Matt Richtel

Alice McGraw, 2 years old, was walking with her parents in Lake Tahoe this summer when another family appeared, heading in their direction. The little girl stopped.

“Uh-oh,” she said and pointed: “People.”

She has learned, her mother said, to keep the proper social distance to avoid risk of infection from the coronavirus. In this and other ways, she’s part of a generation living in a particular new type of bubble — one without other children. They are the toddlers of COVID-19.

Gone for her and many peers are the play dates, music classes, birthday parties, the serendipity of the sandbox or the side-by-side flyby on adjacent swingsets. Many families skipped day care enrollment in the fall, and others have withdrawn amid the new surge in coronavirus cases.

With months of winter isolation looming, parents are growing increasingly worried about the developmental effects of the ongoing social deprivation on their very young children.

“People are trying to weight pros and cons of what’s worse: putting your child at risk for COVID or at risk for severe social hindrance,” said Suzanne Gendelman, whose daughter, Mila, 14 months old, regularly spent rug time with Alice McGraw before the pandemic.

“My daughter has seen more giraffes at the zoo more than she’s seen other kids,” Gendelman said.

It is too early for published research about the effects of the pandemic lockdowns on very young children, but childhood development specialists say that most children will likely be OK because their most important relationships at this age are with parents.

Still, a growing number of studies highlight the value of social interaction to brain development. Research shows that neural networks influencing language development and broader cognitive ability get built through verbal and physical give-and-take — from the sharing of a ball to exchanges of sounds and simple phrases.

These interactions build “structure and connectivity in the brain,” said Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek, director of the Infant Language Laboratory at Temple University and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. “They seem to be brain feed.”

In infants and toddlers, these essential interactions are known as “serve-and-return,” and rely on seamless exchanges of guttural sounds or simple words.

Hirsh-Pasek and others say that technology presents both opportunity and risk during the pandemic. On one hand, it allows children to engage in virtual play by Zoom or FaceTime with grandparents, family friends or other children. But it can also distract parents who are constantly checking their phones to the point that the device interrupts the immediacy and effectiveness of conversational duet — a concept known as “technoference.”

John Hagen, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Michigan, said he would be more concerned about the effect of lockdowns on young children, “if this were to go on years and not months.”

“I just think we’re not dealing with any kinds of things causing permanent or long-term difficulties,” he said.

Hirsh-Pasek characterized the current environment as a kind of “social hurricane” with two major risks: Infants and toddlers don’t get to interact with one another and, at the same time, they pick up signals from their parents that other people might be a danger.

“We’re not meant to be stopped from seeing the other kids who are walking down the street,” she said.

Just that kind of thing happened to Casher O’Connor, 14 months, whose family recently moved to Portland, Oregon, from San Francisco. Several months before the move, the toddler was on a walk with his mother when he saw a little boy nearby.

“Casher walked up to the 2-year-old, and the mom stiff-armed Cash not to get any closer,” said Elliott O’Connor, Casher’s mother.

“I understand,” she added, “but it was still heartbreaking.”

Portland has proved a little less prohibitive place for childhood interaction in part because there is more space than in the dense neighborhoods of San Francisco, and so children can be in the same vicinity without the parents feeling they are at risk of infecting one another.

“It’s amazing to have him stare at another kid,” O’Connor said.

“Seeing your kid playing on a playground with themselves is just sad,” she added. “What is this going to be doing to our kids?”

The rise of small neighborhood pods or of two or three families joining together in shared bubbles has helped to offset some parents’ worries. But new tough rules in some states, like California, have disrupted those efforts because playgrounds have been closed in the latest COVID-19 surge and households have been warned against socializing outside their own families.

Plus, the pods only worked when everyone agreed to obey the same rules, and so some families simply chose to go it alone.

That’s the case of Erinn and Craig Sheppard, parents of a 15-month-old, Rhys, who live in Santa Monica, California. They are particularly careful because they live near the little boy’s grandmother, who is in her 80s. Sheppard said Rhys has played with “zero” children since the pandemic started.

“We get to the park, we Clorox the swing and he gets in and he has a great time and loves being outside and he points at other kids and other parents like a toddler would,” she said. But they don’t engage.

One night, Rhys was being carried to bed when he started waving. Sheppard realized that he was looking at the wall calendar, which has babies on it. It happens regularly now. “He waves to the babies on the wall calendar,” Sheppard said.

