Bank.

This came during the meeting of the ministerial committee in charge of the extraordinary joint Arab-Islamic summit on developments in the Gaza Strip, which was held in November 2023, according to what Anadolu Agency reported from the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The meeting was attended by the Foreign Ministers of Egypt, Sameh Shukri, Jordan, Ayman Al-Safadi, Turkey, Hakan Fidan, Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Hussein Ibrahim Taha, Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Minister of Civil Affairs, Hussein Al-Sheikh, and Minister of State in the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Muhammad Al-Khulaifi.

The statement explained that the meeting discussed mechanisms for intensifying joint Arab and Islamic action to reach an immediate halt to the war on the Gaza Strip, and to ensure the protection of civilians in accordance with international humanitarian law.

American University Protests: 900 Detainees  

The student movement in the United States continues protests and sit-ins in several universities to demand an end to the aggression against the Gaza Strip that has been ongoing for more than 200 days, and to cut off American support for “Israel.”

The unprecedented student movement in support of Palestine in the United States expanded to other universities in European countries such as France, Britain, and Australia.

The number of students arrested during the protests at American universities exceeded 900, according to Anadolu Agency.


The Israeli genocide war on Gaza has entered its 205th day, as the Zionist occupation forces continue to commit a genocidal war in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

7 Massacres

The occupation continues its aggression against various areas in the Gaza Strip, as the Ministry of Health in the Strip announced that the occupation committed 7 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 66 martyrs and 138 injuries to hospitals during the past 24 hours.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza confirmed that the toll of the aggression had risen to 34,454 martyrs and 77,575 injuries since last October 7.

Today, Sunday, the occupation forces continued artillery shelling on areas east of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, and the eastern outskirts of the town of Khuza’a, east of Khan Yunis, according to the Palestinian Information Center.

Message from 2 POWs Held by Resistance

2 POWs held by “Al-Qassam Brigades,” the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), demanded that Netanyahu’s government should complete a deal to release the prisoners.

This came in a video clip shown by Al-Qassam on Saturday evening, explaining, “Military pressure led to the death of dozens of prisoners in its hands, and deprived the rest of them from celebrating Easter with their loved ones.”

The two POWs said to Netanyahu government: “We are living in difficult conditions under heavy bombardment, and we sometimes feel that you have abandoned us.”

 The two POWs also addressed the Israeli public, saying, "We hope you will continue the demonstrations so that there can be negotiations that lead to a deal, and we want you to do everything in your power to put pressure on the government in any way you can."

On the other hand, the families of the prisoners held by Al-Qassam explained, in response to the video, that their government must choose either Rafah or the deal, and that the war must end and the price must be paid, warning that entering Rafah is an additional sacrifice, according to the “Palestinian Information Center.”

Resistance Bombs  the Occupation

The Palestinian resistance continues its operations and confronts the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza. The “Jerusalem Brigades,” the military wing of the Islamic Jihad movement, announced today, Sunday, the bombing of the “Fajjah” military site with a missile salvo.

Al-Aqsa Mosque

About 1,210 settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque this Sunday morning and noon, according to the Endowments Department in occupied Jerusalem, amid strict measures in front of the mosque’s doors and in the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque. The occupation forces prevented young men from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque before the noon prayer.

Among the most prominent attackers of Al-Aqsa Mosque today were Knesset member from the Likud Party, Amit Halevy, and extremist rabbi Yehuda Glick.

Among the participants in the raids on the sixth day of “Passover” was the extremist Tom Nissany, head of the “Bedino” organization (one of the extremist temple organizations). Nissany’s participation was preceded by his invitation to his followers the previous day via the X platform to accompany him in this raid, and platforms linked to Nissany published a video clip of it. He leads a “guided” tour of one of the groups that participated in storming Al-Aqsa today, describing the Palestinian and Islamic figures buried inside the western corridor as “terrorists.”

Dozens of settlers also performed public rituals in front of the southern courtyard in Al-Aqsa, and in the eastern courtyards of Al-Aqsa, with the participation of a number of rabbis, and video clips documented these rituals.

