Excerpts from the Early Beginnings of Kuwaiti Philanthropy and Its Key Pioneers

By Dr. Abdul Mohsen Al-Jarallah Al-Kharafi September 28, 2024 3942

Talking about the beginnings of Kuwaiti charitable work is a conversation filled with emotion, as it relates to a natural trait instilled in the people of this good land. Even though speaking about Kuwait, the land of goodness, and its benevolent people may feel biased, what eases this discomfort is the well-known tendency of Kuwaitis to engage in acts of charity in all its forms. This is something that one does not need to search hard to find. A quick glance at the deeds of the generous people of Kuwait across various parts of the world is evidence of this matter.

First: The Beginnings of Kuwaiti Charitable Work:

It is worth mentioning that since their early settlement in this blessed land, the people of Kuwait—both men and women—have competed in offering goodness and charity without any restrictions or conditions. The reason for this phenomenon is that in old Kuwait—just like in all Arab and Islamic countries—there were no charitable organizations or institutional charitable work in the modern sense that emerged in later decades. Hence, individual charitable efforts were the defining feature of that period, which is natural in the early stages of the formation of states everywhere.

Charitable work took on various forms, with some of the most prominent being: building mosques, feeding the hungry, and opening guesthouses for the poor, the needy, and travelers. Several guesthouses were established in Kuwait to provide free food, and the diwaniyas (traditional gathering places) of the Kuwaiti people were always open to guests, visitors, and travelers throughout the day and night.

Another form of charitable work that emerged was the provision of free fresh water. Given the scarcity of fresh water at that time, benefactors arranged for fresh water from the Shatt al-Arab for their fellow citizens. This act of charity became a notable practice, with people providing water along roads, in markets, and in front of homes for all to drink—citizens, residents, and travelers alike. One of the earliest examples of this was when the late Abdulaziz Al-Duaij placed a water supply in the market for people to drink from.

Charitable efforts in Kuwait were varied, including building mosques, feeding the hungry, opening guesthouses for the poor and travelers

Additionally, benevolent individuals arranged for fresh water from the Shatt al-Arab and offered it for free in the hope of gaining rewards and blessings. Among the notable figures who dedicated boats and ships for this purpose were Ahmed Al-Kharafi, Falah Al-Falah, Shmlan bin Saif and his brother Yusuf, Abdulmohsen Al-Kharafi, and others. They devoted resources to bringing fresh water from the Shatt al-Arab and distributing it to residents, the poor, and travelers.

In addition, many philanthropists dug wells and ponds both inside and outside homes. These wells were surrounded by basins where people, herders, and livestock owners could drink. Among those who contributed to this charitable work was the late Ali Abdulwahab AlMutawa, who dug a well and built basins and walls around it, making it a source of fresh water for everyone.

Other forms of charitable giving also emerged, such as canceling debts for those unable to pay, caring for widows and orphans, building homes, and assisting young people preparing for marriage, among other acts of generosity.

Second: "Al-Faz'ah"—A New Feature of Kuwaiti Charitable Work:

The people of Kuwait also developed a new type of charitable work, which represented a significant transition from individual efforts to collective ones. This is what we call the spirit of “Al-Faz'ah,” a unique feature of the Kuwaiti people that combined several factors and brought it to life in this wonderful way.

One of the main factors behind this was the natural disposition of Kuwaitis, alongside their sense of camaraderie, selflessness, and cooperation. Additionally, the social and economic life in old Kuwait, which was largely based on seafaring—whether for trade, pearl diving, or fishing—brought with it dangers and challenges, both natural and human. This made the people of Kuwait as unified as a solid structure, supporting one another.

One example of this spirit of "Al-Faz'ah" that beautifully reflects the close-knit nature of Kuwaiti society is the response to a shipwreck, or what was known as "Al-Tab’a," which happened frequently in old Kuwait.

Kuwaitis became known for a new type of charitable work, "Al-Faz'ah," which reflected the positive spirit and camaraderie among the citizens

"Al-Tab’a" referred to the arrival of bad news—often the loss of lives, money, and entrusted goods. Many Kuwaiti ships sank in the vast seas, claiming the lives of noble men who sacrificed so much for the sake of earning a livelihood and maintaining their dignity, so that they would never have to extend their hands to anyone.

From this arose the concept of "Al-Faz'ah," a form of charitable work where Kuwaitis banded together to help those affected by shipwrecks. Usually, it started with a generous merchant or benefactor, who, upon hearing of a shipwreck and the resulting damage, would immediately write a note announcing his donation to help the affected individual. He would also encourage other merchants and wealthy people to follow suit. Indeed, everyone, without exception, would respond and rush to help the affected person, each according to his means. In most cases, the amount collected would be enough to buy a new ship, with a substantial surplus.

