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Jews: The Beginning and End (2) A Guide through Terminology Origins

By Sheikh Khaled Al-Abdullah August 06, 2024 2700

Judaism is an ancient and venerable religion. Although its followers are few in our time, they have puzzled the entire world. They have strong opinions and are global decision-makers, wielding political, economic, and intellectual influence worldwide. They control the game, moving the ball wherever and however they wish!

Therefore, it is essential for us to take a careful look at the Jews, to explore their depths and study their ideas, to protect ourselves from their dangers.


The term “Children of Israel” refers to Yaqub's descendants and those from his lineage who were granted prophethood for a period of time.

But before discussing them, we must pause to understand some of their terms and names, as there are many terms related to Jews, the Jewish entity, and the Jewish religion that are often misunderstood by many people today. They do not know the differences between these terms. For example, if you ask many educated people the difference between the Children of Israel and the Jews, or between Judaism and Zionism, or between Zionism and global Freemasonry, or who the Hebrews are, you might not get a satisfactory answer. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify these common terms.


First: “The Children of Israel”


The term “Children of Israel” appears 41 times in the Quran. Israel is the Prophet Yaqub, the son of Ishaq, the son of Khalilullah (Friend of God) Ibrahim (peace be upon them all). Children of Israel are the children of Yaqub, referred to as the twelve tribes, including Yusuf (peace be upon him) and his eleven brothers, and their descendants until the Day of Judgment.

Allah granted them prophethood for a period of time, starting from the Prophet Yusuf, then through Musa, Haron, Dawud, Sulayman, Zakariyya, Yahya, and others. However, this prophethood was taken away from them with the ascension of Isa to heaven when they were no longer fit to bear the messages due to their stubbornness and tyranny.


The name “Jews” was given to the Children of Israel after the prophethood was taken from them with the end of Isa's message.

As for the “Israeli” state, the Jews strive to give themselves a religious tint, portraying themselves to the world as “God’s chosen people” and the heirs of the prophets and previous religions. This is a desperate attempt to convince the world that they are the rightful owners of this sacred Arab land, which was the cradle of these messages, inherited from their ancestors.

This became evident when they received the promise of establishing an entity for themselves after their long dispersion. They set their sights on Palestine, entered it as oppressor occupiers, and named it after the Prophet Yaqub, calling it the State of “Israel.” The Prophet Israel (peace be upon him) is innocent of them and their actions.


Second: “The Jews”

The word “Jews” appeared in the Quranic context eight times, and it referred to the Children of Israel. “The Jews” is the name that was given to the Children of Israel after prophethood was taken from them at the end of the mission of Isa ibn Maryam and the arrival of the prophethood of the truthful and trustworthy Muhammad, peace be upon him.


As for the meaning of the word “Jews” (in Arabic), some linguists believe that it has foreign origin and that it is almost an Arabization of the word “Judas,” which is the name of one of the tribes of Israel.


Zionism is an extremist political movement that aims to rule the world by establishing a Jewish state in Palestine.

It is a mistake to refer to the Jews of our time as the Children of Israel because this designation grants them religious and sacred connotations as it did for their righteous ancestors. They believed they were the heirs of faith and guidance since the prophethood was among them. However, as prophethood was transferred to Muhammad, peace be upon him, he, his companions, and the righteous among his Ummah became the heirs of the religion and guidance from Yaqub, peace be upon him. Not the obstinate Jews who deny the prophethood of the last prophet, peace be upon him. We are closer to Yaqub than they are. Since they denied the prophethood of the prophet, they thereby severed their connection with the prophethood and no longer deserve to be associated with Yaqub (Israel), peace be upon him. This is how we understand how the Quran dropped the initial name and affirmed the name “Jews” for them. 

The Quran made a distinction between the terms “Jews” and “the Children of Israel.” It referred to them as the Children of Israel when discussing their history before the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. It called them Jews when talking about their attitudes and situations with the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, after his migration to Medina.

Dr. Salah Al-Khalidi says, “We can say that these historically known people were called 'the Children of Israel' in their previous life from Yusuf, peace be upon him, until the mission of Muhammad, peace be upon him. This same people lost this name after the prophetic mission and took a new name, which is the Jews.” (1)

Regarding the relationship between the Jews of our time and the Children of Israel, the Simplified Encyclopedia of Religions states: “There is no doubt that the current Jews—except for a few—have no connection to the ancient Hebrew Israelites descended from Ibrahim, peace be upon him. Instead, they are a mix of people from different parts of the world who converted to Judaism for colonial objectives. Those who indeed have Israeli origins are now of lower status.” (2)


Freemasonry is a secret Jewish organization, highly organized, aiming to ensure Jewish control over the world.