Extremist organizations called on their supporters to participate in the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque at exactly 1:30 pm today, to participate in a public prayer in Al-Aqsa’s eastern squares, to request recovery for the extremist Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir.

Arab Universities Join the Global Movement for Gaza

Student movements in Arab universities in Kuwait, Lebanon, Algeria and Jordan called for escalating solidarity with the Palestinian cause by organizing events in support of Gaza.

In a statement, the Kuwaiti student movement directed all student organizations and all Arab and Islamic unions “to escalate their solidarity and organize joint activities in support of our steadfast people in the occupied territories.”

This afternoon, Sunday, the National Union of Kuwaiti Students and all faculty members held a stand in solidarity with Gaza.

In Lebanon, the Free University Collective called on Lebanese university students to “participate in activities in Lebanese universities next Tuesday to demand an end to the war on Gaza,” according to what Quds Press reported.

Female Presidential Candidate Arrested in America

The student movement in the United States continues protests and sit-ins in several universities to demand an end to the aggression against the Gaza Strip that has been ongoing for more than 200 days.

The American police arrested dozens of protesters who rejected the war on Gaza, after they attempted to hold a sit-in on the campus of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, according to the Al Jazeera Net website.

Scenes published by journalists and activists showed the police dealing with the protesters and trying to disperse the camp by force and arresting a large number of them, in addition to the arrest of former US presidential candidate for the Green Party, Jill Stein, while she was supporting the protest.


A newfound magnetic star, a dense relic of a once-bright star with a remarkably strong magnetic field, has been discovered outside the Milky Way. The newfound magnetar, a dense relic of a once-bright star with a remarkably strong magnetic field, resides in the galaxy M82 (dubbed the Cigar Galaxy), roughly 12 million light-years from Earth.

Scientists using a European Space Agency (ESA) telescope spotted the ultra-magnetic star after it violently erupted and blasted out intense energy that lasted just a fraction of a second.

Magnetars are rapidly spinning, intensely magnetized versions of neutron stars that shine thousands of times brighter than the sun.

Only three other magnetar flares have been recorded in the past 50 years, so the latest find opens the search for more extragalactic magnetars. The newfound magnetar adds to the three magnetars previously found within our galaxy, including a notable one spotted in 2004.


"Multitasking": a necessary skill or just a harmful trick?

Many people seek to organize their day and divide its hours between work, performing household tasks, raising children, developing personal skills, and perhaps practicing hobbies and participating in social activities as well.


But in reality, our lives seem short and the hours in our days are insufficient to achieve all of the above, until the concept of “multitasking” appeared years ago, and seemed to be a solution to the problem of achieving all the goals we aspire to.


Technology has provided more options, while advice and experiences have varied in this regard. But the question remains: Can our minds really perform multiple tasks at the same time, or do we pay a high cost for these attempts?


What happens in our brains?

A report published by “The Conversation” website indicates that the expression “multitasking” was originally specific to machines, not humans. Then studies appeared revealing the benefits of multitasking, but they were limited to simple or “automatic” tasks, which put very little pressure on the prefrontal cortex. In the brain, such as eating while walking or watching movies, or walking while talking on the phone. When performing more complex tasks, things get complicated, and noticeable effects begin to appear.


What happens inside our brain when we try to do multiple tasks at the same time is that the prefrontal cortex in the brain initially works to maintain focus on performing the first task, and within seconds its work switches to focus attention on the second task.


Neuroscientists confirm that we do not perform two tasks at the same time, but in fact what happens is a rapid jump to switch between different activities, while the “working memory” remains busy for long hours, hindering normal mental performance, and in these switching processes, our brain performs a series of cognitive transformations. sequentially so that we can perform both tasks together.

With the growing need to perform multiple tasks, this has become our way of completing our work in record time, and a skill preferred by business owners. We actually engage in these attempts, but reaping them - as studies indicate - is costly, as our brain does not have this ability.


