It is famously narrated among storytellers that a man once went to the Hajj, stood before the crowd, lifted his garment, and urinated in the Zamzam well. The pilgrims beat him and cursed him. When asked why he did such a thing, he replied, “So that people would know me and say: 'This is the man who urinated in Zamzam.'” (1)
There are many like him in our time who are afflicted with the obsession of fame, even through disgraceful acts! This phenomenon needs a deep social study. Here are some words aimed at dissecting this phenomenon, understanding its causes, and contributing to its remedy.
Observing the Phenomenon
Let us imagine together the public reaction to these incidents if they had occurred 20 years ago:
A woman appears on television recounting her challenge of overcoming the psychological impact of a scandalous video leak, claiming she has become more desired afterward!
A father defends his daughter's nudity, questioning whether the law punishes nudity for it to be condemned!
A couple documents and broadcasts their arguments in front of their children and then also documents their reconciliation!
A woman accuses her husband of infidelity, demands a divorce in front of millions, and the husband, of course, responds and accuses her in turn; they then divorce publicly!
A father denigrates his daughter in her forties, humiliates her, and spreads stories of her disobedience, and she retaliates by publicly denigrating him and claiming his abuse!
A couple reveals their private issues to everyone, divorces publicly, and then reconciles, downplaying the heinous claims they made against each other, alleging they have overcame it and are back together again!
A groom fakes his own kidnapping on his wedding day, films it, and releases the video as if it were real!
A young man broadcasts his wedding day, telling his bride that he loves her friend and wants to marry her, proposes to her in front of everyone, and then tells the bride it was just a joke!
A couple broadcasts their entire life to the public, sharing every detail and delighting in the public's reactions, whether positive or negative!
A man or woman performs indecent dances in front of a crowd amid laughter and applause!
Society's Reaction to This Phenomenon
These situations are not fictional; they have actually happened and are too well-known to be hidden from any observer. Tracking such instances would take longer than could be written in a book, let alone an article. The reader can imagine how people would have utterly despised such acts and considered them scandals to be concealed and not told. However, in the era of the “Trend” we now live in, seeking fame even through such disgraceful acts has become less abnormal, even understood—if not accepted—with society at large interacting with it, sympathizing with those believed to be wronged, and unleashing their wrath on those deemed to be the wrongdoers. This happens even without full knowledge of the incident's details, ignoring the self-humiliation and contempt in exchange for fame.
What Nature and Morals Dictate!
A person with a sound nature and good morals cannot stomach such self-humiliation for the sake of fame, let alone society moving in this direction, either by participating or engaging with it. Talking about the values of modesty, chastity, honesty, honor, and virtuous speech is futile unless it resonates with souls prepared to accept these meanings. Hence, there must be an inquiry into why these morals have disappeared from societal presence, allowing their opposites to become public opinion.
The reason is simple: corruption has become so widespread that the voices of reformers have been drowned out by those of the corrupters. Many people now emulate the lifestyles of Westerners, aspiring to their ways and imitating their vices, contradicting the life and religion of Muslims and their customs. The individual feels no shame in going against nature and Islamic morals, seeing it as progress and modernity, chasing it without regard for any worldly or religious consequences.
Islam has guided the direction of life in its purposes and means. The remedy lies in adhering to Islamic guidance and morals in detail and generally, opposing everything that contradicts it, creating a public opinion that despises this frightening moral decline, and using the same virtual and social means to convey this pure and high message. We must care for the younger generation exposed to these scenes, ensuring they do not become so accustomed to them that their nature, religion, and morals do not reject them.
We seek refuge in Allah from a collective punishment if we do not strive to change this state, as the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
“If acts of disobedience are done among any people and do not change them though the are able to do so, Allah will soon punish them all.” (2) May Allah protect us and all Muslims.