Significant Events on the 26th of Ramadan

  Ramadan 26, 9 AH

 Return of the Prophet from the Battle of Tabuk:

On this day in the blessed month of Ramadan in the year 9 AH, January 17, 631 CE, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, returned from the Battle of Tabuk, from which some companions had stayed behind. When the Prophet returned, he entered the mosque, prayed, and accepted apologies from those who offered them. This was also when the incident of the boycott of Ka'ab ibn Malik and his two companions occurred.


First Attempt by Al-Samh ibn Malik al-Khulani to Invade France:

 After the Muslim Arabs successfully conquered Spain in 92 AH and established Umayyad rule, they sought to expand further into Europe. In 100 AH (718 CE), Al-Samh ibn Malik al-Khulani, the governor of Al-Andalus, led the first major attempt to penetrate into France. His forces advanced into southern France and laid siege to the city of Toulouse, a key stronghold in the region.

Despite initial successes, the campaign faced a significant setback. The local forces, led by Duke Odo of Aquitaine, launched a surprise counterattack on the besieging Muslim army. This resulted in a decisive defeat for the Islamic forces, and Al-Samh ibn Malik al-Khulani was killed in the battle. Following his death, the retreat was organized and led by Abdur Rahman ibn Abdullah al-Ghafqi, who later became a prominent leader in the Islamic expansion into Europe.

This defeat marked the beginning of a series of attempts by the Umayyads to expand their influence into France, culminating in later battles such as the famous Battle of Tours in 732 CE. The campaign highlighted the challenges of extending control beyond the Pyrenees and into the heart of Europe.

 Surrender of Belgrade after Ottoman Siege:

On the 25th of Ramadan, 927 AH (August 28, 1521 CE), the city of Belgrade surrendered to the Ottoman Empire after a decisive siege. This marked a significant moment in Ottoman history, as Belgrade was a strategic stronghold in the Balkans, controlling access to Central Europe and the Danube River.

The siege was led by Minister Pir Muhammad Pasha, with the direct support of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, one of the most renowned Ottoman rulers. The Ottoman forces employed advanced siege tactics and artillery, which overwhelmed the city's defenses. Belgrade, then under Hungarian control, had long been a target for the Ottomans due to its strategic importance.

After the city's surrender, the Ottomans solidified their control over the region, and Belgrade became a vital administrative and military center for the empire. To mark this victory, the first Friday prayer was held in the city, symbolizing its integration into the Islamic world and Ottoman governance.

This conquest was part of Sultan Suleiman's broader campaign to expand Ottoman influence in Europe, and it paved the way for further advances into Central Europe in the years to come. The fall of Belgrade demonstrated the strength and ambition of the Ottoman Empire during its peak under Suleiman's rule.