Experts in child development said it would be useful to start researching this generation of children to learn more about the effects of relative isolation. There is a distant precedent: Research was published in 1974 that tracked children who lived through a different world-shaking moment, the Great Depression. The study offers reason for hope.

“To an unexpected degree, the study of the children of the Great Depression followed a trajectory of resilience into the middle years of life,” wrote Glen Elder, author of that research.

Brenda Volling, a psychology professor at the University of Michigan and an expert in social and emotional development, said one takeaway is that Depression-era children who fared best came from families who overcame the economic fallout more readily and who, as a result, were less hostile, angry and depressed.

To that end, what infants, toddlers and other children growing up in the COVID era need most now is stable, nurturing and loving interaction with their parents, Volling said.

“These children are not lacking in social interaction,” she said, noting that they are getting “the most important” interaction from their parents.

A complication may involve how the isolation felt by parents causes them to be less connected to their children.

“They are trying to manage work and family in the same environment,” Volling said. The problems cascade, she added, when parents grow “hostile or depressed and can’t respond to their kids, and get irritable and snap.”

“That’s always worse than missing a play date.”

The New York Times.

Tanzania’s hospitality paradise, the Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge, which used to draw many international visitors to the country’s northern tourist circuit, has been converted into a students’ dormitory on a lease agreement as the gloomy business climate drove the property to the brink of financial ruin. 

The novel coronavirus outbreak was the final straw for the battered hotel industry, which suffered losses due to travel restrictions to curb the disease.

As the virus spread, the country’s hospitality industry suffered as corporate and business travelers, who account for the bulk of hotel revenues, cut back on travel spending.

The Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge, renowned for hosting the 2008 Leon H. Sullivan Summit, was forced to shut down due to poor business as a result of the outbreak.

Eliamani Sedoyeka, the principal of the Arusha Institute of Accountancy, confirmed that the college has leased the hotel.

According to Sedoyeka, the move to lease the hotel was prompted by a surge of new students who have been admitted this year.

“We were overwhelmed by new requests for admission. That’s why we decided to find a new accommodation,” he said.

The landmark company that manages the hotel confirmed the agreement, adding that each student would pay 400,000 Tanzanian shillings (around US$173) per year.

According to Sedoyeka, some rooms have been facelifted to include double beds.

Equipped with 300 bedrooms and seven presidential suites, the hotel, built in 2003, is reminiscent of former Democratic Republic of Congo President Mobutu Sese Seko’s Gbadolite Presidential Palace deep in the Congo jungle.

“Initially, some students were not willing to move in. But now, everyone is motivated to settle there. Some of them really like the environment. They share videos on social media,” he said./aa

PHOENIX — An estimated 50,000 students vanished from Arizona's public district and charter schools over the summer, preliminary student count numbers for the 2020-2021 school year show.

That means the state has lost 5% of its students between this school year and the end of last. Numbers also show kindergarten enrollment is down by 14%.

Because the figures are early, it's unclear where students have gone. The state's population has not shifted enough for enrollment to plummet so dramatically. The number of families filing for homeschool has increased, but not by 50,000.

Education advocates fear some school-age students are not in school at all, and that the lag in kindergarten enrollment means that children in Arizona are losing out on early lessons vital to a child's learning experience.

"It's a lost year, and that's really tragic when you think about it," said Siman Qaasim, president of the Children's Action Alliance, an Arizona nonprofit.

The dramatic enrollment drops could also come with devastating and long-lasting financial repercussions for school districts. A loss of students will result in a loss of funding, which is tied to number of students. Districts and charters with more students receive more funding, because funding is calculated per student.

The state will provide grants through federal aid money to help schools make up for lost revenue, but districts don't yet know how much they'll receive or if the money will make up for the funding gaps caused by plunging enrollment.

Big districts report big enrollment drops

District schools have been losing enrollment for a decade, which is in part because of the proliferation of charter schools in the state. However, the state's estimated enrollment drop for this year, 5%, includes charter schools because they are public schools that receive state funding.

Part of the enrollment drop is because of an increase in homeschooled students. For example, in Maricopa County, 3,774 families have reported since August that they planned to homeschool this year, compared with 971 during the same period in 2019, according to information from the Maricopa County School Superintendent office.

Dennis Goodwin is the superintendent of the Murphy Elementary School District in Phoenix. About 1,500 students attend Murphy schools, and most are low-income. Enrollment at his district is down by about 8%, he said.

Some families really wanted to send their children in-person and have switched to charters, he said. In other cases, students might not be schooling at all, he said, particularly in families where parents have to work and older kids are taking care of their siblings.

"They may have thought about signing up and doing online, but I think right now they're just waiting for school to start up again," he said.

But in Murphy, COVID-19 is not under control enough to reopen school, he said.

Struggles to keep students engaged

Murphy is searching for the students it has lost.

District officials have worked to follow up with students who didn't come back this school year to see if they've enrolled somewhere else. But the district's population tends to move a lot and is difficult to track, Goodwin said.

"There's a lot of legwork that has to go to get it to find the kids and get them to make sure that they're staying in contact," he said.

Sometimes, officials have to knock on doors. In one case, the district discovered that a sixth- and second-grader stopped logging on because their parents were in the hospital and the family's internet was shut off. Murphy loaned the students wireless internet hotspots.

In Arizona, school is compulsory, which means state law requires every child between the ages of 6 and 16 to attend school.

But that law is difficult to enforce in a vast educational landscape.

Arizona is an open enrollment state, so students don't have to attend their neighborhood schools, and districts don't track every child in their boundaries.

Some of the sharpest enrollment declines are at the kindergarten level, which is not mandatory in Arizona. But students learn a lot in kindergarten, including early lessons in reading and math.

Qaasim said she is particularly concerned for students living in poverty, who tend to fall behind faster than students from wealthier backgrounds. Putting off school for a year may also mean developmental disabilities in students can go undetected for longer, meaning less academic intervention.

"We're just so worried that so many will be unprepared," she said.

Enrollment declines cost money

Arizona's Tucson Unified school district has seen a 4.9% drop in enrollment. A task force was formed to try to reverse the enrollment loss, Superintendent Gabriel Trujillo said at a recentschool board meeting.

"Every student leaving the district is not just a number," he said. "We have to be very, very strategic, we have to be very, very swift in our attempt to re-engage those families."

The district estimates it will lose about $25 million this year because of the enrollment declines and other factors.

Gov. Doug Ducey has promised school federal funding in the form of an enrollment stability grant, which he said would guarantee funding up to 98% of a school's enrollment in the previous school year. The grant process is ongoing, so schools will not know the final amount until late November.

Estimates so far are not adding up to the 98% guarantee.

Tucson estimates a grant of $20.5 million, about $5 million short of the funding lost this school year.

And the grants are only available this year, with no promise for extra funding in 2021. The impact of COVID-19 on student academics, however, will likely persist for years. Qaasim said schools are facing a funding cliff, all while students need as much intervention as possible.

"That costs money," she said.

Every weekday morning, Paul Yenne sets up five different devices — including two laptops, an iPhone and a screen-caster that projects videos to a large screen — to get ready for the 19 fifth-grade students who come to his classroom and the six who log on from home.

The Colorado school district where Yenne works offers in-person and online classes simultaneously, with one teacher responsible for both as the Covid-19 pandemic touches every facet of education.

Yenne, 31, delivers the day’s lesson, his eyes continuously darting between the students in front of him and those stacked on a virtual grid on a laptop at the front of the room.

Despite his desire to create a seamless classroom experience for both groups, one inevitably gets left out, he said. If the technology breaks down, his classroom students have to wait until he fixes it, and if there's an in-person issue, it's the other way around, he said.

“The most exhausting thing is just to try and hold attention in two different places and give them at least somewhat equal weight,” he said. “What kind of wears on me the most is just thinking, 'I don't know that I did the best for every kid,' which is what I try and do every day when I go in."

While most K-12 schools have chosen to go either online or in person at one time, the double duty model is among the most labor-intensive, according to education experts. Yet it's increasingly becoming the new norm around the country, and with less than a quarter of the school year down, many teachers say they're already exhausted.

They have received little training and resources are scarce, they say, but they worry that speaking up could cost them their jobs.

”I think that kind of exhaustion we had from last year has kind of compounded as now we're being asked to do essentially two jobs at once,” Yenne said. “The big question right now is, 'How long can we continue doing this?'"