As for the Hebrews, they are the Israelites proficient in the Hebrew language, in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Dr. Salah Al-Khalidi suggests that the word might be derived from the act of Ibrahim, peace be upon him, when he crossed (the lands of) Iraq and the Levant to settle in Palestine. And Allah knows best. (3)

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Third: “Zionism”

The word “Zionism” is derived from the name of a mountain in Palestine called “Mount Zion.” “Zionism” is an extremist, racist political movement that aims to rule the entire world by establishing a Jewish state on the land of Palestine. This has already been achieved. It derives its beliefs and ideas from the distorted Torah and the malicious Talmud, and it formulated its unique ideology in a book called “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” which is considered one of the most dangerous and malevolent documents in world history. (4)

A “Jew” is the one who adheres to Judaism and relies on what is stated in the Torah, which represents the first five books of the Bible. A “Zionist,” however, is someone who supports the Zionist ideology, which advocates for the establishment of a rule that gathers Jews from all over the world to settle in the land of Palestine by force and to establish a supposed Jewish state called "Israel,” with its capital being Jerusalem. Zionists prioritize the teachings of the elders and the Talmud over the Torah. (5)

There are thinkers who differentiate between a Jew and a Zionist; there are Jews who oppose the Zionist ideology and the establishment of a Jewish state on Arab Muslim land in Palestine. Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ghazali believes there is no difference between them, as the teachings of the Talmud are fundamentally derived from the distorted Torah, and both rely on the Torah and adhere to it.


The Talmud is neither a revelation nor a holy book, but rather a book containing interpretations of the distorted Torah.

Fourth: “Freemasonry”

In the language, it means: the free masons, and technically, it is a secret, destructive, and mysterious terrorist Jewish organization, well-organized, aiming to ensure Jewish control over the world and promoting atheism. (6)

Freemasonry uses sex, money, and media as tools to achieve its malicious objectives, advocating for atheism, debauchery, and the destruction of morals and religions through establishing their lodges and clubs such as “Rotary” and "Lions." They disguise themselves under deceptive humanitarian slogans, such as freedom, fraternity, and equality.


Fifth: “The Torah”

This is the book that Allah revealed to His Prophet Musa, peace be upon him. Allah has informed us that its texts were distorted. The Torah consists of five books representing the texts of Jewish law (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy).


Sixth: “The Tanakh”

This is the holy book of the Jews, combining within its pages three sections: the Law (Torah), the Prophets (Nevi'im), and the Writings (Ketuvim). (7)


Seventh: “The Talmud”

In Hebrew, it is derived from the word “Lamud,” meaning teachings. It is not a divine or revealed book and is divided into two sections:

  1. The Mishnah: Meaning the second law. It comprises secret teachings that Jews claim provide the correct interpretation of the Torah. They assert that these traditions were given to Musa on the mountain, passed down orally through Haron, Eleazar, Yusha, and subsequently to other prophets and members of the Men of the Great Assembly. It was eventually documented by Judas ha-Nasi around two centuries after Christ to prevent its loss. (8)


“The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is a famous document attributed to Jews that discusses a plan to conquer the world.

  1. The Gemara: Meaning interpretation. It is a collection of debates, teachings, and interpretations related to explaining the Mishnah.

Thus, the Talmud in its essence is not a divine revelation or a holy book but rather a compilation of interpretations of the distorted Torah.


Eighth: “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”

This is a famous document attributed to Jews, discussing a plan to conquer the world. It consists of 24 protocols, with the first version appearing in 1901. The Egyptian researcher Dr. Abdel Wahab El-Messiri, author of the renowned encyclopedia “Jews, Judaism and Zionism,” considers this book to be a misleading myth. He argues that promoting it is harmful to Arabs more than anyone else and that insisting on its attribution to Jews does not serve the Arab cause. (9)


(1) “The Jewish Personality through the Qur'an” by Dr. Salah Al-Khalidi.

(2) The Simplified Encyclopedia of schools, sects and religions by Mani Al-Juhani.

(3) “The Jewish Personality through the Qur'an” by Dr. Salah Al-Khalidi, previously mentioned reference.

(4) The Simplified Encyclopedia of schools, sects and religions by Mani Al-Juhani, previously mentioned reference.

(5) Previously mentioned reference.

(6) Previously mentioned reference.

(7) Church Website.

(8) The Battle of Existence between the Quran and the Talmud by Abd Alsataar Fath Allah.

(9) Al Jazeera Blog, an article by writer Ali Meloudi titled “The Protocols: Reality or Fiction?”

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