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Jews: The Beginning and End (10) Children of Israel and Prophet 'Isa Featured

By Sheikh Khaled Al-Abdullah September 04, 2024 781

The Jews and the Birth of the Messiah

Prophet 'Isa (Jesus), peace be upon him, was born in Bethlehem, near Jerusalem, under divine circumstances surrounded by Allah’s blessings and miraculous signs. His mother conceived him by a word from Allah, and then Allah made him speak from the cradle, declaring his servitude to his Lord, the purity of his virgin mother, and the wisdom, prophethood, righteousness, and calling to Allah that had been ordained for him, as detailed in the Quran in Surah Maryam and Surah Al-Imran.

However, this did not sit well with the Children of Israel, who accused Maryam (Mary) of adultery and openly slandered her and her son, even calling him the "son of a prostitute." They claimed that 'Isa, peace be upon him, was conceived illegitimately, as recorded in their Talmud, where they stated: "Jesus of the Christians is in the depths of Hell, buried in boiling tar! His mother, Mary, brought him forth through adultery with a soldier named Pandera" (1).

The Jews and the Childhood of 'Isa (Jesus), peace be upon him

Dr. Muhammad Al-Tayyib Al-Najjar says: “When he reached the age of seven, his mother sent him to a school where he was an example of intelligence and brilliance. He became the subject of admiration in his time, and it is narrated that he witnessed miracles in his childhood as divine inspiration from Allah. This spread among the Jews, and the venom of jealousy and envy crept into their hearts, leading them to slander him and threaten him with destruction and woe” (2).

The Jews tried to get rid of 'Isa when he was a child by informing King Herod, who ordered the killing of every male child born to the Children of Israel

The Jews attempted to eliminate 'Isa while he was still a child. Their astrologers informed King Herod that the "King of the Jews," who would overthrow Herod’s kingdom, had been born. In response, the king ordered the killing of every male child born to the Children of Israel, just as Pharaoh had done with Musa (Moses) before. But Allah inspired 'Isa’s mother to flee with him to a distant, elevated place, which some say was Egypt. This is referenced in the Quran: "And We made the son of Mary and his mother a sign and sheltered them on high ground having level [areas] and flowing water" (Surah Al-Mu’minun: 50). They remained there for years until Herod died (3).

The Jews and the Prophethood of 'Isa (Jesus), peace be upon him

Ibn Kathir mentioned in his Tafsir that Wahb ibn Munabbih said: When 'Isa ibn Maryam reached thirteen years of age, Allah commanded him to return from Egypt. He obeyed and returned to Jerusalem, where he remained until he was thirty years old. At that time, miracles began to appear at his hands, and Allah taught him the Book, wisdom, the Torah, and the Gospel.

The Quran does not specify when the prophethood of 'Isa, peace be upon him, began, but the Gospel of Barnabas hints at it. It states in Chapter 10: When Jesus reached the age of thirty, he ascended Mount Olive with his mother, and while he was praying to Lord, a bright light surrounded him, and several angels appeared. The angel Gabriel presented him with a book that was like a shining mirror, and it entered Jesus’ heart, through which he knew what Allah had done, said, and willed. When this vision became clear to Jesus, he realized that he was a prophet sent to the Children of Israel, and he shared everything with his mother Mary (4).

The Messiah spread his call to monotheism among the Jews after they had reached the peak of deviation from the law revealed to Musa

The Messiah began spreading his message of monotheism in a Jewish community that had strayed far from the divine law that Allah had revealed to Musa, a law that was affirmed and explained by all the prophets who followed him. 'Isa came to bring them back to the true path.

In the Gospel of John (Chapter 17, Verse 3): “This is eternal life, that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (5).

Abdul Rahman Habannaka said: But the Jews rejected his message and denied his prophethood. This led 'Isa into intense debates with the religious leaders of the Jews who had deviated from the divine law. He argued with the Pharisees, scribes, priests, and Sadducees, silencing them with his compelling arguments. He exposed their corruption and hypocrisy until they could no longer bear him. The chief priests and elders gathered and said, "We fear that 'Isa will ruin our religion and the people will follow him." The high priest, Caiaphas, then said, “It is better for one man to die than for the whole nation to perish.”

