The term Sharia politics refers to actions aimed at improving the condition of the ruler and the ruled in matters where there is no explicit textual evidence, adhering to the principles and objectives of Islamic Sharia. In contrast, Islamic systems refer to the rules and regulations legislated by Islam to organize certain aspects of life.
From these definitions, derived from the perspectives of scholars in the fields of Sharia politics and Islamic systems, it becomes clear that the relationship between the two is one of integration, interconnection, and cooperation. They share a general and specific relationship: Sharia politics serves as the overarching framework guiding Islamic systems in various life domains according to the principles of Islamic Sharia. Islamic systems, therefore, represent a subset of Sharia politics, which is fundamentally rooted in the principles of Islamic Sharia.
It can be said that Sharia politics is the theoretical framework and the moral reference point for Islamic systems, while Islamic systems represent the practical implementation of these principles across different spheres of life. Both aim to achieve justice and public welfare in accordance with the objectives of Sharia. The relationship between them can be summarized through the following points:
Sharia politics provides the foundational principles that Islamic systems rely on. It lays down general guidelines to regulate state and societal affairs to fulfill the objectives of Sharia, which include the preservation of religion, life, intellect, lineage, and wealth.
For instance, the Islamic economic system aims to earn, enjoy, and spend wealth in ways that serve the individual's and the Ummah's interests. This economic system relies on the principles of Sharia politics in safeguarding wealth, such as earning through lawful means, avoiding extravagance, and more. Similarly, the judicial system is built upon the principles of Sharia politics, which strive to establish justice and deter oppression.
Islamic systems represent the practical application of Sharia politics across various fields. For example, the political system applies the principles of Shura (consultation), obedience, justice, and equality in governance. Taking Shura as an example, Sharia politics establishes this principle and codifies it. Allah says, “And consult them in the matter.” (Aal-E-Imran: 159), “And whose affair is [determined by] consultation among themselves.” (Ash-Shura: 38)
The political system then details the rules of Shura and its implementation in real life, which may take the form of public consultations, parliamentary councils, online forums, or other mechanisms adopted by the political system to uphold Shura. Similarly, the social system applies policies that promote family values, social solidarity, and the protection of individual and Ummah rights. The economic system implements practical measures for welfare, care, and public benefit projects.
Sharia politics lays down overarching principles aimed at achieving the objectives of Sharia, while Islamic systems activate these principles in specific domains. For example, the educational system works to preserve and develop the intellect, a fundamental objective of Sharia, by implementing preventative measures and fostering sound intellectual growth.
Similarly, achieving security is a Sharia objective. Sharia politics seeks to fulfill it by enacting laws that ensure security and deter violations. The political system also contributes to security by forming organized units and implementing measures that provide protection and safeguard individuals.
Sharia politics defines the general framework for the relationship between the ruler and the ruled, including their duties and rights. Islamic systems, in turn, detail this framework by establishing laws and procedures that ensure security, justice, and stability.
For instance, the principles of mercy and kindness among people, which are enshrined in Sharia, are supported by Sharia politics through laws that protect rights and promote positive communication among citizens. At the same time, Islamic systems prescribe the necessary etiquette and organized steps for maintaining relationships, preventing overstepping boundaries, or violating others' rights. Thus, Sharia politics plays the role of legislating and protecting the principles of Sharia, while Islamic systems guide and nurture these principles in practice.
Both Sharia politics and Islamic systems strive to accurately observe and analyze reality, addressing all its aspects. From this understanding, they proceed to plan and organize how to interact with this reality and identify ways to improve and uplift it across all changing dimensions, whether political, social, economic, or educational.
Furthermore, Sharia politics is characterized by flexibility, allowing Islamic systems to adapt to social, political, and economic changes within the boundaries of Sharia. This integration ensures that Islamic systems are applied in ways that align with the contemporary era while adhering to foundational Sharia principles.