The holy month of Ramadan has arrived, with its blessings, rewards, and atmosphere that the children of the Islamic nation eagerly await in the east and west of the earth. It is a month that Allah, the Almighty, has designated for mention in the Holy Quran and has distinguished by the highest honor (the revelation of the Holy Quran). The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also spoke about it and connected it to one of the pillars of Islam (fasting) in many of his sayings and situations.
He left us a flowing spring of Sunnah and teachings on how to receive it well, interact with it, and how to attain success and victory through it. Scholars and the righteous from the time of the Companions and those who came after them have dedicated themselves to explaining what it carries in terms of jurisprudence, meanings, secrets, wisdom, and purposes. No time passes without the Islamic library being enriched by what these scholars and preachers document regarding its beautiful discussions and capturing its jewels and treasures.
In this blessed article, I will write down some practical contributions to how to interact with it and provide an important perspective on its vision, which pushes us towards the beauty of the results through the priorities of preparation and work. May Allah grant us through it good intentions, righteousness in our conditions, and favorable outcomes.
First: Free Yourself
Fasting is an act of worship for the free; it emancipates the human soul from all bondage, and Allah has equated it with the liberation of captives in three instances in the Holy Quran (in the case of unintentional killing — "Whoever does not find [a substitute] then fasting for two consecutive months is an expiation from Allah" — and in the case of Zihar "And whoever does not find [the means] then fasting for two consecutive months before they touch each other" — and in the expiation for oaths "And whoever does not find [the means] then fasting for three days").
Discussing freedom has become extremely important in a time when forms of servitude to others than Allah have taken on contemporary life shapes that were unknown in the old records of slavery and servitude. These forms are multiple in our time, whether they are to states, individuals, ideas, schools, desires, or habits. May Allah protect us from all forms of bondage to others and all servitude to anything other than Him.
Therefore, fasting is at the forefront of preparation and action to emerge from the depths of oppression, regardless of its form, into the skies of freedoms under the shadows of Allah's and His Messenger's law and method. Thus, you must examine your state and the forms of servitude in your actions and free yourself from them through your sincere intentions, your strong resolve, and your precise work in this holy month, inhaling the winds of freedom with it.
Second: Beware of the Trap of Infiltration
Standing in the zone of prohibition and repeating the same mistakes made in the previous year while expecting different results is an act of mockery and naivety, a waste of opportunities and time, and it moves you away from scoring faith goals and winning your match against the self, the devil, desires, and worldly customs — which you might regret.
Do not be like Abu ‘Azzah Al-Jumahi; as it has been narrated by Al-Bayhaqi from Sa'id ibn Al-Musayyib: "On the day of Badr, the Messenger of Allah captured Abu ‘Azzah, Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Abd Al-Jumahi, who was a poet, and he had said to the Prophet: 'O Muhammad, I have five daughters who have nothing; so give charity to them,' and the Prophet did so. Abu ‘Azzah then said: 'I will give you an assurance that I will not fight you again and I will never be a burden to you.' The Messenger of Allah released him, but when Quraysh went out to Uhud, Suwayf ibn Umayyah came to him and said: 'Come with us.' He replied: 'I have given Muhammad my assurance that I will not fight him.' Suwayf then guaranteed that if he was killed, his daughters would be under his care; and if he lived, he would give him a lot of money. He continued to press him until he went out with Quraysh on the day of Uhud. He was captured and was the only one from Quraysh not to be spared. He said: 'O Muhammad, I was forced to go out, and I have daughters, so grant me mercy.' The Messenger of Allah replied: 'What about the oath and the assurance you gave me? No, by Allah, you will not touch your shoulders in Mecca saying: I made mockery of Muhammad twice.' Sa'id ibn Al-Musayyib continued: The Prophet said: 'Indeed, a believer is not bitten from the same hole twice; 'O Asim ibn Thabit, bring him forward and strike his neck.' So he was brought forward and his neck was struck."
Third: Implement the Strategy of Focusing on One Deed
By this, I mean the action you concentrate on and make your companion during this month; do not detach from it, nor it from you. You should increase it, improve it, and present it. This strategy is a practice familiar among the righteous and has been passed down by the predecessors from the prophets and messengers.
Despite the various deeds they presented, they became known for specific actions, as mentioned in the Quran concerning the prophets and messengers: “And mention in the Book Abraham, indeed, he was a man of truth and a prophet.” “And mention in the Book Moses, indeed, he was selected, and he was a messenger and a prophet.” “And mention in the Book Ishmael, indeed, he was true to his promise, and he was a messenger and a prophet.” “And mention in the Book Idris, indeed, he was a man of truth and a prophet.” Allah also said about Jonah, “Had he not been among those who exalt Allah, he would have remained inside its belly until the Day they are resurrected.”
There are many narrations in the Sunnah. In Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim, it is narrated from Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said to Bilal: “At the dawn prayer, O Bilal, tell me the most hopeful deed you have done in Islam, for I have heard the sound of your sandals in front of me in Paradise.” He replied: “I have not performed any deed more hopeful than that I have not purified myself in any hour of the night or day except that I prayed with that purification whatever was ordained for me to pray.”
In Ramadan, the Prophet was known for focusing on one or two specific actions: generosity and Quranic studies. In Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim, it is narrated from Ibn Abbas, who said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was the most generous of people, and he was the most generous during Ramadan when he would meet with Gabriel. He would meet him every night in Ramadan and study the Quran with him. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was more generous in doing good than a swift blowing wind.”
This is more beneficial for you, safer for your Ramadan, and brings you more joy, as having one continuous deed throughout Ramadan to the end is better than opening the floodgates of disconnected actions which you do not complete well nor achieve your goals through them.
Choosing a consistent action involves three things: “What you dedicate sincerely to your Lord – doing it well and performing it properly – and finding your soul and heart in it.”
Fourth: The Beauty of Transitioning Between Individuality and Community
Do not leave yourself to complete individuality and isolation, as this has its time and context. Instead, always include collective supplications in which there are blessings and rewards that are not found in others. Allah said, “We will strengthen your bond with your brother.” The Messenger of Allah would combine between his personal supplications and communal attendance, which is well-known and brings good results.
Be like that beloved one preparing for Paradise through the love of Allah, His Messenger, and the believers. In Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim, it is narrated from Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) that a man asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) about the Hour, saying, “When is the Hour?” He replied, “What have you prepared for it?” The man answered, “Nothing, except that I love Allah and His Messenger.” The Prophet said, “You will be with those you love.” Anas said: “We have never been as happy with anything as we were with the Prophet's words, ‘You will be with those you love.’”
Anas said: “So I love the Prophet (peace be upon him), Abu Bakr, and Umar, and I hope to be with them because of my love for them, even if I have not acted in accordance with their deeds.” And like the repentant sinner who advised the servants of Allah, who finds his heart with them and enjoys the companionship of them: “Go to the land of such and such, for there are people worshipping Allah, so worship Allah with them... the hadith.”