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Islam’s Guidance in Solving Modern Issues

By Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi February 15, 2025 2688



Consulting Islam on contemporary societal issues—I see no mockery or disregard for Islam in it.

Some people seek fatwas to determine their personal conduct based on the rulings they receive, such as those inquiring about banking transactions, insurance, joint-stock companies, zakat, and similar matters.

Others seek to understand the characteristics of the Islamic society we advocate—either because they are ignorant and wish to learn, afraid and seeking reassurance, or doubtful and wanting certainty.

Among them are those who genuinely fear that if the desired Islamic society is established, there may not be competent individuals capable of addressing modern problems with successful Islamic solutions.

Indeed, some Islamic preachers present, in the name of Islam, rigid and inflexible solutions that cannot serve as the foundation for a modern society.

This fact is evident to any diligent scholar following contemporary Islamic research, whether it expresses the opinion of an individual, a party, or a movement.

Some who inquire about societal issues and Islam’s stance on them may do so with malicious intent, aiming to embarrass Islamic advocates, refute them, and expose their inability to provide answers.

Yet, we should not shy away from the challenge. Instead, we must highlight the merits of our divine Islamic system and demonstrate how it offers solutions to the ailments of this era. By doing so, we will be the ones refuting and silencing them, presenting them with undeniable proof.

At the same time, we must clarify that many of the problems in our current society are products of modern jahiliyyah (ignorance) and will not exist in the comprehensive Islamic society we strive for. And if they do, they will not exist in their current magnitude or form.

Additionally, the establishment of an Islamic society and the implementation of Islamic rulings within will open new horizons in thought and jurisprudence. It will engage great minds in serving the society and its system, as is the case with every implemented system.

All of this is a truth that must be known and stated.



Taken from Ijtihad in Islamic Sharia by Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi.