Kuwait cabinet follows up on coronavirus developments Featured

KUWAIT: Minister of Health Sheikh Dr Basel Al-Sabah briefed the Cabinet on the latest coronavirus developments, saying that the country is witnessing a noticeable instability over the last period due to growing numbers of coronavirus cases and deaths.

The health ministry had on Monday reported 1,935 new COVID-19 cases – its highest daily count – and seven related deaths in the past 24 hours. Dr Basel noted that vaccination would lead to herd immunity, affirming the efficacy and effectiveness of the vaccines accredited in Kuwait. The Cabinet stressed the necessity of abidance by health instructions in this regard and working as a teamwork to face and eradicate this epidemic.

During its weekly meeting held at Seif Palace on Monday under the chairmanship of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, the Cabinet discussed the recommendations of the public services committee on the labor city and other topics. The ministers also studied the recommendations on the periodic report submitted by the Ministry of Public Works regarding the stages of implementing the works related to the Kuwait International Airport (T2) project until the end of March 2021, and the visual presentation of the latest developments.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Cabinet members listened to a presentation made by representative of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Minister of Oil and Minister of Higher Education Mohammad Al-Fares, on the outcomes of his partaking in the second Islamic summit for sciences and technology last Wednesday.

Foreign Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Sheikh Dr Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah made a presentation on the results of his participation in the consultative meeting of Arab foreign ministers and the Arab League ministerial council’s gathering in its extraordinary session on the developments of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) held in Doha last Tuesday.

The minister briefed the Cabinet on the outcomes of his participation in the GCC foreign ministers’ meeting held in Riyadh last Wednesday on backing the GCC path in all fields and the topics relating to the current developments in the region. He also informed the Cabinet about the outcomes of his participation in the Antalya Diplomatic Forum in Turkey held last Friday and Saturday.

Furthermore, the Cabinet discussed the political affairs in light of the current developments on the political arena on both Arab and international levels. The council of ministers expressed Kuwait’s condemnation and denunciation of Houthi militias’ repeated attempts aiming to target some Saudi cities, pointing to the Houthis’ attack with a booby-trapped drone on Saudi Arabia on Sunday, expressing satisfaction about the destruction of these attacks by the coalition forces. The Cabinet reiterated Kuwait’s support to Saudi Arabia in all measures it takes to defend its territories, and maintain its security and stability.

It affirmed its rejection to those criminal attacks that reflect the persistence of the militias in increasing tension in the region and undermining the peace endeavors. On Iran, the Cabinet congratulated new Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on being elected as the country’s leader. It wished further success and achievements in Iran under the new leader’s leadership, hoping that the Iranian-Gulf ties would witness further improvement and cooperation as well as enhance confidence to achieve common interests and back the region’s stability. – KUNA