When the tasks are more complex, the load on our brains increases, and this sequence of switching between tasks costs us more time for completion, as it takes the brain to pay attention to the nature of the other task, then adjust the settings of the mind to suit its completion, and displace the setting for the first task.


Decreased productivity and creativity

While it may seem that only a few seconds of time are lost each time we switch between tasks, this process has a noticeable impact on our ability to pay attention and focus. Thus, contrary to the common belief that “multitasking” means increased efficiency and productivity, it causes more mistakes to be made, which leads to a 40% reduction in an individual’s productivity.


For example, if we talk on the phone while we are writing, the brain stops the flow of ideas, derailing the creative process. During the minutes that the brain stops writing, it prepares to listen, and then returns to writing again. This simple interruption may lead to making mistakes, and our creative abilities decrease when we are deprived of continuous focus on a single task, which results in a flow of ideas and the ability to connect them. Thus, we become less creative and more superficial, in addition to the memory problems it causes, reduced efficiency, anxiety, and chronic stress. .


A study published by the magazine "Health Psychology Review" in the year 2023 indicated that performing multiple tasks constitutes an organic, measurable pressure on the work of the sympathetic nervous system, as scientists observed higher rates compared to its activity when performing a single task. The study also revealed less functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system, as well as its effect on stress levels and psychological pressure. The researchers pointed to a possible effect on the immune system as well.

It may seem to us that we are more productive in the current era, thanks to multitasking, but that is not the real reason for this feeling. We are actually more productive thanks to the technological tools available that facilitate our work. As for the mind, its characteristics have not changed, and multitasking still causes us more anxiety, stress, and insomnia, and ends with the inability to work and concentrate.


The capabilities we need

On the other hand, if you are keen on greater productivity, what experts advise is to focus on attention, which is - in fact - a skill that we can develop, and make a difference in our ability to achieve through it:


Allocate periods for focus: Experts advise allocating periods to focus on doing a specific task, and stopping all distractions such as phone notifications or interruptions from colleagues.

Fight dopamine addiction: Another secret that drives our brains to multitask is the dopamine addiction associated with new information, which makes us respond to interruptions like answering the phone while we're writing an email. What actually happens is that dopamine addiction stimulates the brain to lose focus and search for external stimulation.

Choosing between tasks: Neuroscientists advise choosing between tasks that can be completed in parallel without significant negative impact, and other tasks that trying to complete together will cause loss of time or waste of effort.

Rest: The brain needs to stop from time to time. It will be beneficial to pay attention to physical activity and a good diet, which increase the ability to concentrate.

The student protests sweeping through many American universities, condemning the 'Israeli' aggression on Gaza, bring to mind the wave of massive demonstrations witnessed in the United States in the late 1960s and the years following the American occupation of Vietnam.

Today, it's reminiscent of yesterday when Columbia University students staged a sit-in in April 1968 on the university campus in rejection of the Vietnam War, which incurred significant human losses. Estimates vary from 966,000 to 3.8 million Vietnamese soldiers and civilians killed, with approximately 12 million refugees.

Now, 56 years later, the children and grandchildren of those students have returned to protest once again, but this time to demand an end to the war on Gaza, withdrawal of university investments from companies contributing to the aggression, and cutting cultural ties with 'Israeli' universities.

The roots of the American student activism for Palestine

The American 'Fox' website indicates that American student activism for Palestine dates back to before the Nakba in 1948, where Arab medical students and doctors in the United States formed the Anti-Zionist Palestinian Association (later known as the Palestinian National League and then the Arab National League) in 1917 to protest the Balfour Declaration, a statement by the British government calling for the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine.

The group published a book against Zionism in 1921 and testified before Congress against the establishment of a Zionist state. The students struggled against both the Zionist movement and the negative portrayals of Arabs that were prevalent throughout the United States.

The Most Famous Student Protests in America

The student protests that erupted in the United States trace back to the spring of 1968, where American university students staged sit-ins both on campus and in the streets, brandishing banners of protest and anger, rejecting various issues such as the Vietnam War, the apartheid system in South Africa, or advocating for other rights, like the Civil Rights Movement which contributed to ending discrimination against African Americans.