This radiant example of charitable and communal work became well known among Kuwaitis during that blessed period of Kuwait’s history, roughly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They were known for their chivalry, honor, and generosity, setting the finest examples in standing by those affected, supporting their families, taking care of their children, and managing all their affairs until they were able to stand on their own once again.

Third: The Beginnings of Institutional Charitable Work in Kuwait:

Gradually, the noble people of Kuwait saw the importance of transitioning to an institutional system for charitable work, driven by their desire to organize efforts. Here, we will highlight some pioneering experiences in the field of Kuwaiti charitable work (both private and governmental) since its beginnings. These examples, while not exhaustive, include the following:

1- The First Association: "The Arab Charitable Association":

In 1331 AH / 1913 AD, the first charitable association was established. The idea for its creation and the first to strive for its foundation came from the young and noble Farhan Fahd Al-Khalid Al-Khudair, may Allah have mercy on him. This young man wished that circumstances would allow him to do everything that would benefit his country and fellow citizens. He saw that his country was in need of reforms and many projects, but these reforms and projects could not happen all at once, especially in a country like Kuwait with limited income.

Kuwaitis saw the importance of transitioning to an institutional system for charitable work, driven by their desire to organize and develop efforts

His initiative was to establish a charitable association under the title “The Arab Charitable Association,” which would be a nucleus for general reform. The association was indeed established after receiving encouragement from the notable figures and leaders of the country. A grand opening celebration was held, during which speeches and poems were delivered, all calling on the passionate to contribute and extend a helping hand. The association’s primary goals were to send some young people to receive religious education in schools in Cairo, Beirut, and Damascus, among other cities, appoint a religious preacher in the country, and bring in a doctor and pharmacist to treat the underprivileged. The association later established a health center for treating the poor and needy, in addition to providing services such as preparing the deceased for burial, building mosques, memorizing the Qur’an, and sponsoring orphans.

The association was opened in Rabi' al-Akhir of that year (March 1913), but its founder was not fated to witness the fruits of his work, as Allah took him while returning to Kuwait from Bombay on one of the ships. He was buried in Bandar Abbas in 1332 AH / 1914 AD. His brother, the young and literary Ahmad Al-Fahd Al-Khalid, succeeded him in continuing the humanitarian mission. However, this institution did not last long due to unavoidable circumstances.

2- The "Islamic Guidance Society" and later the "Social Reform Society":

Charitable initiatives continued, and in 1952, the noble people of Kuwait established a charitable association concerned with religious awareness, spreading Islamic culture, and providing assistance to the needy inside and outside Kuwait. It was called "The Islamic Guidance Society," which was founded by the late Abdulaziz Al-Ali Al-Abdulwahab Al-Mutawa, may Allah have mercy on him. The society was headed by the esteemed Sheikh Yusuf bin Issa Al-Qena'i, may Allah have mercy on him. Abdulaziz’s father, may Allah have mercy on them both, donated the society’s headquarters. The association attracted many members from the noble people of Kuwait, and from it, several charitable, cultural, and social committees were formed. These included the Assistance Committee, the Charity Committee, and the Public Services Committee. By the grace of Allah, and then through the efforts of the noble Kuwaiti people, the society carried out many charitable projects both inside and outside Kuwait.

The natural extension of the "Islamic Guidance Society" was the establishment of the "Social Reform Society," which is considered one of the largest and oldest public welfare associations in Kuwait. Since its founding in 1963, the Social Reform Society has carried out its mission of serving the community, promoting Islamic da'wah, and engaging in charitable and humanitarian work both within Kuwait and abroad. Its valuable mission has focused on promoting da'wah with wisdom and good counsel, aiming to reform individuals and families, contribute to building a society rooted in correct faith and Islamic values, achieving growth and stability, preserving its identity, and fulfilling its role towards the Arab and Islamic Ummah.

3- Al-Najat Charity Association:

Kuwaiti charitable initiatives continued with the establishment of associations and committees focused on performing acts of kindness within Kuwait and beyond. One of the most prominent initiatives that followed was the founding of Al-Najat Charity Association in Kuwait in 1978. Since its inception, the association has adopted numerous initiatives to achieve its vision of addressing issues of poverty, ignorance, and disease. One of its key projects was the establishment of Al-Najat Private Schools, aimed at nurturing righteous generations who would contribute to the country's progress and development.