Afraid to speak out

While many schools call this form of teaching “hybrid,” experts label it “concurrent teaching” or “hyflex," modes originally designed for university and graduate-level students.

Brian Beatty, an associate professor at San Francisco State University who pioneered the hyflex program, said it was designed to have more than a single mode of interaction going on in the same class and typically involves classroom and online modes that can be synchronous or asynchronous.

The aim was to provide students not in the classroom with as good an educational experience as those who were, and it was intended for students who chose to be taught that way on a regular or frequent basis, he said. The model was created for adults at the undergraduate and graduate level who made the choice and were able to manage themselves.

“The context of the situation at the elementary level is so different than the situation that we designed this for," he said. "A lot of the principles can work but challenges are also a lot more extreme, especially around managing students.”

Image: New York City School Children Return To In-Person Classes (Michael Loccisano / Getty Images)

Sophia Smith, a literary enrichment teacher for kindergarten through third-grade students in Des Plaines, Illinois, said her elementary school allowed little time for training and planning before teachers were thrust into the dual mode.

She said 40 percent of her students are online, and she spends much of her time going back and forth between online and classroom students, leaving little time for meaningful instruction.

"It's extremely chaotic," she said, adding that if school officials were to visit her classroom, they would understand how their decisions about hybrid education really affected teachers.

Smith worries the model will become an accepted norm, mostly because teachers who are struggling to keep up are scared to speak out.

“We're afraid to lose our jobs," she said. "We're afraid that the district will come back and treat us differently or say things differently, like, 'Nobody else is complaining, so why is it you?'"

Smith said she is speaking up now because she wants other teachers to feel more comfortable doing so.

Matthew Rhoads, an education researcher and author of "Navigating the Toggled Term: Preparing Secondary Educators for Navigating Fall 2020 and Beyond," said schools added a livestream component to their curriculum in a panicked effort to offer an online choice to families. But much of the implementation was not thought out, he said, leaving teachers to deal with the fallout.

Teachers are beyond exhausted, said Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, one of the largest teachers unions in the country.

“This is the worst of all worlds,” she said. “The choice to do that came down to money and convenience, because it certainly wasn’t about efficacy and instruction.”

Long-term consequences

David Finkle, a ninth-grade teacher at a Florida high school, said he has not been able to sleep despite being depleted of energy after a full day of online and in-person instruction. The veteran teacher of nearly 30 years stopped running, writing creatively and doing any of the other activities he enjoys when school began in August.

“It's been very hard for me to focus on my other creative stuff outside of school because school is wiping me out," he said, adding that it's difficult to keep up with grading because it takes so long to plan lessons for the two groups.

"I wish I could focus on one set of students," he said.

Teachers are reporting high levels of stress and burnout around the country, including in Kansas, Michigan and Arkansas. In Utah, the Salt Lake Tribune reported, principals say their teachers are having panic attacks while juggling both.

High levels of teacher stress affect not only students and their quality of education, but the entire profession, said Christopher McCarthy, chair of the educational psychology department at the University of Texas at Austin.

"When teachers are under a lot of stress, they are also a lot more likely to leave the profession, which is a very bad outcome," he said.

Already, 28 percent of educators said the Covid-19 pandemic has made them more likely to retire early or leave the profession, according to a nationwide poll of educators published in Augustby the National Education Association, the country's largest teachers union.

Rhoads, the education researcher, said retaining high-caliber teachers is crucial, especially now, but if the hyflex model continues without adequate support, a mass teacher shortage is inevitable.

Such an event would have far-reaching effects, accelerating school district consolidations and causing some states to lower their standards and licensing requirements for teachers, he said.

For instance, the Missouri Board of Education passed an emergency rule in anticipation of a pandemic-related teacher shortage that made it easier to become a substitute. Instead of 60 hours of college credit, eligible substitutes need only a high school diploma, to complete a 20-hour online training course and pass a background check, according to the Associated Press.

Iowa relaxed relaxed coursework requirements and lowered the minimum age for newly hired substitutes from 21 to 20, the AP reported, and in Connecticut, college students have been asked to step in as substitutes.

Supporting teachers

Paige, a middle school teacher in central Florida who did not want her full name used to protect her job, said teachers at her school received less than a week’s notice that they would be teaching in the classroom and online concurrently. They received no training on platforms or logistics, she said.

