Feminism and Atheism: Two Sides of the Same Coin!

By Asma Alsayed Khalil July 30, 2024 3455

We are not exaggerating if we say that feminism is a paved road to atheism and that the convictions of feminists are hostile to religion, even if they are adorned with its cloak and falsely claim what it does not contain. If the atheist is psychologically unstable, internally contradictory, allows himself what he does not allow for others, and has no prohibitions or taboos; likewise, the feminist permits herself the forbidden, and with clear extremism and astonishing boldness, breaks the barriers of society and the walls of Sharia legislation. She raises misconceptions with the aim of shaking the faith in the hearts of the believers. If she follows the Western agenda and the plans she receives from abroad, she effectively finds herself on the path to atheism, and perhaps it ends with her committing suicide amid many conflicts and warnings, as has happened to some Arab feminists who were deceived by this destructive ideology.


The Reality of Feminism

The surface of feminism is attractive and enticing for those who do not understand its goals. While it calls for women's rights from a human perspective, it does not do so based on human experience, what religions have agreed upon, or even the nature that Allah created for both sexes. Instead, it acts out of revenge against the customs and distorted religions that have deprived her of her rights. When given the opportunity to express her views, she acts recklessly, accusing everyone of unfairness. Instead of demanding women's rights as recognized by moderate societies, she starts pressuring through this movement to equate women with men, without considering the natural differences between the sexes. She first claims that the contemporary world is a male-dominated world that treats women unjustly, thus necessitating the fight against this “gender” pattern with complete equality between the sexes, except in clothing. Beyond that, she claims all rights, including the right to childbirth, contraception, and abortion.


Atheist Feminism

Atheists often declare that religions are based on bias against women, which feminists consider a testimony in their favor. This gave rise to what is called “atheist feminism” to affirm this meaning, which, while applicable to distorted doctrines and religions, certainly does not apply to Islam. However, the atheist framework embraced these “atheist feminists,” who applied this idea to everyone, giving themselves the right—therefore—to sexual liberation, pornography, rejection of religion, rebellion against Sharia, and breaking away from the family system.

It is no secret what they do in attacking Islam—religion and Sharia—because its beliefs contradict theirs. If they see that men are the ideal model and strive to replicate this model, Islam does not hold this view. Islam shattered the myth of the male found in other societies and made its ideal model based on piety and noble morals for both men and women alike.


Imported Goods

Just as atheism came to us through the West and its vices, feminism found a foothold in our lands, first by the Jews who want it to be a discord and want us, in particular, to be fuel for the misguided. Just as they invent “fashions,” they spread this ideology to distort religion, and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion bear witness to this.

This call found receptive ears among those accustomed to hypocrisy and running after desires, finding in it a release from the authority of religion. There is no embarrassment in expressing these ideas, even openly committing immorality.

What fed this feminist movement is the raid on our Islamic world, which strikes our children every hour, casting doubt on our religion, dividing our societies into men and women, each hostile to the other, and creating a fictitious conflict that should not exist under the shadow of the glorious Sharia that even granted justice to stones and trees.

It is thus a Western misconception aimed at distorting Islam and burying its civilizational achievements and tools in advocating for women and promoting their status. This makes the foolish believe that Islam is hostile to them, making it impossible to remain faithful to it. How can one believe in a religion that wants her to be a slave to man, deprived of her capacities?


Against Sharia

If the atheist says, “No to religion,” the feminist says it in a more reserved manner; if the atheist is straightforward in his hostility to religion, the feminist keeps a thread, the thread of the hypocrites. Allah the Almighty says, “Men are in charge of women.” (An-Nisa: 34), but the feminist says: No, he has no guardianship over me, refusing that divorce is in his hand or that he takes double her share of inheritance, and refusing his right to polygamy. At the same time, she sees no harm in perversion, same-sex marriage, abortion, and adultery, which Allah has forbidden, claiming that she is free in her body and no one has authority over it.

The absolute freedom demanded by feminism contradicts the idea of servitude to Allah and adherence to His law. Allah says, “It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that they should [thereafter] have any choice about their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly strayed into clear error.” (Al-Ahzab: 36) This is rebellion against the Sharia and rejection of Islam’s principles and rulings regarding the relationship between the sexes. Some have even crossed this denial to reach blasphemy, openly criticizing Allah and denying the authenticity of the Sunnah, something not even the most extreme atheists do.


A Trend Opposed to Virtue

Those who adopt this feminist approach continue to boast about their disdain for religion, mocking morals and virtue, and openly committing immorality and perversion, which are now known to all. Modern feminism has considered every relationship between a man and a woman, even within marriage, without the woman's consent as rape punishable by the man, opening the doors to vice and thus destroying the family structure. Even worse, they also demand the right to determine their gender and to engage in sex with whoever they please, whether within marriage or outside it. Can immorality and apostasy sink any lower!



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