Loyalty is one of the most sublime and elevated morals. It is the character of prophets and righteous individuals and a trait of noble souls that grants its possessor dignity and honor. Islam has made loyalty an essential part of faith, as the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “And he who does not keep his covenant has no religion.” (Narrated by Ahmad) Among the greatest examples of loyalty immortalized in history is the stance of the Prophet ﷺ with Al-Mut’im ibn ‘Adi, who granted him protection upon his return from Ta’if despite being a polytheist. The Prophet never forgot this act of kindness and remarked on the day of Badr regarding the captives: “Had Al-Mut`im bin Adi been alive and interceded with me for these mean people, I would have freed them for his sake.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari), meaning he would have freed them without ransom.
The domains of loyalty are numerous and diverse, including loyalty to one's covenant with Allah, which is the greatest and most sacred of all covenants; fulfilling debts; adhering to contractual terms such as sales and marriage agreements; loyalty between spouses in times of ease and hardship; giving workers their due wages without delay; performing work with sincerity; fulfilling vows made in obedience to Allah; honoring financial commitments in accordance with Islamic principles; upholding covenants and treaties; ensuring fairness in weights and measures; fulfilling trusts and returning deposits; adhering to solemn oaths without breaking them; and showing gratitude and loyalty to those who have been kind or done us a favor.
One of the most profound examples of loyalty in the Quran is the story of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). He obeyed Allah’s command to sacrifice his son, embodying an unparalleled model of obedience and loyalty. Allah praised him, saying, “We called to him, ‘O Abraham, you have fulfilled the vision.’ Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good.” [As-Saffat: 104–105]
Allah replaced his sacrifice with a great ram and praised his loyalty.
Similarly, the story of Prophet Shu’ayb (peace be upon him) as he repeatedly warned his people against cheating in weights and measures. When they disobeyed, Allah’s punishment befell them: “And when Our command came, We saved Shu'ayb and those who believed with him, by mercy from Us. And the shriek seized those who had wronged, and they became within their homes [corpses] fallen prone.” [Hud: 94]
The Companions of the Prophet ﷺ also set remarkable examples of loyalty. When Al-Hurmuzan, a Persian leader, was brought as a prisoner before Caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), Umar invited him to accept Islam, but he refused. He requested water before his execution, and when Umar promised him safety until he drank, Al-Hurmuzan spilled the water on the ground, saying: “Am I safe until I drink this water?” Umar replied, “Yes, I have taken a covenant with Allah that I shall not kill you till you have drunk the water.” Al-Hurmuzan declared, “Loyalty is a shining light.” Umar honored his promise, halted the execution, and deliberated on his case. Al-Hurmuzan was so moved by this act of loyalty that he embraced Islam sincerely, saying: “Now I declare my faith in Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger.” Umar was astonished by this and asked him, why now? He replied, “I didn’t want to embrace Islam out of fear.” He later became one of the trusted advisors to Umar in military matters.
The Impact of Loyalty on the Individual
In Surah Al-Mu’minun, Allah affirms success for those who exhibit loyalty: “And they who are to their trusts and their promises attentive.” [Al-Mu’minun: 8]
Allah, being Most Generous, fulfills His promises manifold: “And fulfill My covenant [upon you] that I will fulfill your covenant [from Me], and be afraid of [only] Me.” [Al-Baqarah: 40] Al-Tabari said: “His covenant to them is that if they do that, He will admit them to Paradise.” (2)
“So He penalized them with hypocrisy in their hearts until the Day they will meet Him - because they failed Allah in what they promised Him and because they [habitually] used to lie.” [At-Tawbah: 77] Ibn Ashur said: “Their actions caused this to be the reason for hypocrisy remaining in their hearts until their death.” (3)
The Impact of Loyalty on Society
The benefits of loyalty extend beyond the individual to the community:
1- Social Stability
Loyalty is a paramount characteristic of Muslim society, fostering tranquility and reassurance among its members, as described in the Quran: “Those who fulfill the covenant of Allah and do not break the contract.” [Ar-Ra’d: 20]
2-Preserving Rights and Preventing Bloodshed
Those who honor their commitments do not infringe upon each other's rights. As a result, disputes, complaints, usurpation of rights, and injustice are reduced, allowing the society to live in peace, security, and harmony. Allah says, “O you who have believed, fulfill [all] contracts.” [Al-Ma’idah: 1]
3- Fostering Cooperation and Preventing Disputes
Loyalty creates a spirit of cooperation and mutual affection among members of society. “Loyalty is a fundamental quality in the structure of an Islamic society, encompassing all dealings. All transactions, social relationships, promises, and agreements depend on loyalty. If loyalty is absent, trust disappears, interactions deteriorate, and discord prevails.” (4)
4- Setting a Good Example
A Muslim society that upholds the value of loyalty becomes a good example for other societies. Many nations have embraced Islam due to the admirable character of Muslims in their dealings, even with non-Muslims. For instance, Islam entered Indonesia through the ethical conduct and loyalty of Muslim traders, who set an excellent example and became a role model.
5- Prosperity and Blessings
Loyalty is a value that brings goodness and blessings to society. “By fulfilling others' rights and avoiding their violation, societal prosperity and economic stability are achieved. Allah blesses wealth, people's affairs are rectified, trust prevails among society's members, and signs of righteousness and honesty become evident. As a result, goodness spreads throughout the Muslim community.” (5)