Since the beginning of the year, she has struggled with internet accessibility and technical glitches.

“We need greater bandwidth," she said. "I have five kids turn on the camera and suddenly nothing is working in real time anymore. We need more devices."

She said teachers doing double duty should receive improved products, technology training and professional guidance and mentorship. Other teachers said having a day or even half a day for planning would help.

McCarthy, the educational psychologist, said the best support teachers can get when demands are high are the resources to deal with the challenges.

"What's happening right now is lack of resources mixed with a lot of uncertainty," he said, "and that is a toxic blend."

BEIJING (AP) — Following scathing political attacks from the Trump administration, China on Friday defended its Confucius Institutes as apolitical facilitators of cultural and language exchange.

The administration last week urged U.S. schools and colleges to rethink their ties to the institutes that bring Chinese language classes to America but, according to federal officials, also invite a “malign influence” from China.

Foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian disputed that characterization and accused Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and U.S. politicians of acting out of “ideological prejudice and personal political interests” and having “deliberately undermined the cultural and educational exchanges and cooperation between China and the U.S.”

The U.S. politicians should “abandon the Cold War mentality and zero-sum thinking ... and stop politicizing related programs of educational exchange, obstructing normal cultural exchanges between the two sides, and damaging mutual trust and cooperation between China and the U.S.," Zhao said at a daily briefing.

Patterned after the British Council and Alliance Francaise, the Confucius Institutes are unique in that they set up operations directly on U.S. campuses and schools, drawing mounting scrutiny from U.S. officials amid increased tensions with China.

In letters to universities and state education officials, the State Department and Education Department said the program gives China's ruling Communist Party a foothold on U.S. soil and threatens free speech. Schools are being advised to examine the program’s activities and “take action to safeguard your educational environments.”

More than 60 U.S. universities host Confucius Institutes through partnerships with an affiliate of China’s Ministry of Education, though the number has lately been dropping. China provides teachers and textbooks and typically splits the cost with the university. The program also brings Chinese language classes to about 500 elementary and secondary classrooms.

In last week's letters, U.S. officials drew attention to China’s new national security law in Hong Kong, which critics say curtails free expression and other liberties. The letters cite recent reports that some U.S. college professors are allowing students to opt out of discussions on Chinese politics amid fears that students from Hong Kong or China could be prosecuted at home.

Such fears are “well justified,” officials said, adding that at least one student from China was recently jailed by Chinese authorities over tweets he posted while studying at a U.S. university.

At least 39 universities have announced plans to shutter Confucius Institute programs since the start of 2019, according to a log published by the National Association of Scholars, a conservative nonprofit group.

Other nations have also sought to curb China’s influence in their schools, with regional educational departments in Canada and Australia cutting ties with the institutes.

KABUL, Afghanistan

Afghanistan reopened schools at all levels on Saturday after health authorities claimed the country surmounted the first wave of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

Education Ministry spokeswoman Nooria Nuzhat announced that all public school students from grades 1 to 10 would again start going to their schools, where hygiene measures will be ensured to avoid contracting COVID-19.

Last month, the government only allowed private schools, as well as the 11th and 12th grades in public schools, to re-open.

Defending the move, Nuzhat said the extended closure was due to a lack of facilities and the large numbers of students in these schools amid fears of the virus.

Hundreds of thousands of students went to their schools for the first time on Saturday since winter holidays in December 2019, which were supposed to end in March 2020. However, the schools were kept closed following a government move in March until Oct. 3.

According to official statistics, there are currently roughly 16,500 public schools across the country, of which 6,211 are primary schools and 3,856 are secondary schools. These serve over 5 million primary-level and nearly 3 million secondary-level students.t

The latest figures by the Health Ministry suggest that only seven new cases of the coronavirus were confirmed from 59 samples tested in the past 24 hours, raising the total confirmed cases in Afghanistan to 39,297.

At least ten million Afghans have been infected with the coronavirus, a survey by the ministry said last month./aa


A fire on Sunday engulfed the campus of one of Africa's top universities in Uganda's capital Kampala.

"The fire brigade is on ground. Everyone is trying their best. The fire is heavy and sprouting from the right side of the Building. The fire flames are heavy coming through right side of the roof which has sunk in. We all need to pray for the Ivory Tower," said the Makerere University in a Facebook post.

