Scholars unanimously agree that bank interest is riba (usury), and any attempt to draw superficial distinctions to justify what Allah has prohibited is futile.
Sheikh Muhammad Abu Zahra states: (1) “The system of interest, which is riba, is not forbidden in Islam alone among the divinely revealed religions. It is also prohibited in the two preceding religions, Judaism and Christianity. Usury is forbidden in the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran—not in the Quran alone. There remains evidence of this prohibition in the Torah we have today, even if they have forgotten parts of what they were reminded of. In Deuteronomy, chapter 23, it is stated: 'You shall not charge interest on loans to your brother, interest on money, interest on food, interest on anything that is lent for interest.'”
He further explains: (2) “The riba mentioned in the Quran is the same as the usury practiced by banks and dealt with by people. It is undoubtedly forbidden.”
Some might mistakenly believe that the term “interest” was unknown to Islamic scholars of old and only emerged with the advent of modern banks. This is a misconception refuted by historical evidence. Islamic scholars have long recognized the term “interest” and explicitly declared it forbidden. In the Fatawa of Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, (3) it is mentioned: “A man in need of a loan could only find someone willing to lend him money in exchange for interest.”
Similarly, in the Fatawa of al-Subki: (4) “As for the transaction practiced nowadays, where a person goes to the Office of Orphans requesting, for instance, a loan of one thousand and agrees to an interest of two hundred or more or less, this is undoubtedly forbidden.”
These classical and contemporary juristic texts affirm that bank interest is the forbidden usury, a ruling not derived after the establishment of banks but rooted in Islamic tradition. In the introduction to his book Research on Usury, Sheikh Muhammad Abu Zahra asserts that interest is prohibited usury in Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. He further cites Christian theologians confirming the prohibition of bank interest, noting that the spread of usury in Europe stemmed from several reasons, among which economists misleading religious figures by portraying low-interest rates as administrative fees. This tactic is akin to modern efforts to deceive Muslim scholars and devout individuals. (5)
Why Bank Interest Is Worse Than Pre-Islamic Usury
Riba (Usury) is the exchange of money for money with an increase. If the increase is immediate, it is called Riba al-Fadl. If the increase is deferred, it is referred to as Riba al-Jahiliyyah, the most severely prohibited form of usury. It is also called Riba al-Qur’an, as it is explicitly forbidden in the Qur’an. The entire Muslim Ummah has unanimously agreed on the prohibition of Riba al-Jahiliyyah. However, bank interest is far worse and more abhorrent than Riba al-Jahiliyyah for several reasons:
Numerous resolutions and fatwas have been issued by Islamic Fiqh bodies, unanimously declaring the prohibition of bank interest. Among them are the following notable examples:
(1) Research on Usury, Sheikh Muhammad Abu Zahra, Dar al-Fikr al-Arabi, Cairo, 1420 AH/1999 CE, p. 5.
(2) Ibid., p. 22.
(3) Majmu‘ al-Fatawa, Ibn Taymiyyah (29/430), King Fahd Printing Complex, Medina, 1416 AH/1995 CE.
(4) Fatawa al-Subki (1/327), Dar al-Ma‘rifah, Beirut.
(5) Research on Usury, p. 10.
(6) Evaluating the Banking Experience, pp. 72–73.
(7) Ahkam al-Quran by al-Jassas (2/184), Dar Ihya al-Turath al-Arabi, Beirut, 1405 AH/1985 CE.