This statement was a verdict permitting the killing of the Messiah, the son of Mary. The Jews then sought the Roman governor in Palestine, Pontius Pilate, and incited him to kill 'Isa. They continued to fuel his animosity until he finally decided to kill and crucify 'Isa. When 'Isa became aware of this, he withdrew from the people and went to Jerusalem, where the disciples received him. He said to them, “One of you who eats and drinks with me will betray me!”

After the Messiah was raised, the disciples dispersed throughout the lands, calling people to worship Allah alone and to believe in the Messiah as a servant and messenger of Allah

Then he entered with his disciples into their usual meeting place. Judas Iscariot, one of his twelve disciples, knew this place. When the soldiers of the governor entered this place, Allah cast the likeness of 'Isa upon Judas Iscariot, who had betrayed him, and they were unable to see 'Isa. They arrested, killed, and crucified Judas instead. When the truth became apparent after the crucifixion, they concealed it so that people would not believe in 'Isa’s prophethood and message (6).

The Quran confirms this event and affirms the salvation of 'Isa from death and crucifixion with the words: “And [We cursed them] for their disbelief and their saying against Mary a great slander. And [for] their saying, 'Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.' And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but another was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain. Rather, Allah raised him to Himself. And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and Wise” (Surah An-Nisa: 156-158).

The Jews and the Disciples of 'Isa (Jesus), peace be upon him

After 'Isa was raised, the disciples scattered across various lands, calling people to worship Allah alone without any partner and to believe in the Messiah, peace be upon him, as a servant and messenger of Allah. Many people believed through their efforts. However, the Jews were infuriated and incited kings and rulers against them, accusing them of attempting to disrupt the kingdom and rebel against authority. They severely persecuted them, inflicting various forms of torture and execution.

Paul, the Jew, Manipulated Christianity's Foundations and Distorted Its Teachings According to a Deliberate Jewish Plan

The Role of Paul, the Jew, in Corrupting Christianity

Among the most vengeful Jews against the followers of 'Isa was a man named Saul, who later called himself "Paul." He was notorious for his harassment and persecution of the followers of 'Isa, raiding churches, imprisoning believers, and torturing and killing anyone who followed the religion of 'Isa, both during 'Isa's time and after his ascension. Then, he suddenly declared himself a Christian, claiming that Jesus had appeared to him in a great light and said to him: "Why do you persecute me?" Paul, in confusion, asked: "Lord, what do you want me to do?" Jesus replied: "Rise and preach Christianity." From that moment on, Paul became active in preaching Christianity, declaring that 'Isa was the son of Allah. He became the foremost teacher of Christianity and one of the seventy apostles who received the Holy Spirit after the ascension of the Messiah. He convinced them that he received his teachings directly from 'Isa, thus managing to distort the foundations of the religion according to a well-planned Jewish scheme.

The Jews Followed a Criminal Approach with 'Isa from His Birth Until Allah Raised Him

A Group of Them They Denied, and Another Group They Killed

It is very clear that the Jews followed a criminal approach with Prophet 'Isa that was consistent with their corrupt nature and disposition, from his birth until Allah raised him. This approach included accusation and slander, as well as rejection, denial, and the killing of Allah's prophets and messengers. They attempted to kill him multiple times, just as they had killed Zakariya, Yahya (John), and other prophets before him. However, Allah raised 'Isa and saved him from their plots. His followers then splintered into three groups due to the Jews' machinations and deceit:

  • The Jacobites said: "God was among us as long as He willed, then He ascended to the heavens."
  • The Nestorians said: "The son of God was among us as long as God willed, then He was raised to Him."
  • The Unitarians said: "The servant and messenger of Allah was among us as long as Allah willed, then He was raised to Him."

We will discuss the Jews' stance toward Christianity in our next article, Allah willing.


(1) The Battle of Existence, Abdul Sattar Fathallah.

(2) The History of the Prophets, Muhammad Al-Tayyib Al-Najjar.

(3) Follow Their Guidance, Othman Al-Khamees, with modifications.

(4) The History of the Prophets, Muhammad Al-Tayyib Al-Najjar.

(5) The previous reference.

(6) Jewish Schemes, Abdul Rahman Habannaka Al-Maidani (abridged).

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