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Where is the Jewish State, and how dangerous is it? (1-2) Featured

By Muhammad Khalifa Al-Tunisi February 01, 2024 1475

The Jewish state is undoubtedly established, not only in “Israel” and not confined to any limited geographical area, language, or other typical state-building elements found in some countries. These elements are not of significant importance. While Jews have recently sought to establish an “Israeli” kingdom, beginning in Palestine, their ultimate goal is to control the Middle East and Arab countries in particular. They aim to dominate global trade between East and West, where the three continents meet: Asia, Europe, and Africa, involving the Suez Canal. They also seek to exploit the inhabitants of this region, which they consider weak, and seize oil wells and all the minerals within. Additionally, they attempt to spread the Hebrew language after reviving it among themselves, intending to give their state two formal but less essential elements: regional unity and linguistic unity. However, these elements, despite their significant importance, are not necessary for the establishment of the Jewish state, as the more essential elements required for a state have already come together for the Jews, leading to the actual establishment of the Jewish state without these two elements.

The essential components of the state achieved for the Jews are numerous:

  1. Unity of interests and their practical need to assist each other locally and globally.
  2. Unity of history and participation in both glories and tragedies for over 35 centuries.
  3. Unity of purpose, which is to exploit the world for their benefit.
  4. A compulsion for cooperation and solidarity to ensure their security and protect their wealth from nations that collectively conspire against them. They are a small minority locally and globally, and if they neglect cooperation and solidarity among themselves, they risk fading into other nations.
  5. Common sense of vengeance against the world for the prolonged persecution by nations collectively and their awareness of the world's resentment towards them for exploiting it and attempting to monopolize its resources.
  6. Unity of religion, which is extremely dangerous, as their religion encourages them to isolate themselves from the world, rise above it and monopolize its resources and inhabitants for their service. It obliges them to use the worst means, such as lying, deceit, theft, murder, adultery, usury, and false accusations, to spread immorality among others, undermining their ethics, nationalities, and religions. The narratives of their god, prophets, and leaders provide them with strong justifications for fanaticism against non-Jews, disdain for them, and resorting to all means of exploitation and continuous dominance over them. The capital of this kingdom is their sacred books, especially the Talmud, the sayings of their rabbis, and their leaders, who encourage their misleading ways. Their kings are their wise leaders, who are also their prophets. The Jews submit to these leaders with the same piety as a believer in his Lord, blindly obedient to their words like obedient children to their fathers.

The influence of the Jewish state is established everywhere through their religious, political, and Masonic associations, both publicly and covertly. They sow the seeds of discord among various entities in every country and worldwide. They supervise the press, publishing houses, news agencies, scientific ideologies, philosophy, art, theater, cinema, schools, educational systems, banks, corporations, and stock exchanges, as well as key sources of wealth in most countries. They monopolize gold, and their secret systems, whose goals only their elite wise men are aware of, penetrate all aspects of life with meticulous implementation by both their leaders and followers.

It would be better for the Jews to maintain their state in this unique and abnormal condition among nations. They achieved this immense power through this peculiar situation that shielded them first and foremost from their own evils. The concentration of Jews in one territory, with their security guaranteed there, inevitably stirs the inherent evil within them, creating animosity and hatred among themselves, as happened before their dispersion during their coexistence in Palestine when they had a kingdom then two. Throughout that era, they were plagued by religious, political, and economic disputes and conflicts.

Moreover, their concentration in one territory deprives them of the global resources that have filled their treasuries with gold. It prevents them from dominating the world's wealth and its people by intruding into the fortunes of others, exploiting their weaknesses and negligence, manipulating their desires, and triggering their base instincts, effectively subduing them like animals.

Additionally, if they gather together, they will be compelled to rely on their efforts alone, as interfering with each other would be challenging. They are like germs, living their parasitic life on the bodies of people. Germs can only exist parasitically, and their parasitism can only be realized in the bodies of people, not in their interference with one another.

Those who confine the Jewish danger or the danger of the Jewish state to this small territory—whether in Palestine or the Middle East—are those who do not comprehend the events of history, its currents, and its spirit. They are unaware of the systems of human societies and lack sufficient knowledge about the financial influence of Jews. It would be better for them and their countries not to engage in politics or guide it. They are like cattle, and they are indeed more misguided, even if they excel in areas other than politics.

