Gamal Khattab
Israel is a country that was created through a colonial movement. Understanding the moral foundations of Israel is important to grasp the current situation in the region. Israeli historian and academic Ilan Pappé sheds light on this topic and explains how the context of the war on Gaza is used to justify Israel's actions.
The School of New Israeli Historians
Pappé is part of a group of historians known as the "School of New Israeli Historians." These thinkers, including Benny Morris, Ze'ev Sternhell, Avi Shlaim, and Tom Segev, have critically examined different aspects of Israel's history.
The Expanding Definition of Anti-Semitism
Pappé argues that Israel is pushing for an expanded definition of anti-Semitism that includes criticism of the Israeli state and questioning the moral basis of Zionism. This allows Israel to continue its policies in Gaza and influences Western governments to support these actions.
The Historical Context
Pappé emphasizes the importance of considering the historical context of Israel and Palestine. He traces it back to the 19th century when the idea of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine gained traction among evangelical Christians in the West. This idea was seen as a religious necessity and a way to bring about the end of time.
Political Theology
Pappé explains that political theology, the use of religion for political purposes, played a significant role in the early 20th century. The British, who wanted to dismantle the Ottoman Empire, found the idea of Zionism appealing. It also resonated with British Jews and Christians who saw it as a solution to anti-Semitism in Europe.
Judaism as a Nationality
Some Jewish thinkers and activists redefined Judaism as a nationality to protect Jewish communities from anti-Semitism. However, this led to a settler-colonial project that ignored the indigenous Palestinian population.
The Buraq Uprising and Ethnic Cleansing
Palestinian society responded to the Zionist colonial project with anti-colonial movements. The Buraq Uprising in 1929 marked the beginning of Palestinian resistance. The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948 resulted in the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, many of whom became refugees.
The Israeli Occupation
For the past fifty years, Israel has occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip, subjecting Palestinians to collective punishment and harassment. Since the election of a fundamentalist Israeli government, these policies have intensified, leading to increased violence and aggression.
The Blockade of Gaza
Gaza has been under a blockade for sixteen years, causing immense suffering for its population, especially children. The blockade was imposed in response to Hamas winning democratic elections and has further isolated Gaza from the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Israel's Control and Hamas' Response
In Gaza, Israel had control over who could enter or leave the Jewish neighborhood. They even monitored the type of food that came in, sometimes limiting the number of calories. In response to this difficult situation, Hamas, a Palestinian group, started firing rockets at civilian areas in Israel.
The Israeli Government's Perspective
The Israeli government claimed that Hamas attacked because they wanted to kill Jews. They saw it as a new form of Nazism. However, they ignored the context of the Nakba, the terrible siege imposed on two million people, and the oppression faced by Palestinians in different parts of historic Palestine.
The Consequences for Hamas
Hamas was the only Palestinian group that promised to fight back against these policies. However, the way they chose to respond might lead to their downfall, especially in the Gaza Strip. It could also give an excuse for more oppression against the Palestinian people.
Understanding the Brutality
The historian, Pappe, believes that the attack was brutal and cannot be justified. However, he thinks it can be explained and understood in context. He says that it changes the rules of the game, but at a great cost to both sides. He wonders what this means for the future.
Israel's Nature and Democracy
Pappe believes that Israel will always be a state created by settlers, and that will shape its political nature. Despite claiming to be the only democracy in the Middle East, it will only be a democracy for Jewish citizens.
Internal Conflict in Israel
Pappe predicts that there will be conflict within Israel between those who want a more religious and racist state and those who want to maintain the status quo. He believes that neither of these models is democratic when it comes to Palestinians.
The Future of Israel and Palestine
Pappe argues that Israel will remain an apartheid state, regardless of the situation in Gaza. On the other hand, the Palestinians will continue their struggle for liberation. He suggests that the only way to end the cycle of violence is to change the regime in Israel and provide equal rights for everyone, including the return of Palestinian refugees.