Some of these protests, which sometimes turned violent, had profound effects on society and the American political landscape in general. They were a pivotal moment in the struggle for civil rights and social justice, impacting the workings and policies of American universities as well, according to Alhurra website.

Among the most famous American universities where protests intensified were Howard University, University of North Carolina, Harvard University, Kent State University, University of California, University of Michigan, and Columbia University.

In February 1960, North Carolina University witnessed protests led by four African American students; they protested against the segregation of lunch counters inside the Woolworth's store in Greensboro city, North Carolina. After the protests spread to cities and neighbouring states, the university administration abolished segregation.

In 1968, 1000 African American students at Howard University occupied the administration building, demanding the resignation of the university president and a curriculum focus on the history and culture of African Americans.

In the same year, Columbia University students staged a protest demanding the cancellation of their university's contract with a weapons research centre. The protesters occupied several buildings on campus for a week before around 1000 security personnel stormed the campus to evacuate them.

The Washington Post reported that more than 100 people were injured in this incident, and over 700 others were arrested, most on charges of criminal trespass and disorderly conduct. The protests continued for the rest of the semester, paralyzing the university, which ultimately decided to terminate its relationship with the defence research centre.

During a protest on April 9, 1969, students occupied a hall at Harvard University and removed all administrative personnel from the building. Police intervention led to the removal of protesters and the arrest of more than 300, but the sit-ins ultimately contributed to changes that included the establishment of an African American studies department.

On May 7, 1970, Kent State University in Ohio witnessed a tragic incident resulting in the death of 4 students and the injury of 9 others by security forces' gunfire, sparking widespread anger and nationwide strikes that forced hundreds of universities to close.

Thousands of students protested at the University of California in March 1985, objecting to the university's commercial ties with the apartheid regime in South Africa.

Police attempted to suppress the protesters and arrested 158 demonstrators, prompting 10,000 students to boycott classes in response.

The protests at the University of California ultimately led to the withdrawal of billions in investments from the apartheid government in July 1986.

In July 1986, the university's board of trustees voted to withdraw $3.1 billion from companies dealing with the apartheid government. This was the largest divestment of university investments in the country, according to the university's website.

In 2014, Harvard University witnessed solidarity protests with the 'Black Lives Matter' movement in response to police violence against African Americans.

About 16 years after the protests of 1968, university students led protests in 1984 against apartheid by pressuring their university to divest from South Africa.

In March 2019, Columbia University students organized one of the largest gatherings in New York City during a national climate change strike, with students absent from classes in over 130 cities.

The Modern Face of Student Activism

"Students for Justice in Palestine" is one of the main groups currently leading protests for Palestine across American universities, with some solidarity tents spreading across campuses in the past week.

Since October 7th, officials have banned the activity of some branches of these groups on campus, alleging that their protests, slogans, and chants violate school policies.

The president of George Washington University suspended the group's activity after students raised slogans including "Divest from Zionist genocide now," "Glory to our martyrs," and " From the river to the sea Palestine will be free." The president described some of the phrases as anti-Semitic, although students and activists say the slogans call for Palestinian liberation.

In the early 1990s, the student group resumed its efforts to support Palestine at the University of California, Berkeley, where discussions were underway about dismantling the apartheid system in South Africa, drawing parallels between the struggles of students and Palestinians.

Protests against the War on Gaza

The scene repeats itself today in universities across the United States, led by Columbia University - which spearheaded student activism in the late sixties - igniting a victory for the Palestinian cause, solidarity with its just issue, and rejection of American policy.

Since April 18th, thousands of students, along with faculty members, have been protesting at dozens of prestigious American universities such as Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and Princeton, rejecting the 'Israeli' genocide in Gaza, which has been ongoing for over 200 days, and demanding an end to the war and American support for it.

Protests continue at more than 40 universities in the United States, according to NBC News.

Authorities have arrested nearly 550 people in recent days at major American universities, as reported by Reuters.

Israeli concern

Israel expressed its concern over the activism of American university students. In a televised speech broadcasted through its account on the "X" platform last Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the pro-Palestinian protests at several American universities as horrific.

 Netanyahu stated: 'What is happening in American universities is horrific, as hordes antagonistic to Semitism have taken over leading universities,' according to the French news agency.

He deemed the protesters as calling for the elimination of Israel, attacking Jewish students, and assaulting Jewish faculty members, reminiscent of what happened in German universities in the 1930s. He added: 'This is unacceptable and must stop.'

Additionally, Israeli War Minister Yoav Galant called for an end to the demonstrations condemning his country at American universities. Galant stated in a post on his "X" platform account, as reported by the Anadolu Agency: 'The protests witnessed at universities in the United States are not only anti-Semitic but also incitement to terrorism.', according to his claim.


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The Israeli Genocide War on Gaza has entered its 204th day, as the Zionist occupation forces continue to commit a genocidal war in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Raids on Center and South of Gaza

The occupation continues its aggression against various areas in the Gaza Strip, where 15 Palestinians were martyred, including 8 children, and dozens were injured today, Saturday, in “Israeli” raids on the center and south of the Strip.

An Al Jazeera correspondent reported that 6 civilians, including 4 children, were martyred and 8 others, most of them children, were injured in an “Israeli” bombing that targeted early today a house in the Saudi neighborhood west of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

In the center of the Gaza Strip, 9 civilians were martyred, including 4 children, and 30 others were injured early today as a result of an “Israeli” raid on a house in the Nuseirat camp.

Three people died as a result of the occupation’s bombing of a group of residents near Wadi Gaza, north of the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip, according to the Palestinian Information Center.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health announced that the occupation committed 4 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 32 martyrs and 69 injuries to hospitals during the past 24 hours.

In its daily update, the Ministry confirmed that the toll of the aggression had risen to 34,388 martyrs and 77,437 injuries since the seventh of last October.

The ministry said: A number of victims are still under the rubble and on the roads, and ambulance and civil defense crews cannot reach them.

“Hamas” Receives the Occupation’s Response

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) announced that it had received the occupation’s response to the movement’s position regarding stopping the war on Gaza.

Dr. said. Khalil Al-Hayya, deputy head of the Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip and head of the Arab and Islamic Relations Office, said in a press statement: Today the movement received the official Zionist occupation response to the movement’s position that was delivered to the Egyptian and Qatari mediators on April 13.

Al-Hayya indicated that the movement will study this proposal and, upon completion of its study, will submit its response.

Kuwaiti support for UNRWA

Kuwait announced a voluntary contribution to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) worth $30 million, while renewing its demand from the international community to recognize Palestine’s membership in the United Nations.

This came in Kuwait’s speech delivered by Minister Plenipotentiary Faisal Al-Enezi, its Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, yesterday evening, Friday, at the open ministerial session of the Security Council under the item entitled (The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue), according to the Kuwait News Agency.

Al-Enezi said: The voluntary contribution comes out of Kuwait’s moral and humanitarian responsibility to support UNRWA.

He stressed the continuity and continuation of the Kuwaiti air bridge relief operations in order to meet the needs of all the Palestinian people.

Protests in European universities and capitals

The unprecedented student movement in support of Palestine in the United States expanded to other universities in countries such as France, Britain, and Germany.

The Palestinian News Agency (Wafa) reported that thousands of demonstrators gathered days ago, in European universities and capitals, to protest the continued “Israeli” aggression against the Gaza Strip, and to demand a ceasefire, similar to the protests taking place at American universities, which began at Columbia University in New York City.

While a group of students closed the entrances to the prestigious Sciences Po University in the French capital, Paris; In protest against the war on the Gaza Strip, they called on the university to condemn the “Israeli” aggression. The students chanted slogans in support of the Palestinians and raised Palestinian flags on the windows and above the entrance to the building. A number of them wore the black and white keffiyeh, which has become a symbol of solidarity with Gaza, according to Al Jazeera.


