Quranic Vision for Human Interaction

By Zahra Suleiman Oshen March 03, 2025 101


Relationships are a fundamental aspect of human existence. As sociologists say, human beings are naturally social creatures. These relationships between people vary and differ, expanding and contracting. They may be governed by values or driven by interests, sometimes based on righteousness and piety, and at other times founded on oppression and aggression.

The noble message of Islam came as a mercy to the worlds and a guidance for all of humanity. Due to its comprehensive nature, Islam placed great emphasis on human interactions, giving them significant attention. They are an integral part of Islam’s system of worship, legislation, and objectives.

Allah has guided Muslims to correct their relationships with others, building them on a foundation of constructive communication and beneficial cooperation. Through these relationships, they fulfill their purpose of worship, their leadership role as successors on earth, and their mission of reform in this worldly life, ultimately attaining success in the Hereafter.

While some theories have described human relationships as inherently conflict-driven and exploitative, Islam establishes the foundation of relationships between Muslims and all of humanity on the principles of mutual acquaintance, cooperation, respect, and kindness.

The Quran addresses all of humanity with a noble and universal call: the call for mutual acquaintance among people. Let us explore the meanings and implications of this profound message through the following ayah: “O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.” (Al-Hujurat: 13)

This ayah begins with a universal address to all people: “O mankind”—a call that captures attention, resonates harmoniously with the ears, and draws hearts towards it with its beauty and tenderness.

The ayah reminds humanity of its shared origin through the emphatic statement: “Indeed, We have created you from male and female.” Every human being on this earth descends from the same father and mother—Adam and Hawwa (Eve). Their Creator is one, the Almighty, unparalleled in greatness and majesty. This deep-rooted commonality should establish a sense of equality among people. All humans share the same origin, created from clay and water, making arrogance and disdain for others meaningless and unjustified.

“And We made you peoples and tribes”—just as the Quran affirms humanity’s shared origin, it also acknowledges its diversity in races and ethnicities. Over time, human societies have branched out into different peoples, nations, and tribes, forming a magnificent display of Allah’s creative power. As Allah states: “And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed, in that are signs for those of knowledge.” (Ar-Rum: 22)

This diversity forms a beautiful mosaic of human existence—if only people would understand it properly, follow the right path, and adhere to the straight way. Unfortunately, however, some individuals, influenced by the arrogance of Iblis, have falsely claimed superiority based on their race or lineage. They have boasted about their heritage, engaged in oppression and destruction, and committed atrocities under the illusion that they are the rightful rulers of the world while others are merely subjects meant to serve their destructive ambitions. This superiority complex stems from ignorance and a flawed understanding that assumes one race or ethnicity to be purer or more elevated than others.

The Quran dismantles this falsehood by reaffirming that all humans share the same origin and that racial and ethnic diversity should be seen as a source of cooperation, integration, coexistence, and kindness.

Following the affirmation of humanity’s common ancestry and the reality of its diverse nations and tribes, the ayah highlights the ultimate purpose of this diversity: “That you may know one another.” This phrase is the focal point of the ayah—a call to mutual acquaintance, a reciprocal process based on good faith, honesty in dealings, and deep understanding among all people. It encourages individuals to know each other firsthand rather than relying on hearsay, to be fair rather than prejudiced, and to judge others based on truth rather than misconceptions.

Through this acquaintance, a Muslim acknowledges the dignity and rights of others, recognizing their humanity. How could it be otherwise when the Quran declares: “And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference.” (Al-Isra: 70)To eliminate arrogance, curb racial prejudice, and correct misconceptions, the Quran immediately follows the call to acquaintance with the definitive statement: “Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you.” This is a firm, declarative sentence, indicating stability and constancy, setting the true standard for distinction among human beings: taqwa (piety and righteousness). It clarifies that the more a person adheres to Allah’s guidance and follows His commands, the higher their rank before Allah. The field for this competition is vast. The Quran thus establishes a just and equitable standard by which people attain honor and elevation—taqwa becomes the criterion for closeness to Allah, ascending in ranks, and attaining the highest stations in Paradise.

This noble ayah concludes with an emphatic statement: “Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.” Allah is All-Knowing of His servants, fully aware of their conditions. He alone is most knowledgeable of their true ranks, and He is fully capable of categorizing them based on their deeds. He will place each individual in the position they rightfully deserve, with absolute justice and fairness.

This ayah appears in Surah Al-Hujurat, a chapter that begins with a call to the believers, urging them to follow the Prophet ﷺ, who embodied the highest standards of justice and fairness in his dealings with people. Allah says in the opening of this noble Surah: “O you who have believed, do not put [yourselves] before Allah and His Messenger but fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing.” (Al-Hujurat: 1)

This surah focuses on ethical principles and faith-based values, and this ayah serves as an essential part of that moral and spiritual framework, promoting high ethical standards and refined human interactions.



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