The Jews are not fool enough, while they are establishing “Israel” in Palestine or the Middle East, to leave all the countries of the world and get crammed in this one country of theirs. Their goal, in my opinion, is to make this state a center where their gold flows, enabling them to control global trade and international finance between the East and the West. They seek to spread their schemes from this center to overcome obstacles against their dominance over the world. While doing this, they will maintain their dispersion in different parts of the world as they are now, exploiting and controlling it in their favor, leading those dispersed to migrate to this state if they find it difficult to live in that area.

Nevertheless, the Jewish state exists, but in its own abnormal way, and it is in their interest to remain so. If they were to gather in an area, given their small numbers, like any small nation among the nations, as they were when they gathered in Palestine before their dispersion, they would be vulnerable to natural disasters such as earthquakes and droughts. They would also be susceptible to raids from stronger neighbors, being a minority that could easily be eliminated or weakened if they were to gather in one region.

One can observe the dominance of the Jewish state and its influence in controlling the economies of major countries such as the United States and Russia, as well as many smaller countries, exerting control over their governments and ideologies. In democratic countries, they accumulate wealth openly, enjoying the rights recognized by these nations for everyone to freely accumulate wealth. In dictatorial countries, they sway their rulers with their gold, women, and every other form of power and benefit that these rulers cannot do without, allowing Jews to pursue their economic activities and more.

Similarly, one can observe the influence of their already existing state in taking control of governance in Russia. The Soviet office there now consists of seventeen members, fourteen of whom are openly Jewish, and three have Jewish origins or are associated with Jews. The wives of these three are also Jewish. (1)

 We can see a similar influence in the highest communist office in Poland, where eleven members include seven openly Jewish.

The control of affairs in Romania is now dominated by Ana Pauker, the Jewish communist. In the Hungarian Communist Council, all five members are Jewish. Czechoslovakia is under the grip of eight men, five of whom are Jewish. Of the current members of the British House of Commons, eighty deputies are openly Jewish, excluding the converts among them and those deputies associated with them. It was under the influence of Britain that the Ottoman Caliph Abdul Hamid refused to sell part of Palestine to them for a national homeland.

The Jewish Prime Minister of Britain, Disraeli, with the gold of the Jewish Rothschild, managed to buy Egypt's share in the Suez Canal for Britain for four million pounds in order that Britain would become their neighbor in Palestine (2), assisting them in establishing their national homeland. Britain, through the Mandate system, took control of Palestine after World War I, following the dissolution of the Islamic Caliphate, which had previously refused Jewish demands. The first High Commissioner for Britain and the first Attorney General in Palestine were both Jews. Britain opened the doors of immigration wide for the Jews after the Mandate, and under its protection, the Jews established their colonies, cultivated the land, built their universities, schools, and temples, and trained their army units. When the fruit ripened, they left it entirely to them. Britain has consistently sought influence in the Middle East, primarily to protect the weak “Israel” from its Arab neighbors. It has deliberately sown discord among Arab nations to weaken them, preventing them from expelling it from the East and removing “Israel” from Palestine.

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(1) Most members of the Communist Council governing Russia now (in 1951) are openly Jewish. The members include seventeen individuals: Stalin as the head of the council, Kaganovich as his deputy, along with Beria, Voroshilov, Molotov, Shvernik, Kirchinsinen, Gorkin, Elia Erhmerg, Devinsky, Khensirk, Mikhlis, Frumin, Gudy, Lusovsky, Kaftanov, and Peter Levandovsky. All of them are openly Jewish except for three: Stalin, Voroshilov, and Molotov. However, the wives of the three are Jewish, and among them, there are Jews either in the mother, grandmother, or unknown lineage through Jewish affiliations. Moreover, many Jews among them have double names, having their original Jewish name hidden, and a known active name that conceals the original Jewish name. This is a common practice among many Jews, requiring concealment initially, and if concealment is no longer necessary, the famous false name remains without the concealed original name. Communism, in general, is a Jewish movement, with its founder being the Jew Karl Marx. These are some of the connections between Judaism and communism, both theoretically and practically, in Russia and other countries. (Refer to the book “Jewish Russia” and observe the Bolshevik Jewish emblem on the cover of this book, surrounded by the hexagram, which is the symbol of the Israeli flag.).

(2) For detailed information on the conspiracy, refer to the book “The Awakening of the Jewish World,” pages 186-191.

Source: Taken from the book “The Jewish Danger: Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” translated by Muhammad Khalifa Al-Tunisi.


Last modified on Thursday, 07 March 2024 08:03