After the strict upbringing we were raised with, we have now come to fear any form of harshness in raising our children.
We even worry about natural discomforts like hunger and sleepiness.
So, we overfeed them, allow them to remain idle and asleep, neglect to wake them for prayer, and avoid assigning them responsibilities out of misplaced compassion. We take care of everything for them, prepare their necessities, ensure their comfort, sacrifice our own sleep to wake them up to study!
What kind of upbringing is this?!
Why must we bear both our responsibilities and theirs?
Are we not humans just like them?
Don’t we have limited capacities and energy?
We are raising our children to be dependent and, even worse, to be selfish.
How is it fair for a mother to handle all her children’s responsibilities while they sit idly watching!
Everyone has their share of responsibility. Allah has made our children a source of strength for us and has commanded them to be dutiful to us. Yet, we have reversed the roles…
We are now the ones who serve them and plead for their approval!
And because our indulgence toward them has exceeded its limits, it has backfired… They no longer appreciate our efforts or express gratitude. Instead, they demand more!
This kind of upbringing deprives the child of empathy for others – including their own parents.
They see no issue in enjoying comfort at the expense of their parents' sleepless nights and exhaustion.
And I wonder:
What’s the problem if your child takes on responsibility?
What if they work, accomplish tasks, experience struggle, and endure some hardship?
This world is a place of toil and difficulty—there is no escaping hardship if they wish to succeed.
A wise mother allows her child to bear some of life’s burdens, guiding them with her wisdom and supporting them with her affection.
Through this, they grow stronger and become capable of handling their responsibilities independently.
Teach your children responsibility. Raise them to be men and women who rely on themselves—who carry burdens rather than becoming burdens on others.