The cause of the fire is yet to be confirmed.

“It is a very dark morning for Makerere University. Our iconic Main Administration Building caught fire and the destruction is unbelievable. But we are determined to restore the building to its historic state in the shortest time," Vice Chancellor Barnabas Nawangwe said in a tweet.


A government scientist has warned that unless the UK government implements further coronavirus restrictions, the country will be at risk from a second national lockdown, the Guardian reported on Thursday.

Professor Susan Michie is the director of the Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London and a member of the scientific pandemic influenza group on behavioral science, which advises the government.

“If more restrictions aren’t done very soon then I think we risk being back into the situation where a national lockdown may be necessary,” she told the Guardian. “Business as usual isn’t an option.”

This included more restrictions on members of the public mixing with each other by closing pubs and restaurants, working from home, and reducing public transport usage.

She said these measures, which have been loosened in recent weeks as the government sought to reopen the economy, “should never have been changed.”

“We are in a total crisis. If we’d had a functioning test, trace-and-isolate system, yes maybe we could have gotten away with a curfew [for pubs and other venues], but without the testing we don’t know where the outbreaks are happening, we can’t manage them – it is like a fire and we have lost our fire engines and out hoses,” she said.

She called for better screening at UK borders and for university teaching to be done online.

“I would say take all those things and review it: if in two weeks time [cases] are still exponentially rising then I think one would have to then look at a full national lockdown,” she said. “But I think we should have a first effort to avoid it.”

The government was forced to deny on Thursday that it considered a two-week national lockdown, after rumors in local media that such a plan was in the works.


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio again delayed Thursday the start of in-person schooling over safety concerns tied to the coronavirus pandemic, just days before children were expected to attend class. 

Schooling for all students was to begin on Monday, but de Blasio's plan has delayed the beginning of in-person learning on a rolling basis. Only students in pre-Kindergarten, as well as schooling for individuals with advanced special needs will begin Monday under the new plan.

Elementary schools will now open Sept. 29, and middle and high schools will not begin in-person learning until Oct. 1. Those students will have to attend class remotely until schools officially open for them.

"I’ve mentioned from the very beginning that we’re taking every precaution necessary," de Blasio said on Twitter. "That the safety of our kids comes first. And that as we move along, we will rely on expert advice and pivot if needed. This was a promise to ensure we reopen safely, and successfully."

Thursday's delay is the second this month, and would be used to add additional staffing amid a shortage of educators need for the city to implement its planned reopening that de Blasio said was his main reason for changing plans at the last minute.

In addition to the 2,000 more teachers that were announced Monday, de Blasio said during a news conference that the city would call up 2,500 educators from the City University of New York, substitute teachers, and the education department./aa

A New York student was arrested after repeatedly going to to school on days he was scheduled for online learning, officials say.

Maverick Stow, a student at William Floyd High School in Long Island, went to campus Thursday despite his suspension for going to campus on a day he was supposed to be attending remote classes, according to the William Floyd School District. Suffolk County police officers arrested the teenager as he entered the building.

Stow is protesting guidelines imposed by state officials for reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic. The high school of 3,000 students is offering a hybrid of online and in-person classes to abide by social distancing requirements.

“Mr. Stow continues to display irresponsible and selfish behavior with today’s latest publicity stunt,” the school said in a statement. “He arrived wearing a neon green shirt — for high visibility — with a contingent of media just outside the fence line trying to capture him getting arrested as he entered the building.”

He was arrested on a charge of criminal trespassing.

“I feel strongly that kids should be able to go to school five days a week,” Stow told WPIX. “I hope that me facing the consequences for my actions are going to lead to potentially change in the schooling system and a 100% in-person learning solution.”

The 17-year-old’s parents support their son’s decision, WABC reported.

“Kids need to be in school every day. Virtual learning is not learning,” Nora Kaplan-Stow told the news outlet a day before her son’s arrest. “My son is being suspended because he wants to be in school.”

The school district says Stow’s actions are creating a “circus atmosphere.”

“We are still in the midst of a pandemic and will abide by the regulations set in place by our government and health officials designed to keep our students and staff safe,” the school district said. “As we have said, Mr. Stow’s rights as a student do not surpass the rights of any of our other 8,799 students; they should not have to come to school to witness this circus atmosphere each day.”

Miami Herald

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