4- The Revival of Islamic Heritage Society:

Charitable associations continued to emerge in greater numbers, leading to the founding of the Revival of Islamic Heritage Society in Kuwait in 1982. This public benefit charity operates under the supervision of Kuwait's Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor. The society's mission is to spread authentic Islam as taught by the Prophet (peace be upon him) and understood by his companions (may Allah be pleased with them). It engages in various forms of charitable and benevolent work both within Kuwait and abroad.

Many charitable, voluntary, and humanitarian organizations continued to emerge, and by Allah’s grace, Kuwait remains a land of goodness. Dozens of charitable associations and foundations have since been established, significantly contributing to charitable, humanitarian, and voluntary efforts within and outside Kuwait. The country now boasts over 60 charitable and humanitarian associations and 150 relief, social, intellectual, and volunteer foundations.

5- The General Secretariat for Awqaf (Endowments):

The development of the waqf (endowment) system in Kuwait went through four main phases:

1. The phase of private administration: This began in the early 19th century, with endowments consisting of houses, shops, and fenced lands. It was characterized by documenting waqfs and protecting them from being lost through the rulings of religious judges. The first mosque built using waqf funds was the "Bin Bahar" mosque in 1745.

Some of the most prominent pioneers and figures in Kuwaiti charitable work: Al-Nouri, the Al-Mutawa brothers, Al-Hajji, Al-Roumi, Al-Jasser, and Al-Sumait

2. The phase of the Public Awqaf Department: Established in 1949 under the leadership of Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah and Sheikh Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, its goal was to manage waqfs without supervisors or those neglected after the supervisor's death, in addition to overseeing mosques and charitable endowments.

3. The Ministry phase: In 1962, the Public Awqaf Department became the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, expanding its responsibilities to include managing and developing waqfs. The ministry’s work was divided into two sectors: advocating for endowments and managing their growth.

4. The General Secretariat phase: Established in 1993 by an Amiri decree, this body aimed to grant greater independence to waqf management and enhance its development and investment within the framework of Islamic law.

Additionally, Kuwait’s Zakat House was established in 1982 to strengthen the practice of zakat (charity) and promote solidarity by providing assistance to countries and peoples around the world.

Fourth: Prominent Pioneers of Kuwaiti Charitable Work:

Out of effort, appreciation, and honor for some of the noble figures in Kuwaiti charitable work, we highlight a few blessed examples. It should be noted that these examples are not exhaustive, as Kuwait, by Allah’s grace, is filled with its righteous citizens who love doing good and helping others. The individuals are listed in chronological order based on their birth years:

1. Sheikh Abdullah Muhammad Al-Nouri (1905 – 1981): A prominent Kuwaiti scholar and jurist in the field of charitable work. His charitable missions outside Kuwait began in 1970 when he traveled to countries such as Indonesia and Australia, raising funds to establish schools and hospitals. Before his death, he entrusted $200,000 to be spent on charitable projects, which were implemented after his passing by Sheikh Yusuf Jassim Al-Hajji and Sheikh Nader Al-Nouri. His legacy was honored through the establishment of a charity association bearing his name.

2. Abdulaziz Al-Ali Al-Mutawa (1910 – 1996): A pioneer in Kuwaiti charitable work, he helped establish numerous charitable associations, including the "Islamic Guidance Society" and the "Islamic Committee to Assist Palestinians." He received several awards for his charitable contributions, including the Order of Merit from former Egyptian presidents Mohammed Anwar Sadat and Mohammed Hosni Mubarak.

3. Yusuf Jassim Al-Hajji (1923 – 2020): A distinguished figure in Kuwaiti charitable work, he served as the president of the International Islamic Charity Organization and played an active role in supporting humanitarian causes. He received several awards for his efforts, most notably the King Faisal International Prize.

4. Abdullah Al-Ali Al-Mutawa (1926 – 2006): A leading Kuwaiti businessman who made significant contributions to charitable work. He adhered to Islamic principles in his business dealings and dedicated a large portion of his wealth to helping the needy in Kuwait and abroad.

5. Hamoud Hamad Al-Roumi (1938): Involved in charitable work from a young age, he played a prominent role in the Islamic Guidance Society and contributed to various charitable projects, including disaster relief and aiding the poor.

6. Ahmad Saad Al-Jasser (1941): Served as the Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and made significant contributions to charitable work. He was a member of several charitable organizations, including the International Islamic Charity Organization and Al-Najat Charity. In 2023, he was honored as a leading figure in social work in the Gulf countries.

7. Abdulrahman Hamoud Al-Sumait (1947 – 2013): A prominent figure in charitable work in Africa, he founded the African Muslims Committee, which carried out massive charitable projects, including building schools, hospitals, and digging wells.

In conclusion, these figures highlight Kuwait’s bright side in charitable and humanitarian work, solidifying its position as a global leader in this field.


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