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Nurturing Preachers in Islamic Civilization (1)

By Dr. Ramadan Abu Ali July 25, 2024 433

Civilization is the supreme phase of a nation's life, encompassing aspects of advancement and progress that cover all matters of life. By Islamic civilization, we mean the comprehensive progress and prosperity based on an integrated structure of life, including spirit and body, religion and worldly affairs, individual and community, science and work, among other pillars that elevate human life in its various aspects—spiritually, morally, socially, economically, and politically.

Thus, it is evident that the human being is the cornerstone of the civilizational structure. Industrial, economic, and technological advancements benefit humanity only if led by a righteous individual who can utilize these achievements for the common good. Conversely, if the person is corrupt or incapable, they cause more harm than good, using material achievements as tools for human destruction.

Therefore, Islam emphasizes the formation of a righteous individual who establishes and uses civilization to serve all people.

What are the reasons that led Islamic civilization to focus on preparing preachers?


First: The Qur'an's emphasis on preparing preachers:

Islamic civilization is rooted in the Qur'an and guided by its directives towards growth and prosperity. A look at the Qur'anic ayahs reveals many statements and indications calling for the preparation and formation of preachers. When Allah the Almighty wanted to commission His messengers to invite people to His path, He made maturity a basis for this commission, which is a form of preparation. When He wanted to send His messenger Yusuf, He said, “And when Joseph reached maturity, We gave him judgment and knowledge.” (Yusuf: 22) Similarly, when He wanted to send His messenger Musa, He said, “And when he attained his full strength and was [mentally] mature, We bestowed upon him judgement and knowledge.” (Al-Qasas: 14) Allah also expressed the preparation of Musa by saying, “Then you came [here] at the decreed time, O Moses. And I produced you for Myself.” (Ta-Ha: 40)


The Prophet was keen on nurturing believers with sound faith, proper worship, and good morals.

When Allah intended to empower the oppressed and make them leaders, He began by preparing their leader from infancy through childhood, youth, and maturity. This came in details in Surah Al-Qasas: “And We wanted to confer favor upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and make them inheritors. And establish them in the land and show Pharaoh and [his minister] Haman and their soldiers through them that which they had feared. And We inspired to the mother of Moses, 'Suckle him...'” (Al-Qasas: 5-7) This is the preparation and formation of the leader preacher.

This preparation is also evident in the Qur'anic stories of the prophets' calls and the believers' journeys through strong preparation periods, followed by the call to consider and follow their example. Allah said, “Those are the ones whom Allah has guided, so from their guidance take an example.” (Al-An'am: 90) He also said, “And each [story] We relate to you from the news of the messengers is that by which We make firm your heart.” (Hud: 120) The Prophet (peace be upon him) confirmed his influence by this divine preparation of the messengers, saying, “May Allah bestow His Mercy on Lot. He wanted to have a powerful support.(1) And about Moses, “May Allah bestow His Mercy on Moses, for he was harmed more (in a worse manner) than this; yet he endured patiently.(2) This is to prepare the character of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and subsequently the preachers after him.


Secondly: The Prophet's Dedication to Preparing Preachers:

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) exerted immense effort in preparing preachers. He was keen on nurturing the believers in sound faith, proper worship, and good morals, taking care of them during times of hardship that contributed to their personal and civilizational development. An example of this is reported by Khabbab ibn al-Aratt: “We complained to the Messenger of Allah () regarding the persecution inflicted upon us by the disbelievers while he was lying in the shade of the Ka'bah, having made a pillow of his cloak. We submitted: “Why do you not supplicate for our prevalence (over the opponents)?” He () replied, “Among those people before you, a man would be seized and held in a pit dug for him in the ground and he would be sawed into two halves from his head, and his flesh torn away from his bones with an iron comb; but, in spite of this, he would not wean away from his Faith. By Allah, Allah will bring this matter to its consummation until a rider will travel from San'a' to Hadramout fearing none except Allah, and except the wolf for his sheep, but you are in too much of a hurry.” (3) This highlights the Prophet’s call for steadfastness, patience, and awaiting victory.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) continued to train his followers and send them to different places to be preachers of Allah, dispatching them to neighboring tribes, Abyssinia, Yathrib (Medina), and Yemen. He guided these companions and educated them on the principles and methods of preaching. He advised Abu Musa and Mu'adh ibn Jabal when he sent them to Yemen, saying, “Make things easy and do not make them difficult; gladden and do not scare; comply with one another and do not disagree.” (4)


The path to revival lies in building sincere preachers and spreading them across the land to correct people's affairs.

When the Prophet (peace be upon him) intended to send Mu'adh to Yemen, he asked, “How will you judge when the occasion of deciding a case arises?” He replied: “I shall judge in accordance with Allah's Book.” He asked, “(What will you do) if you do not find any guidance in Allah's Book?” He replied, “(I shall act) in accordance with the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah ().” He asked, “(What will you do) if you do not find any guidance in the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah () and in Allah's Book?” He replied: I shall do my best to form an opinion and I shall spare no effort.” The Messenger of Allah () then patted him on the breast and said, “Praise be to Allah Who has helped the messenger of the Messenger of Allah to find something which pleases the Messenger of Allah.” (5) Therefore, the Prophet (peace be upon him) succeeded in building a generation of companions who were the leaders of the Ummah in its conquests and the builders of its civilization everywhere.


Third: People’s Need for Preachers:

Islamic civilization realized the necessity of preparing preachers due to the people's need for guidance and instruction. When the Islamic army succeeded in conquering a land, it required sincere preachers to introduce the people to this religion, answer their questions, and strive to meet their spiritual and material needs. When people find someone who encourages and leads them to goodness, they readily follow, allowing that person to influence and guide them effectively.

Thus, Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ghazali stated: The formation of preachers means the formation of the Ummah. Great nations are merely the well-crafted works of a few talented individuals. The impact of a brilliant person on those around him is like the effect of rain on barren land or sunlight on a bright place. Many people lived in chains of humiliation for ages until Allah provided them with a leader who breathed into them the spirit of freedom, transforming them from stagnation into a whirlwind that sweeps away tyrants and destroys their strongholds. (6)

Thereby, the path to revival and civilization lies in building sincere preachers and spreading them across the land to rectify the people's conditions, unify them, and enlighten them about the conspiracies against them and their necessary responses. This enables them to achieve guidance, righteousness, victory, and success.

Accordingly, the Islamic Ummah must work on preparing preachers comprehensively, addressing all aspects of their lives, meeting their spiritual and material needs, planning for their progress and development, and providing practical means for its members to revive their civilization.

In this context, this series of articles aims to uncover the aspects of civilizational preparation for preachers—spiritually, intellectually, socially, economically, politically, and skillfully—so they can harmonize with the current state of the Ummah and meet its aspirations and goals. Islamic history is full of numerous names that were formed in the embrace of this civilization and profoundly influenced it. This encourages us to reflect on this phenomenon to benefit from it in the present era, asking Allah for sincerity, success, and guidance.



(1) Sahih Al-Bukhari (4694).

(2) Sahih Muslim (1062).

(3) Sahih Al-Bukhari (6544).

(4) Agreed upon.

(5) Sunan Abi Dawood (3592).

(6) With Allah: Studies in Preaching and Preachers by Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ghazali, p. 6.


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