The Israeli Genocide War on Gaza has entered its 203rd day, as the Zionist occupation forces continue to commit a genocidal war in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Brutal Israeli Raids on Gaza

The occupation continues to bomb various areas in the Gaza Strip. Today, Friday, the Israeli occupation aircraft launched a raid on a house in the Al-Rimal neighborhood, west of Gaza City, resulting in the death of three citizens, including a child and a woman, and others were injured, according to the Palestinian News Agency (Wafa). .

The agency added that the occupation warplanes launched violent raids at dawn today, Friday, in the north of the Nuseirat and Al-Maghazi camps, the town of Al-Zawaida in the central Gaza Strip, the Al-Safa Mosque in the Al-Tuffah neighborhood in Gaza City, and the Al-Zaytoun and Al-Shujaiya neighborhoods east of the city. The occupation forces also bombed residential squares in the town of Al-Mughraqa in the central Gaza Strip. .

Meanwhile, 3 Palestinians were martyred in an “Israeli” bombing of a Red Cross building housing displaced persons on Al-Wahda Street in central Gaza City, according to “Al-Jazeera Net.”

Resistance Continues  

The Palestinian resistance continues its operations and confronts the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza, as the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), announced on Thursday evening the bombing of a new enemy surveillance and espionage site east of Juhr al-Dik in the central Gaza Strip with mortar shells.

On Thursday evening, the “Jerusalem Brigades,” the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, bombed a gathering of Zionist enemy soldiers in the “Netzarim” advance axis, south of Gaza City, with a barrage of heavy-caliber mortar shells.

Postponing “Freedom Flotilla” Set Off


Day 203 of the Israeli Genocide War on Gaza


The Israeli Genocide War on Gaza has entered its 203rd day, as the Zionist occupation forces continue to commit a genocidal war in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Brutal Israeli Raids on Gaza

The occupation continues to bomb various areas in the Gaza Strip. Today, Friday, the Israeli occupation aircraft launched a raid on a house in the Al-Rimal neighborhood, west of Gaza City, resulting in the death of three citizens, including a child and a woman, and others were injured, according to the Palestinian News Agency (Wafa). .

The agency added that the occupation warplanes launched violent raids at dawn today, Friday, in the north of the Nuseirat and Al-Maghazi camps, the town of Al-Zawaida in the central Gaza Strip, the Al-Safa Mosque in the Al-Tuffah neighborhood in Gaza City, and the Al-Zaytoun and Al-Shujaiya neighborhoods east of the city. The occupation forces also bombed residential squares in the town of Al-Mughraqa in the central Gaza Strip. .

Meanwhile, 3 Palestinians were martyred in an “Israeli” bombing of a Red Cross building housing displaced persons on Al-Wahda Street in central Gaza City, according to “Al-Jazeera Net.”

Resistance Continues  

The Palestinian resistance continues its operations and confronts the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza, as the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), announced on Thursday evening the bombing of a new enemy surveillance and espionage site east of Juhr al-Dik in the central Gaza Strip with mortar shells.

On Thursday evening, the “Jerusalem Brigades,” the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, bombed a gathering of Zionist enemy soldiers in the “Netzarim” advance axis, south of Gaza City, with a barrage of heavy-caliber mortar shells.

Postponing “Freedom Flotilla” Set Off

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition announced the postponement of the launch of the flotilla to break the siege on Gaza after it was scheduled to launch today, Friday, expecting the delay to not exceed a few days.

The coalition said in a press statement, according to the Quds Press Agency: The Freedom Flotilla is ready to sail, all the required papers have been submitted to the Port Authority, and the aid has been loaded and prepared for the journey to Gaza. However, today we received news of an administrative disruption initiated by “Israel.” “In an attempt to prevent our sailing.

He added: “Israel” is pressuring the Republic of Guinea-Bissau to withdraw its flag from our ship, which bears the name – Akdeniz (Mediterranean Sea). This has led to a request for an additional inspection, this one by the flag state, which will delay our planned departure on 26 April.

US State Department Official Resigned

The Arabic-speaking spokeswoman for the US State Department, Hala Gharit, submitted her resignation in objection to Washington’s policy towards the “Israeli” war on the Gaza Strip, making it at least the third resignation in the ministry due to this issue, according to the Palestinian News Agency (Wafa).

Hala Gharit said on the social networking site (LinkedIn): “I resigned in April 2024 after 18 years of distinguished service, in protest against the US policy in Gaza.”

  American Universities Protests Expanding

The student movement in the United States continues protests and sit-ins in several universities to demand an end to the aggression against the Gaza Strip that has been ongoing for more than 200 days.

The movement of pro-Palestinian American students is expanding from Los Angeles to New York, passing through Austin, Boston, Chicago and Atlanta, where protests were organized at a number of internationally prestigious universities such as Harvard, Yale, Columbia and Princeton, while the authorities threaten to send security forces to disperse them, according to the “France 24” website.

For days, the scene has been repeated in different parts of the country, as students set up tents in their universities to denounce the military support provided by the United States to “Israel” and the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. Then the riot police often evacuate them, at the request of the university administration, according to what Agence France-Presse reported.

Al Jazeera Net reported, citing NBC that students from 40 American and Canadian universities and colleges set up tents in solidarity with Gaza.

Arresting Noelle McAfee

Authorities have arrested nearly 550 people in recent days from major American universities in connection with protests against the Gaza war, according to Reuters.

Video clips showed the police arresting and assaulting the head of the Philosophy Department, Noelle McAfee, and the professor of economics, Carolyn Fohlin, at Emory University, after they participated in a demonstration demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an end to American support for “Israel.”

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition announced the postponement of the launch of the flotilla to break the siege on Gaza after it was scheduled to launch today, Friday, expecting the delay to not exceed a few days.

The coalition said in a press statement, according to the Quds Press Agency: The Freedom Flotilla is ready to sail, all the required papers have been submitted to the Port Authority, and the aid has been loaded and prepared for the journey to Gaza. However, today we received news of an administrative disruption initiated by “Israel.” “In an attempt to prevent our sailing.

He added: “Israel” is pressuring the Republic of Guinea-Bissau to withdraw its flag from our ship, which bears the name – Akdeniz (Mediterranean Sea). This has led to a request for an additional inspection, this one by the flag state, which will delay our planned departure on 26 April.

US State Department Official Resigned

The Arabic-speaking spokeswoman for the US State Department, Hala Gharit, submitted her resignation in objection to Washington’s policy towards the “Israeli” war on the Gaza Strip, making it at least the third resignation in the ministry due to this issue, according to the Palestinian News Agency (Wafa).

Hala Gharit said on the social networking site (LinkedIn): “I resigned in April 2024 after 18 years of distinguished service, in protest against the US policy in Gaza.”

  American Universities Protests Expanding

The student movement in the United States continues protests and sit-ins in several universities to demand an end to the aggression against the Gaza Strip that has been ongoing for more than 200 days.

The movement of pro-Palestinian American students is expanding from Los Angeles to New York, passing through Austin, Boston, Chicago and Atlanta, where protests were organized at a number of internationally prestigious universities such as Harvard, Yale, Columbia and Princeton, while the authorities threaten to send security forces to disperse them, according to the “France 24” website.

For days, the scene has been repeated in different parts of the country, as students set up tents in their universities to denounce the military support provided by the United States to “Israel” and the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. Then the riot police often evacuate them, at the request of the university administration, according to what Agence France-Presse reported.

Al Jazeera Net reported, citing NBC that students from 40 American and Canadian universities and colleges set up tents in solidarity with Gaza.

Arresting Noelle McAfee

Authorities have arrested nearly 550 people in recent days from major American universities in connection with protests against the Gaza war, according to Reuters.

Video clips showed the police arresting and assaulting the head of the Philosophy Department, Noelle McAfee, and the professor of economics, Carolyn Fohlin, at Emory University, after they participated in a demonstration demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an end to American support for “Israel.”

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